Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


The Archive Extractor is primarily intended to split an Archive file containing a list of items (documents, folder, etc), and then to process each individual record one at a time, as sub-jobs on their own pipeline.

On this page:

Table of Contents


The process is able to extract and process these file types:

  • ZIP
  • AR
  • ARJ
  • CPIO
  • JAR
  • DUMP
  • TAR

Known Limitations

  • RAR is a proprietary algorithm and was not included for this version.
  • 7z does not support stream opening so it was excluded from this version.
  • Sometimes depends of Depending on the encoding of the archive files, the folders are might not get returned as archives archive entries, so you could not see it in the result jobs.
  • If the Archive files are excluded from the crawl, the Scan Excluded Items option will not work for this kind of items.
  • At the moment the "Delete by Query" functionality of the component only works with the Elasticsearch Publisher
  • "Delete by Query" implementation in for the rest of the available publishers is still pending.
  • Since JAR files are fundamentally archive files , built on the ZIP file format with using the .jar file extension, the auto discovery method will sometimes got get the zip files when only jar types are selected and viceversavice versa.
  • It is required to share the Archive Extractor rule into a shared library in order to use the same rule on both the onAddUpdate and onDelete stages.


Take in consideration that due the Archive Extractor is an workflow application in a pipeline after the connector. the files extracted by the component will not be counted in the connector statistics.