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Complete the following steps in order to configure the Azure Search Publisher.

 On this page:

Table of Contents

Step 1. Launch Aspire

Launch Aspire (if it's not already running). See: Launch Control

Step 2: Open the Content Source Management Page

Browse to: http://localhost:50505.

For details on using the Aspire Content Source Management page, please refer to Admin UI.

Step 3. Add a New Content Source

Complete the procedure to add a new content source from the Configuration Tutorial of the connector of your choice. Refer to the Connector list.

Step 4. Add a New Publish to Azure Search to the Workflow

To add a Publish to Azure Search, drag from the Publish to Azure Search rule from the Workflow Library and drop to the Workflow Tree where you want to add it. This will automatically open the Publish to Azure Search window for the configuration of the publisher.

Step 4a. Specify Publisher Information

 In the Publish to Azure Search window, specify the connection information to publish to the .

  • Name:  Enter a unique name for the publisher.
  • : Enter the name of the service endpoint to use.
  • Azure Index: Enter the Azure Search index where the jobs will be stored.
  • Azure API Version: Enter the Azure Search API version of the REST API.
  • Azure API Key: Enter the Azure Search API Key used to connect to the REST API.
  • Groovy Transform: Enter the path to the file containing the Groovy that will transform the job data to an Azure Search update message.
  • Create and Clear Index on Full Crawl: Check to re-create the Azure Search index each full crawl. If no selected the publisher will expect the index to exists.
  • Azure Search Index File: The path to the file containing the Azure Search index definition to use
  • Debug: Select the check box if you want to run the publisher in Debug mode.

After you Add, it will take a moment for Aspire to download all of the necessary components (Jar files) from the Maven repository and load them into Aspire.

When the download completes, the publisher will appear in the Workflow Tree.


For details on using the Workflow section, please refer to the Workflow introduction.