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Some Aspire components must be configured before the settings.json is read like the NoSQL provider. This configuration is done using environment variables or JVM parameters.

Some components configured in the settings file like the Worker and Manager node allows configuration with environment variables or JVM parameters as an alternative

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All properties can be passed either as a environment variable or as a JVM parameter. The "." and "_" characters can be replaced with each other.

Code Block
SET aspire_noSql_elastic_server=http://localhost:9200 //Setting a property as a environment variable
java -Daspire.noSql.elastic.server=http://localhost:9200 //Passing a property like JVM parameter

Elasticsearch NoSQL Provider

Bellow are the list of properties to configure the Elasticsearch NoSQL Provider

aspire.noSql.elastic.serverhttp://localhost:9200Required: The elasticsearch server url to use. It can be multiple urls separated by ","
aspire.noSql.elastic.authentication.basicfalse(Optional) Enables elasticsearch basic authentication
aspire.noSql.elastic.usernull(Optional) The elasticsearch user to use for basic authentication
aspire.noSql.elastic.passwordnull(Optional) The elasticsearch password to use for basic authentication
aspire.noSql.elastic.authentication.awsfalse(Optional) Enables elasticsearch AWS authentication
aspire.noSql.elastic.authentication.useCredentialsProviderChainfalse(Optional) Option to use the AWS credentials provider chain to get the credentials AWS access key for authentication AWS secret key for authentication The AWS region
aspire.noSql.elastic.keepSearchContextAlive5m(Optional) The amount of time to keep elasticsearch scrolls requests search context alive using "m" as a unit
aspire.noSql.elastic.maxRequestSize104857600B(Optional) The maximum size for a bulk request. The value can be specified in B, K, M and G units
aspire.noSql.elastic.maxConnections100(Optional) The maximum amount of connections to mantain open.
aspire.noSql.elastic.maxConnectionsPerRoute10(Optional) The maximum amount of connections per server
aspire.noSql.elastic.maxRetries3(Optional) The amount of times to retry each request
aspire.noSql.elastic.retriesWaitTime5000(Optional) The time to wait in ms between retries
aspire.noSql.elastic.useThrottlingfalse(Optional) Enables requests throttling to elasticsearch
aspire.noSql.elastic.throttlingRate5000(Optional) The throttling rate in ms
aspire.noSql.elastic.throttlingConnectionRate500(Optional) The maximum amount of requests allowed in the period specified by the throttlingRate
aspire.noSql.elastic.waitTime4293000(Optional) The time to wait in ms before retrying a 429 error
aspire.noSql.elastic.bulktrue(Optional) Enables using bulk for requests
aspire.noSql.elastic.bulkSize500(Optional) The maximum number of documents to include in a bulk request
aspire.noSql.elastic.bulkInactivityTimeout5(Optional) The inactivity in s before flushing a bulk request
aspire.noSql.elastic.bulkRegularTimeout30(Optional) The maximum amount of time in s for a bulk request to be kept in memory before flushing
aspire.noSql.elastic.debugFilenull(Optional) The path to the debug file, request to ES are logged in this file 
aspire.noSql.elastic.mappingFilenull(Optional) The file path (including file name) that includes the mapping for the indexes used by Aspire. By default mapping included in the provider is used
aspire.noSql.elastic.index.prefixaspire(Optional) The prefix to use for the indexes created by the provider

SSL Certificates

Bellow are the list of properties to configure the SSL Certificates

ParameterDefaultDescription Configure if all certificates should be trusted Configure if the created key managers should overwrite the Java connection factory The path of the trust store file The trust store file password The file format of the trust store file The path of the key store file The key store file password The file format of the key store file

Security and encryption

Bellow are the list of properties related to the Aspire security and encryption

aspire.ldap.bind.dn.passwordfalseRequired: The password of the User DN. Not required if the authentication is anonymous 
Optional) The file path (including file name) where master key is located, if not provided a in memory hardcoded key will be used, for production installations it must be always provided.