Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Code Block

Put File

Uploads a file to a file specific scope of a specific record. Files can only be uploaded to scopes that don't previously exist, or that already contain files. Put file uses multipart/form-data format to upload the file. Metadata associated with the file can also be specified as multipart/form-data fields.


The put file PUT/POST multipart/form-data request URL requires the storageunit, record key and the scope where the file will be uploaded. The request multipart/form-data body requires at least a file field with the file reference. By default the version for the file will be set to 1 and the policy will be merge (same policies as the add action policies). To specify additional metadata for the file, add other multipart/form-data text fields to the request.

Code Block
PUT transaction/putFile/<storage-unit>/<key>/<scope>


  • Content-type: multipart/form-data;boundary=BOUNDARY_TOKEN


  • file: File type field where the file is specified. The filename will be used as the file identifier when requesting back the file.
  • version: A version to chronologically identify the file transactions. If a file with the same filename already exists with a higher version, the filename will not be added.
  • policy: The policy to use when adding a file:
    • new: only adds the file doesn't exist in the scope.
    • overwrite: if a file with the same name already exists, it overwrites all of it's previous metadata and updates the file.
    • merge: if a file with the same name already exists, it adds any new metadata to the file metadata, overwrites existing metadata for that file.
  • additional metadata: any other field in the request will be considered file metadata and saved as such. The field name can have the filename as a prefix, separated by a colon.


If the file is uploaded correctly, a 200 response code and an OK message are returned.


Code Block

Multiple File Upload

Using the same putFile request, multiple files can be uploaded at once to the same scope of a storage unit.

To upload multiple files, the multpart/form-data request accepts multiple entries of the file field.

To specify metadata specific to a file, add the file name as a prefix to the metadata fields for that file, including version and policy. If a prefix is not specified, the field is considered general and it is added as metadata for all files.

Body Sample:

descriptionLogo image

In this example, two files will be added:

  • file1.jpg: 
    • version = 1
    • policy = merge
    • title = logo
    • description = Logo image
  • file2.jpg (no title field)
    • version = 4
    • policy = merge
    • description = Logo image

Delete File

Deletes a file, given the file name, from a file scope of the specified record. 


The delete file DELETE/POST request requires the storage unit name, record key, scope name and the file name to delete. Additionally requires a JSON body with a version and delete policy.

  • version: A version to chronologically identify the file transactions. If a file within record with the same file name already exists with a higher version, the file will not be deleted.
  • policy: The policy to use when deleting the file from the scope of the record:
    • silent (default): If the record/scope doesn't exist, the request completes without an error.
    • mustexist: If the record/scope doesn't exist, an error is reported back in the response for the record.