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The Elasticsearch Connector can be configured using the Rest API. It requires the following entities to be created:

  • Credential
  • Connection
  • Connector
  • Seed

Below are the examples of how to create the Connection and the Seed. For the Connector please check this page.

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navigationTitleOn this Page

Create Credential






The value must be "(ConnectorType)".


descriptionYes-NoName of the credential object.


propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object
authenticationYes"None"NoThe selected authentication method"Basic"
usernameNo-NoOnly required if "Use Basic Authentication" is selected. The name of elasticsearch user to use. testuser
passwordNo-NoOnly required if "Use Basic Authentication" is selected. The password of elasticsearch user to use. Password123
regionNo-NoOnly required if "AWS Signature V4 Authentication" is selected. The Region of the ES service to use. us-east-1
defaultAWSNoTRUENoEnable this to use the Default AWS Credentials
accessKeyNo-NoOnly required if "Use the Default AWS Credentials" is false. The Access key of the ES service to use
secretKeyNo-NoOnly required if "Use the Default AWS Credentials" is false. The Secret key of the ES service to use


Code Block
titlePOST aspire/_api/credentials
    "type": "elasticsearch",
    "description": "Elasticsearch Credential",
    "properties": {
         "authentication": "Basic",
         "username": "testuser",
         "password": "Password123",
         "region": "us-east-1",
         "defaultAWS": false,
         "accessKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
         "secretKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Update Credential





idYes-NoId of the credential to update."2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778"
descriptionYes-NoName of the credential object.


propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object
authenticationYes"None"NoThe selected authentication method"Basic"
usernameNo-NoOnly required if "Use Basic Authentication" is selected. The name of elasticsearch user to use. testuser
passwordNo-NoOnly required if "Use Basic Authentication" is selected. The password of elasticsearch user to use. Password123
regionNo-NoOnly required if "AWS Signature V4 Authentication" is selected. The Region of the ES service to use. us-east-1
defaultAWSNoTRUENoEnable this to use the Default AWS Credentials
accessKeyNo-NoOnly required if "Use the Default AWS Credentials" is false. The Access key of the ES service to use
secretKeyNo-NoOnly required if "Use the Default AWS Credentials" is false. The Secret key of the ES service to use


Code Block
titlePUT aspire/_api/credentials/2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778
   "id": "2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778",
    "description": "Elasticsearch Credential",
    "properties": {
         "authentication": "Basic",
         "username": "testuser",
         "password": "Password123",
         "region": "us-east-1",
         "defaultAWS": true,
         "accessKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
         "secretKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Create Connection








The value must be (ConnectorType)


descriptionYes-NoName of the connection object.


throttlePolicyNo-NoId of the throttle policy that applies to this connection object."f5587cee-9116-4011-b3a9-6b235b333a1b"
routingPoliciesNo[ ]YesThe ids of the routing policies that this connection will use.["313de87c-3cb9-4fe0-a2cb-17f75ce7d0c7", "b4d2579f-1a0a-4a8b-9fd4-d42780003b36"]
propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object


Code Block
titlePOST aspire/_api/connections
    "type": "<Connector Type>",
    "description": "<Connector Name> Test Connector",
    "properties": {

hostnameYes"localhost"NoThe elastic server hostnamelocalhost
portYes9200NoThe elastic server port9200
protocolNo-NoThe elastic server url protocolhttps
fetchDocumentsNoTRUENoCheck to fetch the documents contentTRUE
useMGETNoTRUENoCheck to user MGET for fetching the documents. If not individual GET requests will be executed for each documentTRUE
waitBeforeFetchingNoFALSENoCheck to make the fetch process wait for discovery process to be doneFALSE
includeFieldsNo-YesThe specified fields will be included in the fetch process of the document.[{"includeField":"field1"}, {"includeField":"field2"}]
includeFieldNo-Nothe name of the field to include in the fetch process.field1
excludeFieldsNo-YesThe specified fields will be excluded in the fetch process of the document.[{"excludeField":"field3"}, {"excludeField":"field4"}]
excludeFieldNo-Nothe name of the field to exclude in the fetch process.field3
verifyFinalCountNoFALSENoCheck to execute an initial document count query that will be used at the end of the crawl to validate the total of crawled documents.False
sliceYes5NoThe number of slices to use for the queries5
pageSizeYes1000NoThe number of documents to get per request1000
scrollTimeYes5mNoThe time to keep each scroll request active5m
timeoutYes20000NoThe timeout to use for the connections to elastic20000
retriesYes3NoThe number of retries for each slice processing3
retryWaitTimeYes10000NoThe time in millis to wait between each slice retry10000
retriesConnectionYes5NoThe number of retries for each elasticsearch request5
retryWaitTimeConnectionYes60000NoThe time in millis to wait between each elasticsearch request retry60000
useThrottlingNoFALSENoCheck to enable connection throttlingFALSE
throttleRateInMillisNo5000NoOnly required if "Use Throttling" is true. The throttle rate in milliseconds5000
throttleConnectionRateNo750NoOnly required if "Use Throttling" is true. The number of connection to allow in the the specified throttle rate750


Code Block
titlePOST aspire/_api/connections
    "type": "elasticsearch",
    "description": "Elasticsearch Credential",
    "properties": {
        "hostname": "localhost",
        "port": 9200, 
        "protocol": "https",
        "fetchDocuments": true,
        "useMGET": true,
        "waitBeforeFetching": false,
        "includeFields": [
            {"includeField": "field1"},
            {"includeField": "field2"}
        "excludeFields": [
            {"excludeField": "field3"},
            {"excludeField": "field4"}
        "verifyFinalCount": false,
        "slice": 5,
        "pageSize": 1000,
        "scrollTime": "5m",
        "timeout": 20000,
        "retries": 3,
        "retryWaitTime": 10000,
        "retriesConnection": 5,
        "retryWaitTimeConnection": 60000,
        "useThrottling": true,
        "throttleRateInMillis": 5000,
        "throttleConnectionRate": 750

Update Connection







idYes-NoId of the connection to update"89d6632a-a296-426c-adb0-d442adcab4b0",
descriptionNo-NoName of the connection object.

"MyImage AddedConnection"

throttlePolicyNo-NoId of the throttle policy that applies to this connection object."f5587cee-9116-4011-b3a9-6b235b333a1b"
routingPoliciesNo[ ]YesThe ids of the routing policies that this connection will use.["313de87c-3cb9-4fe0-a2cb-17f75ce7d0c7", "b4d2579f-1a0a-4a8b-9fd4-d42780003b36"]
propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object
hostnameYes"localhost"NoThe elastic server hostnamelocalhost
portYes9200NoThe elastic server port9200
protocolNo-NoThe elastic server url protocolhttps
fetchDocumentsNoTRUENoCheck to fetch the documents contentTRUE
useMGETNoTRUENoCheck to user MGET for fetching the documents. If not individual GET requests will be executed for each documentTRUE
waitBeforeFetchingNoFALSENoCheck to make the fetch process wait for discovery process to be doneFALSE
includeFieldsNo-YesThe specified fields will be included in the fetch process of the document.[{"includeField":"field1"}, {"includeField":"field2"}]
includeFieldNo-Nothe name of the field to include in the fetch process.field1
excludeFieldsNo-YesThe specified fields will be excluded in the fetch process of the document.[{"excludeField":"field3"}, {"excludeField":"field4"}]
excludeFieldNo-Nothe name of the field to exclude in the fetch process.field3
verifyFinalCountNoFALSENoCheck to execute an initial document count query that will be used at the end of the crawl to validate the total of crawled documents.False
sliceYes5NoThe number of slices to use for the queries5
pageSizeYes1000NoThe number of documents to get per request1000
scrollTimeYes5mNoThe time to keep each scroll request active5m
timeoutYes20000NoThe timeout to use for the connections to elastic20000
retriesYes3NoThe number of retries for each slice processing3
retryWaitTimeYes10000NoThe time in millis to wait between each slice retry10000
retriesConnectionYes5NoThe number of retries for each elasticsearch request5
retryWaitTimeConnectionYes60000NoThe time in millis to wait between each elasticsearch request retry60000
useThrottlingNoFALSENoCheck to enable connection throttlingFALSE
throttleRateInMillisNo5000NoOnly required if "Use Throttling" is true. The throttle rate in milliseconds5000
throttleConnectionRateNo750NoOnly required if "Use Throttling" is true. The number of connection to allow in the the specified throttle rate750


Code Block
titlePUT aspire/_api/connections/89d6632a-a296-426c-adb0-d442adcab4b0
    "id": "89d6632a-a296-426c-adb0-d442adcab4b0",
    "description": "<Connector Name> Test Connector",
    "properties": {         
		"hostname": "localhost",
        "port": 9200, 
        "protocol": "https",
        "fetchDocuments": true,
        "useMGET": true,
        "waitBeforeFetching": false,
        "includeFields": [
            {"includeField": "field1"},
            {"includeField": "field2"}
        "excludeFields": [
            {"excludeField": "field3"},
            {"excludeField": "field4"}
        "verifyFinalCount": false,
        "slice": 5,
        "pageSize": 1000,
        "scrollTime": "5m",
        "timeout": 20000,
        "retries": 3,
        "retryWaitTime": 10000,
        "retriesConnection": 5,
        "retryWaitTimeConnection": 60000,
        "useThrottling": true,
        "throttleRateInMillis": 5000,

Update Connection







idYes-NoId of the connection to update"89d6632a-a296-426c-adb0-d442adcab4b0",descriptionNo-NoName of the connection object.

"MyImage RemovedConnection"

throttlePolicyNo-NoId of the throttle policy that applies to this connection object."f5587cee-9116-4011-b3a9-6b235b333a1b"routingPoliciesNo[ ]YesThe ids of the routing policies that this connection will use.["313de87c-3cb9-4fe0-a2cb-17f75ce7d0c7", "b4d2579f-1a0a-4a8b-9fd4-d42780003b36"]propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object


Code Block
    "id": "89d6632a-a296-426c-adb0-d442adcab4b0",
    "description": "<Connector Name> Test Connector",
    "properties": {
"throttleConnectionRate": 750     }

Create Connector Instance

For the creation of the Connector object using the Rest API check this page

Update Connector Instance

For the update of the Connector object using the Rest API check this page

Create Seed







seedYes-No<seed description>

The value must be (ConnectorType).


descriptionYes-NoName of the seed object.

"My Elasticsearch Seed"

connectorYes-NoThe id of the connector to be used with this seed. The connector type must match the seed type."82f7f0a4-8d28-47ce-8c9d-e3ca414b0d31"
connectionYes-NoThe id of the connection to be used with this seed. The connection type must match the seed type."602d3700-28dd-4a6a-8b51-e4a663fe9ee6"
workflowsNo[ ]YesThe ids of the workflows that will be executed for the documents crawled.["f8c414cb-1f5d-42ef-9cc9-5696c3f0bda4"]
throttlePolicyNo-NoId of the throttle policy that applies to this connection object."f5587cee-9116-4011-b3a9-6b235b333a1b"
routingPoliciesNo[ ]YesThe ids of the routing policies that this seed will use.["313de87c-3cb9-4fe0-a2cb-17f75ce7d0c7", "b4d2579f-1a0a-4a8b-9fd4-d42780003b36"]
tagsNo[ ]YesThe tags of the seed. These can be used to filter the seed["tag1", "tag2"]
propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object


Code Block
titlePOST aspire/_api/seeds
    "type": "<Connector Type>",
    "seed": "directory",
    "connector": "82f7f0a4-8d28-47ce-8c9d-e3ca414b0d31",
    "description": "<connector>_Test_Seed",
    "throttlePolicy": "6b8b5f23-fc77-47a1-9b58-106577162e7b",
    "routingPolicies": ["313de87c-3cb9-4fe0-a2cb-17f75ce7d0c7", "b4d2579f-1a0a-4a8b-9fd4-d42780003b36"],
    "connection": "602d3700-28dd-4a6a-8b51-e4a663fe9ee6",
    "workflows": ["f8c414cb-1f5d-42ef-9cc9-5696c3f0bda4"],
    "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
    "properties": {

Update Seed







idYes-NoId of the seed to update."2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778"
seedNo-No<seed description>
descriptionNo-NoName of the seed object.


connectorNo-NoThe id of the connector to be used with this seed. The connector type must match the seed type."82f7f0a4-8d28-47ce-8c9d-e3ca414b0d31"
connectionNo-NoThe id of the connection to be used with this seed. The connection type must match the seed type."602d3700-28dd-4a6a-8b51-e4a663fe9ee6"
workflowsNo[ ]YesThe ids of the workflows that will be executed for the documents crawled.["f8c414cb-1f5d-42ef-9cc9-5696c3f0bda4"]
workflows.addNo[ ]YesThe ids of the workflows to add.["f8c414cb-1f5d-42ef-9cc9-5696c3f0bda4"]
workflows.removeNo[ ]YesThe ids of the workflows to remove.["f8c414cb-1f5d-42ef-9cc9-5696c3f0bda4"]
throttlePolicyNo-NoId of the throttle policy that applies to this connection object."f5587cee-9116-4011-b3a9-6b235b333a1b"
routingPoliciesNo[ ]YesThe ids of the routing policies that this seed will use.["313de87c-3cb9-4fe0-a2cb-17f75ce7d0c7", "b4d2579f-1a0a-4a8b-9fd4-d42780003b36"]
routingPolicies.addNo[ ]YesThe ids of the routingPolicies to add.["b4d2579f-1a0a-4a8b-9fd4-d42780003b36"]
routingPolicies.removeNo[ ]YesThe ids of the routingPolicies to remove.["313de87c-3cb9-4fe0-a2cb-17f75ce7d0c7"]
tagsNo[ ]YesThe tags of the seed. These can be used to filter the seed["tag1", "tag3"]
tags.addNo[ ]YesThe tags to add["tag4"]
tags.removeNo[ ]YesThe tags to remove["tag2"]
propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object


Code Block
titlePUT aspire/_api/seeds/2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778
    "id": "2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778",
    "seed": "<seed example>",
    "connector": "82f7f0a4-8d28-47ce-8c9d-e3ca414b0d31",
    "description": "<connector>_Test_Seed",
    "throttlePolicy": "6b8b5f23-fc77-47a1-9b58-106577162e7b",
    "routingPolicies": ["313de87c-3cb9-4fe0-a2cb-17f75ce7d0c7", "b4d2579f-1a0a-4a8b-9fd4-d42780003b36"],
    "connection": "602d3700-28dd-4a6a-8b51-e4a663fe9ee6",
    "workflows": ["b255e950-1dac-46dc-8f86-1238b2fbdf27", "f8c414cb-1f5d-42ef-9cc9-5696c3f0bda4"],
    "tags": ["tag", "tag2"],
    "properties": {