Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Looks up matches to regular expressions in a dictionary within a single token and then tags the match with one or more semantic tags as an alternative representation.

Operates On:  Lexical Items with TOKEN


and possibly other flags as specified below.



All possibilities are tagged, including overlaps and sub-patterns, with the expectation that later disambiguation stages will choose which tags are the correct interpretation.

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Generic Configuration Parameters
Generic Configuration Parameters

Configuration Parameters

  • patterns (string, required) -
    The resource containing the pattern database
    • For the format see below
    • See below for the format.

Code Block
titleExample Configuration

Example Output

In the following example, "number" is in the dictionary as a regex for using "[0-9]+" and "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" :

Code Block
 V--------------------------------------[What's your name 12 @#$ 25 63.3]---------------------------------------V  
  ^--[What]--V--[s]--^                     ^--[{number}]--^         ^--[{number}]--^-----[63]-----V-----[3]------^  
  ^-----[what's]-----^                                                             ^---------[{number}]----------^  
  ^--[what]--^                                                                     ^--[{number}]--^--[{number}]--^                                        

Notice that on the example for Regex Pattern Stage the "self-name" tag would have a potential match with "What's your name". However, the Simple Regex Stage does not lookup for matches beyond a single token (as the Regex Patter Stage does).

Output Flags

Lex-Item Flags:

  • SEMANTIC_TAG - Identifies all lexical items that are semantic tags.PROCESSED - Placed on all tokens that compose the semantic tag.

Vertex Flags:


No vertices are created in this stage

Resource Data

The regex pattern must have an "pattern dictionary" (a string to JSON map) which is a list of JSON records, indexed by entity ID. In addition, there may also be a pattern map and a token index.


Each JSON record represents an entity. The format is as follows:

Code Block
titleEntity JSON Format
    "_id" : "ca84KGAAJGsBemSwA0nZTLXA",
    "tagstag" : [ 
    "patternspattern" : [ 
"options" : {
  "caseInsensitive" : ]true,
  "literal" : false
"confidenceconfAdjust" : 0.95
  . . . additional fields as needed go here . . . 


  1. Multiple patterns can have the same entry.
  2. Additional fielded data can be added to the record.
    • As needed by downstream processes.


  • Parameter
    summaryTag which will identify any match in the graph, as an interpretation

    • These will all

  • id (required, string) - Identifies the entity by unique ID. This identifier must be unique across all entries (across all dictionaries).
    • Typically, this is an identifier with meaning to the larger application that is using the Language Processing Toolkit.
  • tags (required, array of string) - The list of semantic tags that will be added to the interpretation graph whenever any of the patterns are matched.
    • These will

      be added to the interpretation graph with the SEMANTIC_TAG flag.

    patterns (required, array of string) - A list of patterns
    • Tip

      Tags are hierarchical representations of the same intent. For example, {city} → {administrative-area} → {geographical-area}

  • Parameter
    summaryPattern to match in the content

  • splitMatch (optional, boolean) - Indicates if the partialmatch will create a regex tag even if a full match was not met. 
  • confidence (optional, float) - Specifies the confidence level of the entity, independent of any patterns matched.
    • This is the confidence of the entry, in comparison to all of the other entries. Essentially, the likelihood that this entry will be encountered randomly.

Other Optional Fields


  • namepattern

  • Options
    • Parameter
      summaryWhen this flag is specified then the input string that specifies the pattern is treated as a sequence of literal characters. Metacharacters or escape sequences in the input sequence will be given no special meaning.
    • Parameter
      summarySet to true if the pattern is not case sensitive.

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Generic Resource Fields
Generic Resource Fields
