Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Step 1. Download Saga Parser

  1. Go to
  2. Download
  3. Extract the Files


  1. Copy bundles folder from the extracted files from
  2. Paste the bundles folder to aspire 5 parent directory 
  3. Verify if app-saga-parser and aspire-saga-parser are properly copied to Aspire 5


  1. :  {AspireParentDIR}\bundles\aspire

titleUsage of add-ons from Saga-Parser


If you are using the Saga-Parser from Aspire and also using one of the recognizers/processors described in add-on stages, make sure the corresponding .jar file is inside the "lib" folder in Aspire too. You can get these .jar from file, in the "lib" sub-folder.

The location of where Saga-Parser should get the JARs from is configurable in the Saga-Parser component UI,  make sure the folder "lib" path is correct.

Step 3. Configure the settings.xml json of Aspire 5

  1. Go to {AspireParentDIR}\config
  2. Open settings.xmljson
  3. Add Saga Parser bundle inside "repositories"


Code Block
"repositories: {

	"bundleVersions": {
		"bundle": [
                	"@artifactId": "app-subjobsaga-organizationparser",
                	"@groupId": "",
                	"@version": ""
                	"@artifactId": "aspire-subjobsaga-organizationparser",
                	"@groupId": "",
                	"@version": ""

         Image Removed

Step 4. Add Saga Config in Aspire 5

  1. Create config.json (The "logging_provider" bit is ONLY FOR 1.3.4^)
    NOTE: The tagManager and pipelineManager keys are also removed in 1.3.4^

    Code Block
      "config": {
        "libraryJars": ["./lib"],
        "tagManager": {
          "resource": "saga-provider:saga_tags"
        "pipelineManager": {
          "resource": "saga-provider:saga_pipelines"
        "providers": [
            "name": "filesystem-provider",
            "type": "FileSystem",
            "baseDir": "./config"
            "name": "saga-provider",
            "type": "Elastic",
            "nodeUrls": ["http://localhost:9200"],
            "timestamp": "updatedAt",
            "authentication": "none",
    		"caFilePath": "",
            "trustAllSSL": false,
            "indexName": "saga",
            "exclude": [
            "maxResults": 2000000
        "logging_provider": {
          "name": "saga-parser-logging-provider",
          "type": "Elastic",
          "nodeUrls": ["http://localhost:9200"],
          "timestamp": "updatedAt",
          "indexName": "saga",
          "authentication": "none",
          "timeout": 90,
          "delay": 5,
          "retries": 3,
          "exclude": [ ]

    For OpenSearch, replace the "saga-provider" section of type "Elastic" with the corresponding OpenSearch configuration as shown here:

            "name": "saga-provider",
            "type": "OpenSearch",
            "nodeUrls": ["http://localhost:9200"],
            "timestamp": "updatedAt",
            "indexName": "saga",
            "trustAllSSL": false,
            "timeout": 90,
            "delay": 5,
            "retries": 3,
            "include": [],
            "exclude": [],
            "track_total_hits": true,
            "maxResults": 10000

  2. Paste the created config.json file to {AspireParentDIR}\config\saga
  3. Make sure that the info in config.json are correct.
  4. Also, you need to add these two files as well: eventAppenderTemplate.json and sagaLoggerTemplate.json(VERSION 1.3.4)

    Code Block
      "mdc": {
        "$resolver": "mdc"
      "exception": {
        "exception_class": {
          "$resolver": "exception",
          "field": "className"
        "exception_message": {
          "$resolver": "exception",
          "field": "message"
        "stacktrace": {
          "$resolver": "exception",
          "field": "stackTrace",
          "stackTrace": {
            "stringified": true
      "line_number": {
        "$resolver": "source",
        "field": "lineNumber"
      "class": {
        "$resolver": "source",
        "field": "className"
      "@version": 1,
      "source_host": "${hostName}",
      "message": {
        "$resolver": "message",
        "stringified": true
      "thread_name": {
        "$resolver": "thread",
        "field": "name"
      "@timestamp": {
        "$resolver": "timestamp"
      "level": {
        "$resolver": "level",
        "field": "name"
      "file": {
        "$resolver": "source",
        "field": "fileName"
      "method": {
        "$resolver": "source",
        "field": "methodName"
      "logger_name": {
        "$resolver": "logger",
        "field": "name"
    Code Block
      "index_patterns": [
      "priority": 300,
      "template": {
        "settings": {
          "index": {
            "refresh_interval": "5s"
        "mappings": {
          "properties": {
            "class": {
              "type": "text",
              "index": false
            "message": {
              "type": "text",
              "index": false
            "date_time": {
              "type": "date",
              "format": "date_time"
            "level": {
              "type": "text",
              "index": false

Step 5. Run Aspire 5

Step 6. Add Saga Parser in the Extension Manager


Step 8. Configure Saga Parser on Aspire

       Image RemovedImage Removed

Image AddedImage Added

Image Added

Image Added

      Config Path: Location of the config.json downloaded earlier

      Create Python Bridge per engine: Option to create and start a python bridge PER SAGA engine used.

                Python Bridge path:  Tags: Folder path to the python bridge you want to spawn (it MUST have the venv created and with all the requirements installed).

                Python Bridge Base Port Number: The base port number that the Python Bridge(s) will be created.

                Protocol: Transport Protocol serving on the python bridge to use.

                Disable SSL verification: If you are using a python bridge with HTTPS, the Saga Parser will try to verify the certificate, but if you are using a Self-Signed one, it will drop the connection. This option disables this verification (The SSL disable MUST be configured as well on the SAGA configuration).

                Python server authentication: Checked only if the python server has authentication (username/password) enabled.

                           Username: Specify the username to authenticate.

                           Password: Specify the password to authenticate.

      Match Type: Type of SAGA output match (Match Extraction or Analytics).

                Match Extraction: This response type returns an array with all the Sematic Tags matches.

                Analytics: This response type returns an array with  any non Token matches.

      Process fields: Path of the content you want to process inside the AspireObject.

      Engine Pool Size: Number of SAGA engines.

      Create Engines Beforehand: Create the Engines BEFORE crawling instead at the time of actual crawls.

      Tags/Processors: Select if you want to use SAGA tags or a specific Processor (pipeline stage).

              Tags: List of SAGA tags you want to process. It needs to have at least ONE tag.

              Use Exact Tags: If you want to use the exact names of tags (If you use container tags, probably you want to disable this).

              Processor: Specific processor you want to process from a pipeline.

      Include FlagsThe tag name the we wanted to use      FLAGS: The Name of the Flags that you wanted to usewant to use. By default is SEMANTIC_TAG and this option cannot be empty.

      Exclude Flags: Flags you want to skip and not add to the final output.

      Cache Results: Enabling this will cache the most used results to improve performance.

      Debug: Enable debug log messages.

Step 9. Save the configuration
