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Some Aspire components must be configured before the settings.json is read like the NoSQL provider. This configuration is done using environment variables or JVM parameters.

Some components configured in the settings file like the Worker and Manager node allows configuration with environment variables or JVM parameters as an alternative

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On this








All properties can be passed either as a environment variable or as a JVM parameter. The "." and "_" characters can be replaced with each other.

Code Block
SET aspire_.noSql_.elastic_.server=http://localhost:9200 //Setting a property as a environment variable
java -Daspire.noSql.elastic.server=http://localhost:9200 //Passing a property like JVM parameter

In the case of environment variables that , property name should always use "_" instead of "."

Elasticsearch NoSQL Provider

Memory settings

In Linux based systems, the memory usage can be changed with the following environment variablesBellow are the list of properties to configure the Elasticsearch NoSQL Provider


yeshttp://localhost:9200The elasticsearch server url to use. It can be multiple urls separated by ","no2gMaximum Heap the JVM will request and use from the host system
no256mMaximum metaspace the JVM will request and use from the host system.

In windows-based systems, if using the aspire.bat file, the memory usage should be changed in the aspire.bat itself. Otherwise, if it is running as a Windows Service:

  1. Browse to
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / WOW6432Node / Apache Software / Procrun 2.0 / AspireService / Parameters / Java
  2. Modify JvmMs and JvmMx to what you need (in bytes), and then restart the service.

Elasticsearch NoSQL Provider

Below are the list of properties to configure the Elasticsearch NoSQL Provider

Enables elasticsearch AWS authenticationauthentication.useCredentialsProviderChainOption to use the AWS credentials provider chain to get the credentialsawsaccess.keyAWS access key for aws.secret.keyAWS secret key for aws.region AWS regionkeepSearchContextAliveThe amount of time to keep elasticsearch scrolls requests search context alive using "m" as a unitmaxRequestSizeThe maximum size for a bulk request. The value can be specified in B, K, M and G unitsmaxConnectionsThe maximum amount of connections to mantain open.maxConnectionsPerRouteThe maximum amount of connections per servermaxRetriesThe amount of times to retry each requestretriesWaitTimeThe time to wait in ms between retriesuseThrottlingaspire.noSql.elastic.throttlingRate5000 throttling rate in msthrottlingConnectionRate500 maximum requests allowed in the period specified by the throttlingRatewaitTime4293000 time to wait in ms before retrying a 429 errorbulkEnables using bulk for requestsbulkSize500 documents to include in a bulk requestaspirebulkInactivityTimeout5 inactivity in s before flushing a bulk requestbulkRegularTimeoutThe maximum amount of time in s for a bulk request to be kept in memory before flushingdebugFilenull path to the debug file, request to ES are logged in this file mappingFileThe file path (including file name) that includes the mapping for the indexes used by Aspire. By default mapping included in the provider is usedindex.prefixdebugEnables debug logging informationusePooling
ParameterRequiredDefaultNew & Available fromDescription
aspire.noSql.elastic.authentication.basicnofalseEnables elasticsearch basic authentication
aspire.noSql.elastic.usernonullThe elasticsearch user to use for basic authentication
aspire.noSql.elastic.passwordnonullThe elasticsearch password to use for basic authentication
The Elasticsearch server URL to use. It can be multiple URLs separated by ","
Enables Elasticsearch basic authentication
The Elasticsearch user to use for basic authentication
The Elasticsearch password to use for basic authentication
Enables Elasticsearch AWS authentication
Option to use the AWS credentials provider chain to get the credentials a role must be assumed to access Elasticsearch. Must be true/false Role ARN to be assumed.
AWS access key for authentication
AWS secret key for authentication
aspire.noSql.elastic.nofalseEnables requests throttling to elasticsearchaws.regionnonull
The AWS region
The amount of time to keep Elasticsearch scrolls requests search context alive using "m" as a unit
The maximum size for a bulk request. The value can be specified in B, K, M and G units
The maximum number of connections to keep open.
The maximum number of connections per server




The socket timeout.
The connection timeout.
The number of times to retry each request
The time to wait in ms between retries
aspire.noSql.elastic.useThrottlingnoaspireThe prefix to use for the indexes created by the providerfalse
Enables requests throttling to Elasticsearch
The throttling rate in ms
aspire.noSql.elastic.throttlingConnectionRatenotrueEnables HTTP connection pooling

SSL Certificates

Bellow are the list of properties to configure the SSL Certificates path of the key store file
The maximum number of requests allowed in the period specified by the throttlingRate
The time to wait in ms before retrying a 429 error
Enables using bulk for requests
The maximum number of documents to include in a bulk request
The inactivity in s before flushing a bulk request
The maximum amount of time in s for a bulk request to be kept in memory before flushing
The path to the debug file, request to ES are logged in this file 
ParameterRequiredDefaultDescription if all certificates should be trusted if the created key managers should overwrite the Java connection factory path of the trust store file trust store file password file format of the trust store file
The key store file password file format of the key store file

Security and encryption

Bellow are the list of properties related to the Aspire security and encryption

ParameterRequiredDefaultDescriptionaspire.ldap.bind.dn.passwordnonullThe password of the User DN. Not required if the authentication is anonymous aspire.encryption.key.filenonull

(Optional) Path (including file name) where master key is located, if not provided a default in-memory key will be used, for production installations it must be always provided. This can also be passed as a JVM parameter or as an environment variable aspire.encryption.key.file.

This should be a 32 byte file, if longer, the first 32 bytes will be used as the master key.

Grant read access to the Aspire user only (chmod 400 <file>)

file path (including file name) that includes the mapping for the indexes used by Aspire. By default, the mapping included in the provider is used
The prefix to use for the indexes created by the provider
Enables debug logging information
Enables HTTP connection pooling
aspire.nosql.elastic.timeSeriesTypenoindex5.0.3, 5.3 (Opensearch) Enables rollover possibility for audit, error, log time series index. Value "index" - default without rollover, Value "dataStream" - rollover based on data stream. Value "dataStreamOpensearch" - rollover based on Opensearch data stream.
aspire.nosql.elastic.ilmPolicyFilenodefault provider policy file5.0.3The file path (including file name) that includes the ilm policy file for the indexes used by Aspire. Used only for the time series option "dataStream*". 
aspire.nosql.elastic.indexTemplateFilenodefault provider template file5.0.3The file path (including file name) that includes the template file for the indexes used by Aspire. Used only for the time series option "dataStream*". 

Index Sharding and Replicas settings

Each index sharding and replicas settings can be changed by using a custom mappingFile and configuring the aspire.noSql.elastic.mappingFile property.

Since 5.0.1, when using the default mapping settings, you can use the following prefix parameter:

  • aspire.noSql.elastic.index.shards.[indexName]
    • Should hold an integer specifying the number of shards for the given index
  • aspire.noSql.elastic.index.replicas.[indexName]
    • Should hold an integer specifying the number of replicas for the given index

If none of these properties are specified, the default replicas and shard number of the cluster will be used (usually 1 shard and 1 replica).

The different index names available are:

  • audit

  • base

  • errors

  • hierarchy

  • log

  • map

  • queue

  • retryLog

  • set

  • settings

  • snapshot

  • updateQueue

  • identityCache

SSL Certificates

Bellow are the list of properties to configure the SSL Certificates

aspire.ssl.trustAllnofalseConfigure if all certificates should be trusted
aspire.ssl.overwriteFactorynofalseConfigure if the created key managers should overwrite the Java connection factory
aspire.ssl.truststore.filenonullThe path of the trust store file
aspire.ssl.truststore.passwordnonullThe trust store file password
aspire.ssl.truststore.typenojksThe file format of the trust store file
aspire.ssl.keystore.filenonullThe path of the key store file
aspire.ssl.keystore.passwordnonullThe key store file password
aspire.ssl.keystore.typenojksThe file format of the key store file

Security and encryption

Below are the list of properties related to the Aspire security and encryption

aspire.ldap.bind.dn.passwordnonullThe password of the User DN. Not required if the authentication is anonymous audits the Aspire API calls. It is available from Aspire 5.1 and on.


When a password/secret/token in a configuration must be persisted, Aspire encrypts it and stores it encrypted. The default encryption mechanism is AES 256 given a local key. AWS KMS encryption can be used instead as of version 5.0.3

Standard AES 256 Encryption with local key


(Optional) Path (including file name) where the encryption key is located, if not provided a default in-memory key will be used, for production installations it must be always provided. This can also be passed as a JVM parameter or as an environment variable, aspire_encryption_key_file.

This should be a 32 byte file, if longer, the first 32 bytes will be used as the encryption key.

Grant read access to the Aspire user only (chmod 400 <file>)

This file could be generated randomly

$ head -c 32 /dev/urandom > encryption.key

AWS KMS Encryption

Available since Aspire 5.0.3, Uses AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to encrypt the sensitive data. It uses a key in KMS to encrypt and decrypt data. See more details about this encryption provider at Aspire KMS encryption


(Optional) If the KMS service must be accessed through the assumption of an IAM role, specify the role ARN.

aspire.encryption.kms.keyARNyesN/AThe KMS key ARN. See Aspire KMS encryption for more information about creating a KMS key for Aspire.
aspire.encryption.kms.regionyesN/AThe AWS region on which the KMS service will be used
aspire.encryption.kms.accessKeynonull(Optional) Specify the access key if static credentials must be used. If this is not specified, the Default Credential Provider Chain will be used.
aspire.encryption.kms.secretKeynonull(Optional) Specify the secret key if static credentials must be used. If this is not specified, the Default Credential Provider Chain will be used.

Worker Node

These properties will be used by all worker nodes in the cluster. 

aspire.node.worker.maxMemQueueSizeyes4000The maximum number of items to keep in the in-memory queue
aspire.node.worker.queueSizeThresholdyes0.5The capacity threshold of the in memory queue before requesting more items to the managers
aspire.node.worker.cleanUpWaitTimeyes300000The wait time in ms for the thread that checks the connectors clean up threshold
aspire.node.worker.cleanUpThresholdyes3600000The time in ms for a connector to be idle before being removed from memory
aspire.node.worker.maxEnqueueRetriesyes5The number of retries to enqueue an item into the framework pipeline

Worker Node

These properties will be used by all worker nodes in the cluster. 

ParameterRequiredDefaultDescription maximum number of items to keep in the in memory queue capacity threshold of the in memory queue before requesting more items to the managers wait time in ms for the thread that checks the connectors workflow application's clean-up threshold time in ms for a connector workflow application to be idle before being removed from memory
The number of retries to enqueue a item into the framework pipelinetags of the worker node. These tags will determine which items this node can process. It should be a comma separated list of tags. wait base sleep time in ms for the thread that checks the workflow applications clean up thresholdin charge of queuing received items into the connector framework pipelines time maximum sleep in ms for a workflow application to be idle before being removed from memorythe thread in charge of queuing received items into the connector framework pipelines number of iterations without queuing items before in increasing the sleep time
aspire.node.worker.entryProcessorMultiplieryes1.25The multiplier used to increase the sleep time after the specified iterations without queuing items
tags of the worker node. These tags will determine which items this node can process. Should be a comma separated list of base sleep time in ms for the thread in charge of enqueueing received items into the connector framework pipelinesof requesting batches to the manager nodes maximum sleep in ms for the thread in charge of enqueueing received items into the connector framework pipelinesof requesting batches to the manager nodes number of iterations without enqueueing items receiving batches from the managers nodes before in increasing the sleep time multiplier used to increase the sleep time after the specified iterations without enqueueing itemsreceiving batches from the managers nodes
aspire.node.worker.connectionTimeoutyes20000The connection timeout for requests to other aspire nodes base sleep time in ms for the thread in charge of requesting batches to the manager nodessocket timeout for requests to other aspire nodes maximum sleep in ms for the thread in charge of requesting batches to the manager nodesnumber of retries for requests to other aspire nodes
aspire.node.worker.proxyHostnonullThe proxy host to use for requests to other aspire nodes proxy port to use for requests to other aspire nodes. Must be provided if the proxyHost is configured
The number of iterations without receiving batches from the managers nodes before in increasing the sleep multiplier used to increase the sleep time after the specified iterations without receiving batches from the managers nodesproxy user to use for requests to other aspire nodes connection timeout proxy password to use for requests to other aspire nodes.
aspire.node.worker.pingFrequencyyes15000The frequency for the node to ping to Elasticsearch. The pings are used to determine if a node is alive and working properly socket ping timeout for requests to other aspire nodes number of retries for requests to other aspire nodes proxy host to use for requests to other aspire nodes proxy port to use for requests to other aspire nodes. Must be provided if the proxyHost is configured proxy user to use for requests to other aspire nodes proxy password to use for requests to other aspire nodes. ping timeout used to determine if a node is not working. The node will be marked as failed in this case and the node eventually will shutdown itself frequency for the node to ping to Elastisearch. The pings are used to determine if a node is alive and working properly

Manager Node

These properties will be used by all manager nodes in the cluster. 

used to determine if a node is not working. The node will be marked as failed in this case and the node eventually will shut down itself

Manager Node

These properties will be used by all manager nodes in the cluster. 

aspire.node.manager.scanBatchCreatorBaseSleepyes30The base sleep time in ms for the thread in charge of creating batches from the scan queue
aspire.node.manager.scanBatchCreatorMaxSleepyes2000The maximum sleep in ms for the thread in charge of creating batches from the scan queue
aspire.node.manager.scanBatchCreatorMaxIterationsyes10The number of iterations without creating new scan batches before in increasing the sleep time
aspire.node.manager.scanBatchCreatorMultiplieryes1.25The multiplier used to increase the sleep time after the specified iterations without creating new scan batches
aspire.node.manager.processBatchCreatorBaseSleepyes30The base sleep time in ms for the thread in charge of creating batches from the process queue
aspire.node.manager.processBatchCreatorMaxSleepyes2000The maximum sleep in ms for the thread in charge of creating batches from the process queue
aspire.node.manager.processBatchCreatorMaxIterationsyes10The number of iterations without creating new process batches before in increasing the sleep time
aspire.node.manager.processBatchCreatorMultiplieryes1.25The multiplier used to increase the sleep time after the specified iterations without creating new process batches 
ParameterRequiredDefaultDescription base sleep time in ms for the thread in charge of creating batches from the scan queuemonitoring active crawls maximum base sleep time in ms for the thread in charge of creating batches from the scan queueexecuting seeds based on the configured schedules maximum number of iterations without creating new scan batches before in increasing the sleep timebatches the manager will keep in memory multiplier used to increase the sleep time after the specified iterations without creating new scan batches100The maximum number of documents per batch base sleep time in ms for the thread in charge of creating batches from the process queueconnection timeout for requests to other aspire nodes maximum sleep in ms for the thread in charge of creating batches from the process queuesocket timeout for requests to other aspire nodes number of iterations without creating new process batches before in increasing the sleep timeretries for requests to other aspire nodes multiplier used to increase the sleep time after the specified iterations without creating new process batches proxy host to use for requests to other aspire nodes base sleep time in ms for the thread in charge of monitoring active crawls0The proxy port to use for requests to other aspire nodes. Must be provided if the proxyHost is configured base sleep time in ms for the thread in charge of executing seeds based on the configured schedulesproxy user to use for requests to other aspire nodes maximum number of batches the manager will keep in memorynullThe proxy password to use for requests to other aspire nodes. maximum number of documents per batch15000The frequency for the node to ping to Elasticsearch. The pings are used to determine if a node is alive and working properly connection ping timeout for requests to other aspire nodes socket timeout for requests to other aspire nodes
used to determine if a node is not working. The node will be marked as failed in this case and the node eventually will shutdown itself maximum time in ms, a job can be in "in-progress" status before being released. Default is 1 hour
The number of retries for requests to other aspire frequently to verify for timed-out "in-progress" jobs
The proxy host to use for requests to other aspire frequently the manager should check for Acknowledged Batches that need to be removed from memory.
The proxy port to use for requests to other aspire nodes. Must be provided if the proxyHost is proxy user to use for requests to other aspire nodesfalseConfigure if you want to perform a proxy call to the main manager from a non-main manager and avoid redirect calls.
The tags of the manager node. These tags will determine which seeds this node can process. It should be a comma separated list of tags.
The proxy password to use for requests to other aspire round-robin should be applied when serving workers with batches
15000The ping timeout used to determine if a node is not working. The node will be marked as failed in this case and the node eventually will shutdown frequency for the node to ping to Elastisearch. The pings are used to determine if a node is alive and working properly maximum time in ms a job can be in "in-progress" status before being released. Default is 1 hour
time in ms after which the worker is considered timed out when round-robin is used.

User Interface

Since 5.0.3, the following properties are also available for managing the behavior of the user interface.

aspire.ui.refreshRateno5sHow often trigger the auto-refresh for the listing pages. It can be defined with a time unit, i.e. 15s, 1 frequently to verify for timed-out "in-progress" jobs


These properties will be used to generate the dashboard links in the UI

aspire.dashboards.enablednofalseEnables the dashboard links on the UI
Base URL to Kibana
Main Dasboard Dashboard relative URL
Metrics Dashboard relative URL