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This is a base/example script that will allow you to incorporate functionality from external jar files into a Groovy stage in the pipeline. Usually, third-party jars must be "wrapped" to be used in Aspire. This requires coding a wrapper stage. However, if you only want to use a small number of methods in the jar file, this Groovy stage method can be used. The script assumes that the jar files and dependencies have been copied into the "lib" folder as part of the Aspire distribution.

Please note an example Example folder structure below:








// Details of 3rd Third-Party Jar

// The third party jar
def basePathLangDetect = "lib/langdetect.jar";
def basePathJSONIC = "lib/jsonic-1.3.0.jar";
def basePathCatCon = "lib/tgcatcon.jar";
def basePaths = [basePathLangDetect, basePathJSONIC, basePathCatCon] as String[];

// Classes to use
def classDetectorFactory = "com.cybozu.labs.langdetect.DetectorFactory";
def classJSON = "net.arnx.jsonic.JSON";
def classJSONException = "net.arnx.jsonic.JSONException";

// Base methods to load 3rd Third-Party Classes
//There should not be major reason to change this code.

//Obtains the relative path
def getRelativePath = { basePath ->
	def path = "file://" + new File(basePath).toURI().getPath();

// Obtains the classloader consisting of the original class loader with the jar file added.
// Use this if you only have a single 3rd Party jar file.
// param: path - the path to the jar file
def getClassLoader = { path ->
	def classLoader = ClassLoader.systemClassLoader
	while (classLoader.parent) {
		classLoader = classLoader.parent
	def newClassLoader = new URLClassLoader([new File(path).toString().toURL()] as URL[], classLoader);
	return newClassLoader;

// Obtains the classloader consisting of the original class loader with the jar files added.
// Use this if you have multiple 3rd Party jar files.
// param: paths - an array of the paths to the jar file
def getMultiClassLoader = { paths ->
	def classLoader = ClassLoader.systemClassLoader
	while (classLoader.parent) {
		classLoader = classLoader.parent
	ArrayList<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>(paths.length);
	for (String path:paths) {
		urls.add(new File(getRelativePath(path)).toString().toURL());
	def newClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(urls.toArray([] as URL[]), classLoader);
	return newClassLoader;

// Obtains a new instance of a class using the classloader and a constructor with an empty argument list
def getClass = { cName, cLoader ->
	// load the class
	Class clazz = cLoader.loadClass(cName)
	return clazz.newInstance()

// Obtains a new instance of a class using the classloader and a constructor with the specified array of arguments.
// paramTypes is an array of classes representing the Constructor parameters.
// paramValues is an array of Objects representing the Constructor parameter values.
def getClassWithArgs = { cName, cLoader, paramTypes, paramValues ->
	// load the class
	Class clazz = cLoader.loadClass(cName)
	return clazz.getConstructor(paramTypes).newInstance(paramValues)

// Load the class using the classloader.
// Use this if you don't need an instance of the class but the script needs to be aware of it.
def loadClass = { cName, cLoader ->
	return cLoader.loadClass(cName)
// End Base methods to load 3rd Third-Party Classes

// Example usageUsage

// Get a Class Loader for all 3rd Party Jars. Need to use the same one for all classes.
classLoader = getMultiClassLoader(basePaths);

// Load the extra classes required by LangDetect
jsonException = loadClass(classJSONException, classLoader);
json = loadClass(classJSON, classLoader);

// Get a DetectorFactory and load the files from the LangDetect profiles directory
detectorFactory = loadClass(classDetectorFactory, classLoader);

// Instantiate a class with no constructor parameters
catHandle = getClass(classname, classLoader);

// Call a method
catHandle.addServer("", 6500);

// Example of instantiating a class with constructor parameters (equivalent to cal = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "en"))
cal = getClassWithArgs("java.util.SimpleTimeZone", classLoader, [int.class, String.class] as Class[], [0, "en"] as Object[]);