Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Detect federal identifications such as U.S. SSN, Canada SIN, UK NINo and Costa Rica cédula.

Operates On:  Lexical Items with TOKEN and possibly other flags as specified below.



These are the supported formats:

  • 123-45-6788 - U.S. SSN

  • 123-456-782 - Canada SIN

  • AA123456C - UK NINo

  • 1-1234-1234 - CR CdeI

  • 123456788 - U.S SSN without format 
  • 123456782 - Canada SIN without format
  • 112341234 - CR Cdel without format

Include Page
Generic Configuration Parameters
Generic Configuration Parameters

Configuration Parameters

Code Block
boundaryFlagstext block split

Example Output

The following shows sample output of the following formats.

Code Block
 V-------------------123-45-6788 123-456-782 AA123456C 1-1234-1234 001-01-0001 899-99-9999 000-000-000 999-999-998 123456782 112341234]------------------------V 

Output Flags

Lex-Item Flags:

  • SSN - Identifies a Federal ID number
  • SEMANTIC_TAG - Identifies all lexical items which are semantic tags.

Vertex Flags:


No vertices are created in this stage