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The Publish to SharePoint 2013 application sends document feeds, to a Fileshare Repository, of metadata and content of files extracted by Aspire connectors and send a notification to the SharePoint 2013 Notification Service to fetch the batches. The feed to the Fileshare Repository can be customized by editing the XSL transformation file provided by the user.NOTE:



Publish to SharePoint 2013 Application Bundle has malfunctions when a CIFS Connector is installed on the same server and configure for another server on another domain

Publish To SharePoint 2013 App Bundle
Factory Namecom.searchtechnologies.aspire:publish-to-sp2013
InputsAspireObject from  from a connector's subjob with metadata and content extracted from a specific file/folder in a Fileshare.
OutputsAn XML transformation batch of the AspireObjects sent  sent to the Fileshare Repository.
Type Flagsjob-input


This section lists all configuration parameters available to configure the Publish To SharePoint 2013 App Bundle component.


repositoryString Location of the Fileshare repository.
repDomainString Fileshare repository user domain.
repUsernameString Fileshare repository username with permissions to write.
repPasswordString Fileshare repository password of the username.
aspireToSPXslString${appbundle.home}/config/xsl/aspireToSP2013.xslLocation of the XSL to transform the job data to a Solr feed. See Edit Xsl.
claimIssuerStringwindowsClaim issuer for the acls applied to each document.
useFullNamebooleanfalseTrue if you want to index the full name (domain\user) as the ACL rather than just the username
connectNotificationServicebooleanfalseIndicates if the publisher must connect to a SharePoint Notification Service.
notificationUrlString The URL to the SharePoint Notification Service
aspireBDCString The URL to the Aspire BDC Service
searchAppstringSearch Service ApplicationThe name of the SharePoint search service.
bdcsAppStringBusiness Data Connectivity ServiceThe name of the SharePoint BDC service
endDomainString The domain of the user with permission to run the Notification Service
endUsernameString The user with permission to run the Notification Service
endPasswordString The user's password
bgThreadinteger1Wait time in minutes of the background thread, that waits to resend the notification to the endpoint.
cleanupEnablebooleanfalseTrue if you want to enable the CleanUP to delete processed batches on the Intermediate Folder
cleanUpFrequencyinteger10The frequency (minutes) of the CleanUp to look for processed batches and delete them
debugbooleanfalseTrue if you want debug messages enabled<

Example Configuration



Usual Configuration

Code Block



  <application config="com.searchtechnologies.aspire:app-publish-to-sp2013" name="/PublishToSP2013">
        <property name="notificationUrl">http://ws2012-sp2013/_vti_bin/AspireNotificationService/AspireNotificationService.svc</property>
        <property name="bdcsApp">Business Data Connectivity Service</property>
        <property name="repDomain">qa</property>
        <property name="debug">false</property>
        <property name="searchApp">Search Service Application</property>
        <property name="aspireToSPXsl">${appbundle.home}/config/xsl/aspireToSP2013.xsl</property>
        <property name="repository">\\WS2012-SP2013\IntermediateRepository</property>
        <property name="claimIssuer">windows</property>
        <property name="useFullName">false</property>
        <property name="aspireBDC">net.tcp://</property>
        <property name="cleanUpFrequency">10</property>
        <property name="bgThread">2</property>
        <property name="repUsername">spadmin</property>
        <property name="connectNotificationService">true</property>
        <property name="endDomain">qa</property>
        <property name="cleanupEnable">true</property>
        <property name="endUsername">spadmin</property>
        <property name="repPassword">encrypted:562E81591F85B858E5A5D3876F9C9FDB</property>
        <property name="endPassword">encrypted:562E81591F85B858E5A5D3876F9C9FDB</property>

Any optional properties can be removed from the configuration to use the default value described on the table above.

Editing the XSL File

The default XSL transformation file can be found in AspireToSP2013.xml.

The default transformation XSL file provided by the publisher expects metadata as described in Connector AspireObject Metadata.

Add metadata field

To add a new metadata field extracted by an Aspire Connector add an XSL element under the <doc> tag.

Code Block
<field name="metafieldNameInSharepoint 2013">
  <xsl:value-of select="metafieldNameFromAspireObject" />

Change the document ID

The id of a SharePoint 2013 document is used to uniquely identify a file in the index. By default, Publish To SharePoint 2013 will use the following fields from the Aspire document in order of precedence (if one is missing, then the next will be used):

  • fetchUrl
  • url
  • displayUrl
  • id

If you want to change this behavior, edit or create a new XSL file which has the following element:

Code Block
<field name="id">
  <xsl:value-of select="idFieldNameFromAspireObject" />


Code Blocklanguagexml