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All Aspire Logs are now stored in the aspire-log NoSQL Database. This provides a centralized log that will contain information from all components loaded on all nodes.

These are the fields stored on each log entry:

timestampLong valued representing the date and time the log was generated.
severitySeverity of the log entry. Possible values: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR.1
componentThe Aspire component this log entry comes from.
messageLog message.
stackIn case the log is an ERROR, the stack trace of the exception causing the error is stored here.
serverJson object containing all information related to the server this log comes from.
server.ipThe server ip address.

The server port.

server.nameHostname of the server.
server.startLong representing the Aspire node start time.
server.idUnique id assigned to the server when the Aspire node is started.

Error Log

The Connector Framework provides an extra NoSQL database that will store all crawl related errors. This error entry will contain the corresponding log as well as information related to the error.

seedIdSeed that logged the error.
crawlIdCrawl where this error was generated.
typeError type. Possible types: process, scan, connector or identity.
timestampLong valued representing the date and time the error was generated.
messageError log message. It can contain the exception and a stack trace.

Error Types

Error TypeDescription
processAny error that comes from processing an item.
scanAny error generated while scanning a container.
identityAny error created when extracting an identity.
connectorAny error generated while processing a connector control item.  See Crawl Control to learn more about control items.

Log Monitoring

See How to Enable Aspire Logs in Kibana guide.