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Code Block
titleDefault Security Configuration
    security: {
        protocol: process.env.PROTOCOL || 'http', // https or http

         * Content Security Policy for the requests,
        allowDomainsAccess: {
            // Defines the default policy for fetching resources such as JavaScript, Images, CSS, Fonts, AJAX requests, Frames, HTML5 Media
            defaults: [],
            // Defines valid sources of images.
            images: [''],
            // Defines valid sources of stylesheets or CSS.
            styles: [],
            // Defines valid sources of JavaScript.
            scripts: [],
            // Applies to XMLHttpRequest (AJAX), WebSocket, fetch(), <a ping> or EventSource. If not allowed the browser emulates a 400
            connects: []

        allowGroups: ['Administrators'], // Groups with access to the user interface

        encryption: {
            secretKey: __utils.absPath('./config/server/auth/epk'),
            iv: __utils.absPath('./config/server/auth/eiv')

         * SSL Certificate, only aplicable when protocol is https
        serverCert: {
            certFilePath: __utils.absPath('./config/certs/server/all/server-cert.pem'),
            keyFilePath: __utils.absPath('./config/certs/server/all/server-key.pem'),
            keyFilePassphrase: ''

         * Group Expansion
        groupExpansion: {
            enabled: false,
            url: 'http://localhost:50505/groupExpansion?username=${user.account}&json=1'

         * User Authentication
        auth: { . . . },
        permissions: {
            default_role: 'reader',
            file: __utils.absPath('./config/server/auth/permissions.csv')
        roles: {
            file: __utils.absPath('./config/server/auth/roles.csv')


Code Block
titleAuthentication Configuration
    security: {
         * User Authentication
        auth: {
            type: 'none',
            passport: {
                secret: 'SearchTech'
            oauth2: {
                provider: 'google',
                callbackUrlDomain: DOMAIN_NAME,
                calllbackUrlPort: SERVER_PORT,
                google: {
                    scope: ['profile', 'email'],
                    clientID: '', // Client ID
                    clientSecret: '9RjuURmdon0UePqIbS2wJB9h'

                // Sample OKTA authentication
                // login: [email protected]
                // password: Horrible-Dotterel-75
                okta: {
                    domain: 'domain',
                    callbackUrlDomain: DOMAIN_NAME,
                    calllbackUrlPort: SERVER_PORT,
                    scope: ['profile', 'email'],
                    clientID: 'client-id', // Client ID
                    clientSecret: 'client-secret'
            saml2: {
                provider: 'google', // supported values: google
                google: {
                    entryPoint: '', // replace with value appropriate for your project
                    issuer: 'nikepoc', // replace with value appropriate for your project
                    certPath: __utils.absPath('./config/certs/saml2/all/google-saml2.pem'), // replace with value appropriate for your project
                    attributesMapping: { // key is the property name stored in the SEIA user profile, the value is the property name from the SAML profile
                        uid: 'nameID',
                        email: 'nameID',
                        firstName: 'firstName',
                        lastName: 'lastName',
                        groups: 'groups'
                okta: {
                    entryPoint: '', // replace with value appropriate for your project
                    issuer: 'nikepoc', // replace with value appropriate for your project
                    certPath: __utils.absPath('./config/certs/saml2/all/okta-saml2.pem'), // replace with value appropriate for your project
                    attributesMapping: { // key is the property name stored in the SEIA user profile, the value is the property name from the SAML profile
                        uid: 'nameID',
                        email: 'nameID',
                        firstName: 'firstName',
                        lastName: 'lastName',
                        groups: 'groups'
            ldap: {
                provider: 'apacheds',
                apacheds: {
                    server: {
                        url: 'ldap://localhost:10389',
                        bindDN: 'uid=admin, ou=system', // Bind DN or User
                        bindCredentials: 'secret', // password
                        searchBase: 'ou=users,dc=esui,dc=com',
                        searchFilter: '(uid={{username}})',
                        searchAttributes: ['uid', 'cn', 'sn', 'displayName', 'ou', 'photo']
                    attributesMapping: { // key is the property name stored in the SEIA user profile, the value is the user attribute in LDAP
                        _id: 'uid', // _id is required
                        account: 'uid', // account is for roles and group expansion
                        email: 'uid',
                        firstName: 'cn',
                        lastName: 'sn',
                        name: 'cn',
                        alias: 'displayName', // if the alias is not given, one is created from the first and last name or roles
                        groups: 'ou',
                        photo: 'photo'
                ad: {
                    server: {
                        url: 'ldaps://',
                        bindDN: 'cn=non-person,ou=system,dc=corp,dc=corporate,dc=com',
                        bindCredentials: 'secret',
                        searchBase: 'dc=corp,dc=corporate,dc=com',
                        searchFilter: '(&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)(|(samaccountname={{username}})(mail={{username}})))',
                        searchAttributes: ['displayName', 'mail', 'samaccountname'],
                        tlsOptions: {
                            ca: [
                                // fs.readFileSync('/path/to/root_ca_cert.crt')
                    attributesMapping: { // key is the property name stored in the SEIA user profile, the value is the user attribute in LDAP
                        uid: 'samaccountname',
                        account: 'samaccountname', // account is for roles and group expansion
                        email: 'mail',
                        firstName: 'givenName',
                        lastName: 'sn',
                        groups: 'groups'