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The Job Summarizer Executor can be configured using the Rest API. 

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Create Job Summarizer Executor






The value must be






The value must be





appNameYes-NoThe name of the application
appTypeYes-NoThe value must be
configYes-NoThe value must be
descriptionYes-NoThe description




propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object

dataPathYes-NoThe path of the job that contains the tables data“/doc”
containerPathYes-NoThe sub path of the data that contains each table“container”
tableIdPathYes-NoThe sub path of table data that contains the table ID“container/url”
If enabled the table schema will be added to the processed columns.true
The sub path of table data that contains the seed ID“container/seed/id”
columnsPathYes-NoThe sub path of table objects that contains the columns information“dataProfile/columns”
columnNamePathYes-NoThe sub path of column objects that contains the column name“columnName”
columnTypePathYes-NoThe sub path of column objects that contains the column type“column_type”
columnsPatternsYes[]YesThe column patterns to detect each column type[{"type":”TEXT”,”pattern”:”STRING”},{"type":"INT","pattern":"INT32"}]
typeYes"TEXT"NoThe data type to use for the specified pattern. Accepted values: "TEXT", "LONG", "INT", "FLOAT", "DOUBLE", "BOOLEAN""TEXT"
patternYes-NoThe pattern to match"STRING"
threadPoolYes5NoThe number of threads to use for parallel processing.5

logFrequencyYes1000NoThe frequency for reporting the processed rows.1000
filterRowsYesfalseNoEnable to filter the rows to process.true
useFilterFileYestrueNoEnable to use a groovy file to filter the rowstrue
groovyPathNo-NoThe path of the groovy script that contains the filter logic.  It must return a boolean value, if true, the row will be filtered."C:\\Aspire\\config\\rowsGroovyFilter.txt"
groovyScriptNo-NoScript used to filter the rows. It must return a boolean value, if true, the row will be filtered."row.getBoolean(\"sensitive\") == true"
urlYes-NoServer URL"http://localhost:9200/"
authTypeYes"none"NoThe authentication type. Accepted values: "none", "basic", "aws"."none"
usernameNo-NoUser with the permissions to read from the Elastic index specified. Used only if the authType is "basic"."admin"
passwordNo-NoThe password for the specified user. Used only if the authType is "basic"."password"
regionNo-NoAWS region. Used only if the authType is "aws"."us-east-2"
useCredentialsProviderChainNofalseNoUse AWS Credentials Provider Chain. Used only if the authType is "aws"."true"
accessKeyNo-NoKey utilized to access Amazon Web Services (AWS). Used only if the authType is "aws" and if useCredentialsProviderChain is false."AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE"
secretKeyNo-NoSecret key for the access key. Used only if the authType is "aws" and if useCredentialsProviderChain is false."wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY"
assumeRoleNofalseNoEnable to assume the specified role to get the credentials. Used only if the authType is "aws".true
roleArnNo-NoThe Role ARN to assume. Used only if the authType is "aws" and if assumeRole is true."arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/group/role"
indexYes-NoThe elastic index to use."values-index"
queryYes-NoThe query for fetching the unique values. The placeholders ${seedId} and ${tableId}.."{\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"term\":{\"name.keyword\":{\"value\":\"column-value\"}}},{\"term\":{\"value.seedId\":{\"value\":\"${seedId}\"}}},{\"term\":{\"value.tableId\":{\"value\":\"${tableId}\"}}}]}}}"
uniqueValuesYestrueNoIf enabled, the expected row format will be the one used for unique values, if not, it will use the _source content as the row body.true
scrollTimeYes"5m"NoThe time to keep each scroll request active."5m"
idleConnectionTimeoutYes3600000NoMaximum time (in milliseconds) to keep an idle connection open.3600000
maxConnectionsYes100NoMaximum number of connections to be opened.100
maxConnectionsPerRouteYes10NoMaximum number of connections opened for the same target.10
connectionTimeoutYes15000NoMaximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for the connection.15000
socketTimeoutYes15000NoMaximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for a socket response.15000
useThrottlingYesfalseNoFlag to enable connection throttling.true
throttlingRateNo5000NoTime (in milliseconds) to throttle the connection. Used only if useThrottling is true.5000
throttlingConnectionRateNo500NoMaximum number of connections used during the throttling period. Used only if useThrottling is true.500
maxRetriesYes3NoMaximum number of retries for each request.3
retryWaitTimeYes5000NoTime (in milliseconds) to wait before a retry.5000


Code Block
titlePOST /aspire/_api/workflows/{workflow}/rules
  "type": "application",
  "_type": "application",
  "descriptionappName": "Job-Executor_Summarize_Executor",
  "appType": "job-summarize-executor",
  "config": "",
  "appTypedescription": "Job-summarize-executorjob-summarizer",
  "properties": {
    "dataPath": "/doc",
    "containerPath": "container",
    "tableIdPath": "container/url",
    "seedIdPath": "container/seed/id",
    "columnsPath": "dataProfile/columns",
    "appNamecolumnNamePath": "Job Summarize ExecutorcolumnName",
    "columnTypePath": "column_type",
    "propertiescolumnsPatterns": [{
        "addSchematype": true"TEXT",
        "useTempFilepattern": true,
    "debug": false,
      }, {
        "type": "INT",
        "threadPoolpattern": 5 "INT32"
    "logFrequency": 1000,
    "filterRows": truefalse,
    "useFilterFiledebug": false,
    "groovyScripturl": "http://localhost:9200/ This script must return a boolean.\n// The references of the job, doc, component, row and table objects are available.\n// Javadoc references \n// Row (row) - http://{manager}/javadocs/com/accenture/aspire/services/summarization/Row.html\n// Table (table) - http://{manager}/javadocs/com/accenture/aspire/services/summarization/Table.html\nrow.getBoolean(\"sensitive\") == true"",
    "authType": "none",
    "index": "parquet-data",
    "query": "{\n  \"query\": {\n    \"bool\": {\n      \"must\": [{\n          \"term\": {\n            \"name.keyword\": {\n              \"value\": \"column-value\"\n            }\n          }\n        }, {\n          \"term\": {\n            \"value.seedId\": {\n              \"value\": \"${seedId}\"\n            }\n          }\n        }, {\n          \"term\": {\n            \"value.tableId\": {\n              \"value\": \"${tableId}\"\n            }\n          }\n        }\n      ]\n    }\n  }\n}\n",
    "uniqueValues": true,
    "scrollTime": "5m",
    "idleConnectionTimeout": 3600000,
    "maxConnections": 100,
    "maxConnectionsPerRoute": 10,
    "connectionTimeout": 15000,
    "socketTimeout": 15000,
    "useThrottling": false,
    "maxRetries": 3,
    "retryWaitTime": 5000

Update Job Summarizer Executor





ID of the application to update"61014782-442a-4587-ab85-ba1439a7f7b5"

The value must be "application".



The value must be "application".


appNameYes-NoThe name of the application"Job-Executor"
appTypeYes-NoThe value must be "job-summarize-executor"."job-summarize-executor"
configYes-NoThe value must be "".""
descriptionYes-NoThe description


propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object

dataPathYes-NoThe path of the job that contains the tables data"/doc"
containerPathYes-NoThe sub path of the data that contains each table"container"
tableIdPathYes-NoThe sub path of table data that contains the table ID"container/url"
If enabled the table schema will be added to the processed columns.true
The sub path of table data that contains the seed ID"container/seed/id"
columnsPathYes-NoThe sub path of table objects that contains the columns information"dataProfile/columns"
columnNamePathYes-NoThe sub path of column objects that contains the column name"columnName"
columnTypePathYes-NoThe sub path of column objects that contains the column type"column_type"
columnsPatternsYes[]YesThe column patterns to detect each column type[{"type":"TEXT","pattern":"STRING"},{"type":"INT","pattern":"INT32"}]
typeYes"TEXT"NoThe data type to use for the specified pattern. Accepted values: "TEXT", "LONG", "INT", "FLOAT", "DOUBLE", "BOOLEAN""TEXT"
patternYes-NoThe pattern to match."STRING"
threadPoolYes5NoThe number of threads to use for parallel processing.5

logFrequencyYes1000NoThe frequency for reporting the processed rows.1000
filterRowsYesfalseNoEnable to filter the rows to process.true
useFilterFileYestrueNoEnable to use a groovy file to filter the rowstrue
groovyPathNo-NoThe path of the groovy script that contains the filter logic.  It must return a boolean value. If true,
if true
the row will be filtered."C:\\Aspire\\config\\rowsGroovyFilter.txt"
groovyScriptNo-NoScript used to filter the rows. It must return a boolean value. If true,
if true
the row will be filtered."row.getBoolean(\"sensitive\") == true"
urlYes-NoServer URL"http://localhost:9200/"
authTypeYes"none"NoThe authentication type. Accepted values: "none", "basic", "aws""none"
usernameNo-NoUser with the permissions to read from the Elastic index specified. Used only if the authType is "basic"."admin"
passwordNo-NoThe password for the specified user. Used only if the authType is "basic"."password"
regionNo-NoAWS region. Used only if the authType is "aws"."us-east-2"
useCredentialsProviderChainNofalseNoUse AWS Credentials Provider Chain. Used only if the authType is "aws"."true"
accessKeyNo-NoKey utilized to access Amazon Web Services (AWS). Used only if the authType is "aws" and if useCredentialsProviderChain is false."AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE"
secretKeyNo-NoSecret key for the access key. Used only if the authType is "aws" and if useCredentialsProviderChain is false."wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY"
assumeRoleNofalseNoEnable to assume the specified role to get the credentials. Used only if the authType is "aws".true
roleArnNo-NoThe Role ARN to assume. Used only if the authType is "aws" and if assumeRole is true."arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/group/role"
indexYes-NoThe elastic index to use."values-index"
queryYes-NoThe query for fetching the unique values. The placeholders ${seedId} and ${tableId}."{\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"term\":{\"name.keyword\":{\"value\":\"column-value\"}}},{\"term\":{\"value.seedId\":{\"value\":\"${seedId}\"}}},{\"term\":{\"value.tableId\":{\"value\":\"${tableId}\"}}}]}}}"
uniqueValuesYestrueNoIf enabled, the expected row format will be the one used for unique values, if not, it will use the _source content as the row body.true
scrollTimeYes"5m"NoThe time to keep each scroll request active."5m"
idleConnectionTimeoutYes3600000NoMaximum time (in milliseconds) to keep an idle connection open.3600000
maxConnectionsYes100NoMaximum number of connections to be opened.100
maxConnectionsPerRouteYes10NoMaximum number of connections opened for the same target.10
connectionTimeoutYes15000NoMaximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for the connection.15000
socketTimeoutYes15000NoMaximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for a socket response.15000
useThrottlingYesfalseNoFlag to enable connection throttling.true
throttlingRateNo5000NoTime period (in milliseconds) to throttle the connection. Used only if useThrottling is true.5000
throttlingConnectionRateNo500NoMaximum number of connections used during the throttling period. Used only if useThrottling is true.500
maxRetriesYes3NoMaximum number of retries for a failed document.3
retryWaitTimeYes5000NoTime (in milliseconds) to wait before a retry.5000


Code Block
titlePUT /aspire/_api/workflows/{workflow}/rules/{id}
  "id": "61014782951cf9a0-442a6078-458743f2-ab85bce1-ba1439a7f7b56e377fc22fc5", 
   "type": "application",
  "_type": "application",
  "descriptionappName": "Job-Executor_Summarize_Executor",
  "appType": "job-summarize-executor",
  "config": "",
  "appTypedescription": "Job-summarize-executor",
  "appName": "Job Summarize Executor",
  "properties": {
    "addSchema": truejob-summarizer",
  "properties": {
    "dataPath": "/doc",
    "containerPath": "container",
    "tableIdPath": "container/url",
    "seedIdPath": "container/seed/id",
    "columnsPath": "dataProfile/columns",
    "columnNamePath": "columnName",
    "columnTypePath": "column_type",
    "columnsPatterns": [{
        "type": "TEXT",
        "useTempFilepattern": true,
    "debug": false,
      }, {
        "type": "INT",
        "threadPoolpattern": 5 "INT32"
    "logFrequency": 1000,
    "filterRows": truefalse,
    "useFilterFiledebug": false,
    "groovyScripturl": "http:// This script must return a boolean.\n// The references of the job, doc, component, row and table objects are available.\n// Javadoc references \n// Row (row) - http://{manager}/javadocs/com/accenture/aspire/services/summarization/Row.html\n// Table (table) - http://{manager}/javadocs/com/accenture/aspire/services/summarization/Table.html\nrow.getBoolean(\"sensitive\") == true"localhost:9200/",
    "authType": "none",
    "index": "parquet-data",
    "query": "{\n  \"query\": {\n    \"bool\": {\n      \"must\": [{\n          \"term\": {\n            \"name.keyword\": {\n              \"value\": \"column-value\"\n            }\n          }\n        }, {\n          \"term\": {\n            \"value.seedId\": {\n              \"value\": \"${seedId}\"\n            }\n          }\n        }, {\n          \"term\": {\n            \"value.tableId\": {\n              \"value\": \"${tableId}\"\n            }\n          }\n        }\n      ]\n    }\n  }\n}\n",
    "uniqueValues": true,
    "scrollTime": "5m",
    "idleConnectionTimeout": 3600000,
    "maxConnections": 100,
    "maxConnectionsPerRoute": 10,
    "connectionTimeout": 15000,
    "socketTimeout": 15000,
    "useThrottling": false,
    "maxRetries": 3,
    "retryWaitTime": 5000