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Table of Contents

Create Connection

idNo-NoId of the credential to update"89d6632a-a296-426c-adb0-d442adcab4b0"
typeNo-NoThe value must be "filesystem"."filesystem"
descriptionNo-NoName of the connection object."MyFileSystemConnection"
throttlePolicyYes-NoId of the throttle policy that applies to this connection object."f5587cee-9116-4011-b3a9-6b235b333a1b"
propertiesNo-NoConfiguration object

Name of the host where the smb share is located.""
Path of the base directory to crawl. All the seeds will be prefixed with this value to form the full path. All the seeds will be prefixed with this value to form the full path"C:\\Directory"
portYes445NoPort where the smb protocol is listened.445indexContainers
Enable to process directories as regular files.true / falsescanExcludedItemsYesfalseNoEnable to scan directories previously excluded from the crawl
If enabled symbolic links will not be processed and links in the root items will cause an error.true / false
stopOnScanErrorYestrueNoIf enabled, the crawl will stop if there is an error on the scan phase.true / false
disableFetchYesfalseNoDisable the content fetcher, only metadata will be retrieved.

true / false

verboseSMBJYesfalseNoLog SMBJ library output.true / falsetraceSMBJYesfalseNoLog TRACE level messages.true / falseincludeYes

[ ]

YesPatterns to match against document URL, if any of them match, the document will be included in the crawl.[ ".*pdf$", ".*docx$" ]excludeYes[ ]YesPatterns to match against document URL, if any of them match, the document will be excluded from the crawl.[ ".*png$", ".*jpeg$" ]fetchACLsYestrueNoEnable to retrieve the document's ACL information.true / falseresolveSIDsYestrueNoEnable to resolve the document Security Identifier (SID).true / falseaddACLSIDYesfalseNoEnable to add the SID to the ACL output
indexContainersYesfalseNoEnable to index the directories.true / false
falseNoEnable to add the Base32 encoded SID to the ACL output.
/ falseaddACLFlagsYes
NoEnable to
add Access Control Entry flags to the ACL output.true / falseaddACLTypeYesfalseNoEnable to add Access Control Entry type to the ACL output.true / falseaddACLAccessMaskYesfalseNoEnable to add the Access Control Entry access mask (hex value) to the ACL output.true / falseenableDFSYesfalseNoEnable Distributed File System (DFS) path resolution.true / falseconnectionTimeoutYes60000NoTimeout in milliseconds for establishing a connection with the server.60000maxRetriesYes5NoTimes a request will be retried before reporting the error.5baseBackoffYes500NoInitial time to wait before retrying a failed request500backoffMultiplierYes2NoMultiplier for the backoff period before retrying a request1.5lastAccessUpdateYesfalseNoIf enabled, the connector will override the last access date of the documents with the value they had before the crawl. NOTE: Requires writing permission
scan discovered items recursively.true / false

[ ]

YesStatic ACL configuration object
nameNo-NoName of the static ACL."group1"
domainYes""NoDomain of the static ACL."testDomain"
entityYes"user"NoEntity (user / group) represented by the static ACL."user" / "group"
accessYes"allow"NoAccess (allow / deny) granted by the ACL."allow" / "deny"


TitlePOST aspire/_api/connections
"type": "smb",
"description": "mySMBConn",
"credential": "f6679d15-7afa-42fe-b941-ed26fdf0ecd4",
"throttlePolicy": "f5587cee-9116-4011-b3a9-6b235b333a1b",
"properties": {
    "hosttype": "smb.hostfilesystem",
    "portdescription": 445,
    "indexContainers": false,
    "ignoreScanError": false"FileSystem Test Connector",
    "scanExcludedItemsproperties": false,{
    "disableFetch": false,
    "verboseSMBJurl": false,
    "include": [ "\\.*pdf$" ],
     "exclude":  [ "\\.*tiff$ignoreSymLinks": ]true,
    "fetchACLs": true,
    "resolveSIDsstopOnScanError": true,
    "addACLSID": false,
    "addACLEncodedSIDindexContainers": falsetrue,
    "addACLFlags": false,
    "addACLTypescanRecursively": falsetrue,
    "addACLAccessMask": false,
    "staticAcl": [{
            "name": "myACLtest-user",
                "domain": "myDomaintest-domain",
                "entity": "user",
                "access": "allow"
    }, {
            "name": "myGrouptest-group",
                "domain": "example",
                "entity": "group",
                "access": "deny"
    "enableDFS": true,
    "connectionTimeout": 60000,
       "maxRetries": 5, ]
    "baseBackoff": 500,
    "backoffMultiplier": 2,
    "lastAccessedUpdates": false}