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Each Seed entity requires a reference to a Connector in order to be created. This page details how to create a Connector using the Rest API

title page

Easy Heading Free

On this


Create Connector

typeYes-NoThe value must be the same as the type of the seed that will use this connector."filesystem"
descriptionYes-NoName of the connector object."MyFileSystemConnector"
artifactYes-NoThe mvn coordinates of the connector.""
propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object
debugNofalseNoSet to true to enable the debug messages.true / false
wDebugNofalseNoSet to true to enable job logging.true / false
enableStatisticsNofalsetrueNoSet to true to gather pipeline job statistics in the debug console.true / false
infoCacheSizeYes-NoThe size of the Source Info cache used by the connector.200
mapCacheSizeNo100NoThe number of Storage maps kept in memory per seed.200
setCacheSizeNo100NoThe number of Sets kept in memory per seed.200
identityCacheSizeNo100NoThe number of identities kept in memory per seed.200
enableFetcherYes-NoSet to true to enable document fetching for the seeds that use this connector.true / false
enableTextExtractYes-NoSet to true to enable text extraction. By default, connectors use Apache Tika to extract text from downloaded documents. To apply special text processing to a downloaded document in the workflow, disable text extraction. The downloaded document is then available as a content stream.true / false
extractTextConfigurationNofalseNoSet to true to override default text extraction settings. true / false
extractTextMaxSizeNo20971520NoMaximum extract text size in number of characters or \"unlimited\". Doesn't apply if HTML Output option is enabled.10000
extractTimeoutNo180000NoMaximum time (in ms) to wait for the text extraction.18000
xmlMaxDepthNo2147483647NoThe max depth level for a file inner structure. Can be used to block denial of service attacks or corrupted files.2147483647
structuredTextNofalseNoSet to true to include formatting in output (in HTML) instead of plain text.true / false
tikaConfigNo-NoPath for Apache Tika configuration file. It can be passed as empty to use the default configuration."/path/to/tikaConfig.xml" / ""
pdfParserPropertiesNofalseNoSet to true to enable changing the default PDFBox properties.true / false
enableAutoSpaceNotrueNoIf set to true, the parser should estimate where spaces should be inserted between words. For many PDFs this is necessary as they do not include explicit whitespace characters.true / false
suppressDuplicateOverlappingTextNofalseNoIf set to true the parser should try to remove duplicated text over the same region. This is needed for some PDFs that achieve bolding by re-writing the same text in the same area. Note that this can slow down extraction substantially (PDFBOX-956) and sometimes remove characters that were not in fact duplicated (PDFBOX-1155).true / false
extractAnnotationTextNotrueNoIf set to true, text in annotations will be extracted.true / false
sortByPositionNofalseNoIf set to true, sort text tokens by their x/y position before extracting text. This may be necessary for some PDFs (if the text tokens are not rendered \"in order\"), while for other PDFs it can produce the wrong result (for example if there are 2 columns, the text will be interleaved).true / false
extractAcroFormContentNotrueNoIf set to true, extract content from AcroForms at the end of the document.true / false
extractInlineImagesNofalseNoIf set to true, extract inline embedded OBXImages. Beware: some PDF documents of modest size (~4MB) can contain thousands of embedded images totaling > 2.5 GB. Also, at least as of PDFBox 1.8.5, there can be surprisingly large memory consumption and/or out of memory errors. Set to true with caution.true / false
extractUniqueInlineImagesOnlyNotrueNoMultiple pages within a PDF file might refer to the same underlying image. If extractUniqueInlineImagesOnly is set to false, the parser will call the EmbeddedExtractor each time the image appears on a page. This might be desired for some use cases. However, to avoid duplication of extracted images, set this to true.true / false
enable-non-text-filterNofalseNoSet to true to filter non text documents.true / false
enableFetchForNonTextNotrueNoSet to true if the workflow needs to stream the non-text documents.true / false
non-text-documentNofalseNoSet to true to filter using document extensions. Set to false to use a file to match non-text documents.true / false
nonTextDocumentsExtensionsNo-NoComma separated list of non-text document extensions. Used based on the non-text-document value."jpg,jpeg,gif,png"
nonTextDocumentsNo-NoPath to a file containing a list of regex that matches the non-text documents, one regex expression per line. Used based on the non-text-document value."config/nonTextDocuments.txt"

[ ]

YesSettings for mapping extracted fields to a destination field.
fromNo-NoField to be mapped."fieldA"
toNo-NoField where the value will be mapped."fieldB"
addHierarchyYes-NoSet to true to add hierarchy information to the documents.true / false
hierarchyCacheSizeNo500NoThe hierarchy in memory cache size. Reducing this value may increase the number of requests to the NoSQL database.5000
scanThreadsYes-NoThe maximum number of threads that will scan the repository at any one time.10
scanQueueYes-NoThe size of the in memory queue for items that need scanning in the repository. The recommended queue size is at least as large as the number of threads, if not two to three times larger. Larger queue sizes allow database access to be performed farther in advance, and smooth fluctuations in the time it takes to claim items from NoSql.50
processThreadsYes-NoThe maximum number of threads that will process items from the repository at any one time.20
processQueueYes-NoThe size of the in memory queue for items that need to be processed. The recommended queue size is at least as large as the number of threads, if not two to three times larger. Larger queue sizes will allow database access to be performed further in advance and smooth fluctuations in the time it takes to claim items from NoSql.200
deleteCompleteQueueEntriesNofalseNoSet to true if completed queue entries should be deleted (or just marked as complete).true / false
flushSyncTimeNo"30ms"NoTime to wait for all servers to finish their flushes to the snapshot at the end of each incremental crawl."15s"
deleteCheckAfterErrorsYes-NoChecks if "delete" candidates still exist after an incremental when they are part of scan error."ALWAYS" / "NEVER"
maxIdentitiesTimestampYes-NoNumber of crawls to execute before removing the oldest identity items.3
workflowErrorTolerantNofalseNoIf set to true, exceptions in workflow rules will only affect the execution of the rule in which the exception occurs. Subsequent rules will be executed and the job will complete the workflow successfully. Otherwise, exceptions in workflow rules will be re-thrown and the job will be moved to the error workflow.true / false
retriesEnabledNotrueNoIf set to true, failed documents will be reprocessed at the end of the crawl and in the following incremental crawls.true / false
removeFailedFromSnapshotNofalseNoCheck to remove the snapshot entry for each failed document. This makes the retries to be performed on all next incremental crawls. This overrides the \"Maximum crawls to retry\" option.true / false


YesfalseNoWhether the failed nodes processing should check the exception for regex pattern matches.true/false
retryPatternsNo[ ]YesA regex pattern to match against any exception raised by either the individual document or publisher. If matched, the document or documents will be retried using the limits configured below.[ ".*\\.pdf" ]
maxInCrawlRetriesNo3NoMaximum number of retries per crawl for a failed document.3
maxCrawlsNo3NoMaximum number of incremental crawls in which a failed document will be retried.3


TitletitlePOST aspire/_api/connectors
    "type": "filesystem",
    "description": "Test Description",
    "artifact": "",
    "properties": {
        "debug": false,
        "wDebug": false,
        "enableStatistics": false,
        "infoCacheSize": 100,
        "mapCacheSize": 100,
        "setCacheSize": 100,
        "identityCacheSize": 100,
        "enableFetcher": true,
        "enableTextExtract": true,
        "extractTextConfiguration": true,
        "extractTextMaxSize": "20971520",
        "extractTimeout": 180000,
        "xmlMaxDepth": 100,
        "structuredText": false,
        "tikaConfig": "",
        "pdfParserProperties": true,
        "enableAutoSpace": true,
        "suppressDuplicateOverlappingText": false,
        "extractAnnotationText": true,
        "sortByPosition": false,
        "extractAcroFormContent": true,
        "extractInlineImages": false,
        "extractUniqueInlineImagesOnly": true,
        "enable-non-text-filter": true,
        "enableFetchForNonText": true,
        "non-text-document": true,
        "nonTextDocumentsExtensions": "jpg,jpeg,gif,png,tif,mp3,mp4,mpg,mpeg,avi,mkv,wav,bmp,swf,war,rar,tgz,dll,exe,class",
        "metadataMap": [{
                "from": "fieldA",
                "to": "destA"
            }, {
                "from": "fieldB",
                "to": "destB"
        "addHierarchy": true,
        "hierarchyCacheSize": 5000,
        "scanThreads": 10,
        "scanQueue": 50,
        "processThreads": 20,
        "processQueue": 200,
        "deleteCompleteQueueEntries": false,
        "flushSyncTime": "15s",
        "deleteCheckAfterErrors": "ALWAYS",
        "maxIdentitiesTimestamp": 3,
        "workflowErrorTolerant": true,
        "retriesEnabled": true,
        "removeFailedFromSnapshot": true,
        "retryPattern": [".*tika.*", ".*png.*"],
        "maxInCrawlRetries": 3,
        "maxCrawls": 3

Update Connector

idYes-NoId of the connector to update."e3fc3f4b-2784-4e5a-b27e-87a8f9a726a9"
typeNo-NoThe value must be the same as the type of the seed that will use this connector."filesystem"
descriptionNo-NoName of the connector object."MyFileSystemConnector"
artifactNo-NoThe mvn coordinates of the connector.""
propertiesNo-NoConfiguration object
debugNofalseNoSet to true to enable the debug messages.true / false
wDebugNofalseNoSet to true to enable job logging.true / false
enableStatisticsNofalseNoSet to true to gather pipeline job statistics in the debug console.true / false
infoCacheSizeNo100NoThe size of the Source Info cache used by the connector.200
mapCacheSizeNo100NoThe number of Storage maps kept in memory per seed.200
setCacheSizeNo100NoThe number of Sets kept in memory per seed.200
identityCacheSizeNo100NoThe number of identities kept in memory per seed.200
enableFetcherNotrueNoSet to true to enable document fetching for the seeds that use this connector.true / false
enableTextExtractNotrueNoSet to true to enable text extraction. By default, connectors use Apache Tika to extract text from downloaded documents. To apply special text processing to a downloaded document in the workflow, disable text extraction. The downloaded document is then available as a content stream.true / false
extractTextMaxSizeNo20971520NoSet to true to override default text extraction settings. 10000
extractTimeoutNo180000NoMaximum extract text size in number of characters or \"unlimited\". Doesn't apply if HTML Output option is enabled.18000
xmlMaxDepthNo2147483647NoThe max depth level for a file inner structure. Can be used to block denial of service attacks or corrupted files.2147483647
structuredTextNofalseNoInclude formatting in output (in HTML) instead of plain text.true / false
tikaConfigNo-NoPath for Apache Tika configuration file. It can be passed as empty to use the default configuration."/path/to/tikaConfig.xml" / ""
pdfParserPropertiesNofalseNoSet to true to enable changing the default PDFBox properties.true / false
enableAutoSpaceNotrueNoIf set to true, the parser should estimate where spaces should be inserted between words. For many PDFs this is necessary as they do not include explicit whitespace characters.true / false
suppressDuplicateOverlappingTextNofalseNoIf set to true the parser should try to remove duplicated text over the same region. This is needed for some PDFs that achieve bolding by re-writing the same text in the same area. Note that this can slow down extraction substantially (PDFBOX-956) and sometimes remove characters that were not in fact duplicated (PDFBOX-1155).true / false
extractAnnotationTextNotrueNoIf set to true, text in annotations will be extracted.true / false
sortByPositionNofalseNoIf set to true, sort text tokens by their x/y position before extracting text. This may be necessary for some PDFs (if the text tokens are not rendered \"in order\"), while for other PDFs it can produce the wrong result (for example if there are 2 columns, the text will be interleaved).true / false
extractAcroFormContentNotrueNoIf set to true, extract content from AcroForms at the end of the document.true / false
extractInlineImagesNofalseNoIf set to true, extract inline embedded OBXImages. Beware: some PDF documents of modest size (~4MB) can contain thousands of embedded images totaling > 2.5 GB. Also, at least as of PDFBox 1.8.5, there can be surprisingly large memory consumption and/or out of memory errors. Set to true with caution.true / false
extractUniqueInlineImagesOnlyNotrueNoMultiple pages within a PDF file might refer to the same underlying image. If extractUniqueInlineImagesOnly is set to false, the parser will call the EmbeddedExtractor each time the image appears on a page. This might be desired for some use cases. However, to avoid duplication of extracted images, set this to true.true / false
enable-non-text-filterNofalseNoSet to true to filter non text documents.true / false
enableFetchForNonTextNotrueNoSet to true if the workflow needs to stream the non-text documents.true / false
non-text-documentNofalseNoSet to true to filter using document extensions. Set to false to use a file to match non-text documents.true / false





NoComma separated list of non-text document extensions. Used based on the non-text-document value."jpg,jpeg,gif,png"
nonTextDocumentsNo-NoPath to a file containing a list of regex that matches the non-text documents, one regex expression per line. Used based on the non-text-document value."config/nonTextDocuments.txt"

[ ]

YesSettings for mapping extracted fields to a destination field.
fromNo-NoField to be mapped."fieldA"
toNo-NoField where the value will be mapped."fieldB"
addHierarchyNotrueNoSet to true to add hierarchy information to the documents.true / false
hierarchyCacheSizeNo500NoThe hierarchy in memory cache size. Reducing this value may increase the number of requests to the NoSQL database.5000
scanThreadsNo10NoThe maximum number of threads that will scan the repository at any one time.10
scanQueueNo50NoThe size of the in memory queue for items that need scanning in the repository. The recommended queue size is at least as large as the number of threads, if not two to three times larger. Larger queue sizes allow database access to be performed farther in advance, and smooth fluctuations in the time it takes to claim items from NoSql.50
processThreadsNo20NoThe maximum number of threads that will process items from the repository at any one time.20
processQueueNo200NoThe size of the in memory queue for items that need to be processed. The recommended queue size is at least as large as the number of threads, if not two to three times larger. Larger queue sizes will allow database access to be performed further in advance and smooth fluctuations in the time it takes to claim items from NoSql.200
deleteCompleteQueueEntriesNofalseNoSet to true if completed queue entries should be deleted (or just marked as complete).true / false
flushSyncTimeNo"15s"NoTime to wait for all servers to finish their flushes to the snapshot at the end of each incremental crawl."30s"
deleteCheckAfterErrorsNo"ALWAYS"NoChecks if "delete" candidates still exist after an incremental when they are part of scan error."ALWAYS" / "NEVER"
maxIdentitiesTimestampNo3NoNumber of crawls to execute before removing the oldest identity items.3
workflowErrorTolerantNofalseNoIf set to true, exceptions in workflow rules will only affect the execution of the rule in which the exception occurs. Subsequent rules will be executed and the job will complete the workflow successfully. Otherwise, exceptions in workflow rules will be re-thrown and the job will be moved to the error workflow.true / false
retriesEnabledNotrueNoIf set to true, failed documents will be reprocessed at the end of the crawl and in the following incremental crawls.true / false
removeFailedFromSnapshotNofalseNoCheck to remove the snapshot entry for each failed document. This makes the retries to be performed on all next incremental crawls. This overrides the \"Maximum crawls to retry\" option.true / false
retryPatternYes[ ]YesA regex pattern to match against any exception raised by either the individual document or publisher. If matched, the document or documents will be retried using the limits configured below.[ ".*\\.pdf" ]
maxInCrawlRetriesNo3NoMaximum number of retries per crawl for a failed document.3
maxCrawlsNo3NoMaximum number of incremental crawls in which a failed document will be retried.3


TitletitlePUT aspire/_api/connectors/e3fc3f4b-2784-4e5a-b27e-87a8f9a726a9
    "id": "e3fc3f4b-2784-4e5a-b27e-87a8f9a726a9",
    "type": "filesystem",
    "description": "Test Description",
    "artifact": "",
    "properties": {
        "debug": false,
        "wDebug": false,
        "enableStatistics": false,
        "infoCacheSize": 100,
        "mapCacheSize": 100,
        "setCacheSize": 100,
        "identityCacheSize": 100,
        "enableFetcher": true,
        "enableTextExtract": true,
        "extractTextConfiguration": true,
        "extractTextMaxSize": "20971520",
        "extractTimeout": 180000,
        "xmlMaxDepth": 100,
        "structuredText": false,
        "tikaConfig": "",
        "pdfParserProperties": true,
        "enableAutoSpace": true,
        "suppressDuplicateOverlappingText": false,
        "extractAnnotationText": true,
        "sortByPosition": false,
        "extractAcroFormContent": true,
        "extractInlineImages": false,
        "extractUniqueInlineImagesOnly": true,
        "enable-non-text-filter": true,
        "enableFetchForNonText": true,
        "non-text-document": true,
        "nonTextDocumentsExtensions": "jpg,jpeg,gif,png,tif,mp3,mp4,mpg,mpeg,avi,mkv,wav,bmp,swf,war,rar,tgz,dll,exe,class",
        "metadataMap": [{
                "from": "fieldA",
                "to": "destA"
            }, {
                "from": "fieldB",
                "to": "destB"
        "addHierarchy": true,
        "hierarchyCacheSize": 5000,
        "scanThreads": 10,
        "scanQueue": 50,
        "processThreads": 20,
        "processQueue": 200,
        "deleteCompleteQueueEntries": false,
        "flushSyncTime": "15s",
        "deleteCheckAfterErrors": "ALWAYS",
        "maxIdentitiesTimestamp": 3,
        "workflowErrorTolerant": true,
        "retriesEnabled": true,
        "removeFailedFromSnapshot": true,
        "retryPattern": [".*tika.*", ".*png.*"],
        "maxInCrawlRetries": 3,
        "maxCrawls": 3