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The Shared File System binary store service reads and writes to a file system mounted on the Aspire server(s). In a single server installation, this could be a local disk, but for a distributed system it must be a file system mounted on all servers in the Aspire cluster.

The store is configured with a base directory under which all content is written. Filenames are based on a hash of the Aspire document id and are written under a configurable directory structure that is also based on the hash of the id.

Stored File Names

When configuring the File System store, you will enter two pieces of information. This first is a “base path”. This base path can be absolute or relative to ASPIRE_HOME and will be the directory under which all data in the store is written. When calls are made to the interfaces to read or write data, they optionally specify a “content source”. When a content source is given, a directory for that source will be added under the base.

The rest of the stored file name comprises of a hash for the document id and the document id itself. This directory the file will be stored in is constructed from a hash of the document, modified by a scheme configured by the second configuration parameter the store accepts. This parameter allows the administrator to control the number of levels or directories and the number of children in each. If the administrator enters “2,3” (the default), the five lower significant bytes of the hash will be used to create the directory structure. There will be two directory levels, the lowest using the three least significant bytes as a name and the highest using the next two least significant bytes from the hash as the directory name. If the user entered “5,5,5”, there would be three directory levels, each using five bytes from the hash as the name.

The file name used will be comprised of the whole hash of the id, suffixed with the last part of the document id (split at the last back or forward slash). This file name may be reduced in size and the middle section replaced with “…” if the resulting absolute file name of the stored file is particularly long.

Installation and configuration

Step 1. Launch Aspire and Open the Services Management Page

  1. Launch Aspire (if it's not already running).
  2. Go to Launch Control.
  3. Browse to: http://localhost:50505

For details on using the Aspire Content Source Services Management page, see Admin UI.

Step 2. Add a new File System Binary Store

  1. From Services, click Add Service.
  2. Click File System Binary Store.

Step 2a. Specify Basic Information

  1. Enter a service name or leave as default.
  2. Click the Service tab at the top of the screen or use the “arrow” at the right of the screen to move to the service configuration screen. You will now see the service configuration.

Step 2b. Specify Service Information

In the Service tab, specify the information required:

  1. Base path: The path under which all data will be written
    1. Can be relative to ASPIRE_HOME or absolute
  2. Directory name format:
    1. Controls the number of levels of directories and the number of children per level. If the administrator enters “2,3” (the default), the five lower significant bytes of the hash will be used to create the directory structure. There will be two directory levels, the lowest using the three least significant bytes as a name and the highest using the next two least significant bytes from the hash as the directory name. If the user entered “5,5,5”, there would be three directory levels, each using five bytes from the hash as the name.
  3. Debug: Select this if you want debug messages to be logged

Click Save and Done to return to the Services Manager