Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

From version 3.2, Aspire requires a license file to run

See Aspire Licensing for information on obtaining a license

The following are the NoSQL DB providers supported by Aspire 3.2 release:

  • MongoDB version 3.4.10
  • HBase version 1.2.4

Below you can find the list

This page maintains a list of all

of the updates for

version 3.2 of Aspire

this version.

New Features

  • NoSQL DB Provider
    • HBase supported.
  • AIP Integration related features (Aspire Cloudera Parcel mode)
    • Audit Logs
      • Log Aspire actions via Jetty.
    • Cloudera Parcel updated.
    • Licensing
      • Licensing to build entitlements for AIP
      • Licensing to Access Aspire Application: Annual, Perpetual and Trial.
    • Log Tika errors as warnings.
    • Logging improvements .
      • Added processes and scripts to delete old logs.
    • Security Access Control Configuration.
      • User Role Authentication with LDAP.
    • Security
      • Access to file system/APIs via groovy.
On this page
Related pages
  • Aspire Help
  • New Features

    • Brand new Connector Framework (for more information check here)

    • Several connectors refactored and migrated to the new framework.

    • Refactored Group Expansion to use MongoDB.

    • Improved and redesigned User Interface.

    • Added the creationDate filter option and Progressive Retries for Jive Source Connector.
    • New applications: Archive and PST Extractor.

    • New Connector: Documentum DQL 

    Bug Fixes

    Aspire Core

    • Fixed issue on DXF with the escapeValue flag.

    • Workflow - Validation allows to re-save a workflow rule.

    • Workflow - Component with a DXF text field is now saved.

    • Workflow - Deleting Components now works properly.

    • Scheduler General Tab - Content Source configuration saved is now being displayed in the UI.

    • UI - Deleting references do not delete application if shared.

    • Failover - After a single instance full crawl it's possible to run another one.

    • Aspire Framework crashing when include/exclude pattern is left empty.

    • Hierarchy Extractor - Fixed NPE.

    • Workflow - Rules are editable even if disabled.

    • General Auditing fixes.


    • Field Mapper

    Multiple Source Mappings not updating correctly.


    • eRoom

    Extension List option and Open Data Stream not working with the Groovy script.

    • IBM Connections

    ACLs not being extracted.

    • TeamForge

    Exclude pattern works as expected.


    • Pub2HDFS 

    WebHDFS exception.


    • JMS

    Now loading correctly.

    Known Issues

     Aspire Core 

    • Aspire does not detect changes in the connector settings and is not asking to save them.
    • New NoSQLSet utility class is not working as expected.
    • Source Connector disabled in distributed scenario crawls items and counts them in the statistics.
    • Auditing Tool - filtering by "Batch" and "All" & "Job and All" is not working.
    • Debug console broken in Firefox.
    • Aspire does not load even after the console says is loaded.
    • Add option does not show results when filtering from the last page.


    • Archive Extractor

    Deletion is not working with file names with special characters.

    "Index Archive file job" is throwing exceptions or is not adding the job requested.

    • PST Extractor

    Connector indexes containers.


    • Aspire Connector Archetype

    Aspire connector archetype not compiling because of a wrong dependency. In order to make it work, change the "aspire-connector-framework" dependency version from 3.0 to 3.1

    • IBM Connections

    Adds are reported as Updates.

    • RDB Tables

    Need to flush jobs on RDB Source Connector.

    • RDB Snapshot

    Source - Full crawl not working. Console and UI got stuck.

    • SharePoint 2010

    NPE when Domain is empty.

    • SharePoint 2013

    Items crawled and Items with error are the same if domain is empty.

    • Staging Repository

    "Cannot get content source from job" error when Content Source field is not specified.


    • OCR

    Publish to staging is not being added to the Workflow section when connector is added.


    To Be Released

    • Jive
    • New Staging RepositoryConnector
    • PST
    • RightNow
    • Salesforce

    External Technical Limitations  


    • Changes in Box notes content are not considered for incremental crawls.
    • Changes made to the attachments of the item type Opportunity in Salesforce are not considered for incremental crawls.

    Important Note 

    • MapDB is not used in the new connector framework.
    • Applications
      • HDFS Binary File Writer.
      • Connectors
        • HBase
        • Jive
          • Simplified way to bring Security ACLs.
          • Support version 9.
          • New option to crawl specific places.
        • Kafka
        • Salesforce
          • Chatter Feeds Endpoint updated to use the SOAP API and Accounts management.
        • Service Now
          • New option to choose what to use for the Include/Exclude patterns. Either URLs or Knowledge Article Id.
        • SharePoint 2016
        • SMB
        • Framework
          • Updated start scripts to fail with versions of Java less than 1.8.
          • Normalize time zone for Aspire including logs and statistics.
          • Remove Recovery Policy options from the UI, since they are no longer used.
          • Aspire Archetype - Add required Felix properties for Kerberos authentication in the Aspire Distribution.
          • Jetty web server modifications for Aspire: HTTP TRACE method and server header info.
          • Option enable to change Aspire's port when distribution is created with maven command.
          • LDAP Cache collection names changed for something more meaningful.
        • Services
          • HAR Compactor
        • Publishers
          • HBase
          • Kafka
          • Solr Cloud (SolrJ library)
        • UI
          • New grid/list view on Content Source page.
      • Publishers
        • Azure Blobs

    Items Released

    • Applications
      • Archive Extractor
      • AVRO Extractor
      • Parquet Extractor
      • PST Extractor
    • Connectors
      • Aspider
      • Amazon S3
      • Box
      • File System 
      • CIFS
      • Confluence
      • Documentum 
      • Documentum DQL 
      • eRoom
      • HBase
      • HDFS
      • IBM Connections
      • Jira Issues
      • Jive
      • Jive (support ver. 9)
      • Kafka (Security pending)
      • Kinesis
      • RDB Snapshot 
      • RDB via Table 
      • Salesforce
      • Service Now
      • SharePoint 2013
      • SharePoint 2016
      • SharePoint Online
      • SMB
      • SMTP 
      • SocialCast
      • StageR 
      • FTP
      • RSS
    •  Publishers
      • Azure Blob
      • Elasticsearch 
      • HBase 
      • Kafka 
      • Kinesis
      • SolrCloud 
      • Solr 
      • StageR
    • Services
      • SharePoint 2013 CEWS Listener

    Bug Fixes

    Aspire Core

    • NPE killing Aspire distribution
    • Error when second server joins a distributed crawl.


    • Page Navigation not showing all the jobs.


    • Aspider
      • Crawl getting stuck (Error claiming the entry from the queue).

      • Decoded characters in URLs when no needed.

      • Case-sensitive option not considering robots.txt file.

      • NPE when running an incremental crawl using an invalid URL in the seed file.

      • NPE when running a full crawl using default options.

      • Full Crawl - NPE while running a Full Crawl using default options.

      • Minor UI issues.

    • CIFS
      • Connector not allowing special characters as paths to crawl.
      • Missing placeholder on "Path to URLs field.
    • Jive
      • ACLs not getting updated when the privacy of a group changed.
      • Hierarchy for documents with attachments not constructed correctly.
      • Extract Text stage is not being executed with default settings.
      • Activity Incremental + Creation Date Filter not catching updates after the first one.
      • Activity Incremental crawl generating duplicate key error collection.
      • Unicode characters not handled at all in several Jive contents.
      • Hierarchy for Social Group's blogs being generated incorrectly.
      • Error not being displayed retrieving ACLs from Entitlement API using on-premise Jive.
      • No UI error when Aspire Security Plugin is disabled.
      • The first level of the hierarchy populating the content source name in "name" field.
    • RDB Snapshot
      • Minor UI validations.
    • Salesforce
      • ACLs error with default connector configuration.
      • ACLs for Groups/Users not reflected correctly after updates.
      • Error crawling Feed deleted.
      • Error on fetching Attachments.
      • Error getting deletes on Incremental for Tasks and Profiles.
      • Error on invalid session.
      • Error ending crawl.
    • Service Now
      •  Deletes being reported over attachments not updated.
    • StageR
      • Connector doing reprocessing for incremental crawl.


    • StageR
      • Validation for Document Key field when field does not exist.


    • Importing connector with special characters in the path fields not loading correctly.

    To Be Released

    • Connectors
      • Lotus
      • RightNow
      • TeamForge
    • Publishers
      • CDH Hadoop
      • Elasticsearch in Azure
      • Web HDFS
    • Services
      • Azure Group Expansion
      • HTTP Listener
      • HTTP Service

    External Technical

    • HBase: When running Aspire with long-term, large ingestion (with HBASE as the underlying HBase libraries may eventually stop returning results without throwing any error back, degrading the crawl performance down until it stalls completely. When this happens the only solution is to restart the affected aspire servers so the underlying HBase library threads get to connect from scratch.
    • SalesForce connector: Due to SalesForce API limitations, the connector has the following limitations:
      • For incremental crawls, the  getUpdated and getDeleted methods are used, but when an attachment is updated from any item, that action will not be processed by the methods mentioned.
      • Security and incremental related limitations:
        • In security, we are only supporting 'Supported elements'.
        • For sharing related incremental crawling, unsharing of Salesforce item is not working.
        • For incremental crawling of Salesforce task items, we are only supporting tasks based on accounts.
        • If removal of sharing occurs for a item (e.g., removing sharing of an account), it is not reflect in the incremental crawl.
        • Pricebook sharing ACLs are not supported.
        • We are only supporting Tasks that are based on accounts for incremental crawling.
      • Chatter security
        • Chatter ACLs only will be retrieved if the “Filter TrackedChange feeds” option is checked.
        • Chatter ACLs are only supported for items that were created by a User or a Group, otherwise no ACL will be generated for the item.
        • The public chatter groups will have two ACLs, one for the public group and a PUBLIC:ALL ACL.
        • Private and Unlisted chatter groups will have one ACL for the group.
        • The followers of a chatter user will be treated as a private group called “<username>’s followers”, all the feed items created by a user to their followers will have this ACL.
        • The chatter item attachments will inherit the parent item ACLs.
        • Reducing the users retrieval scope might lead to a loss of ACLs, since no ACLs won’t be generated for followers of users outside the scope of the user retrieval.
      • Salesforce Compatibility limitation
        • Every 3 months Salesforce releases a new version of their API and, sometimes makes changes to the data structures, after each update there is a possibility that the compatibility between the connector and Salesforce will break.

    Known Issues

    Items Deprecated on Aspire 3.2


    • Archive Extractor
      • Deletes are not handled properly for incremental crawls.
      • Delete by query option is not working for ElasticSearch versions greater than 5.0. Ask to the Core Engineering team for a workaround if you need it.

    Aspire Core

    • Loading Application message trying to add connector but it does not load.
    • Intermittent black screen showing in the UI for less than a second (flickering screen).
    • Failover:
      • Triple instance full crawl (double-interrupted): Having missing jobs.
      • Dual Test Full Crawl interrupted: after aspire shutdown in one instance the other instance continue the crawl but never ends, Not all Docs are published on Solr.
      •  Full test interrupted: after aspire shutdown and restarted docs are not published on Solr.
    • NoSQL provider:
      • Configurations - Encrypted fields is not working.
      • Missing 'NoSQL provider unavailable' message when provider is down.


    • Aspider
      • Crawl statistics are shown more items than actually processed.

    • Documentum
      • Connector fails during group expansion with large number of users and groups. 

    • Jive
      • Resume button

    The following items are deprecated on this Aspire version:

    • Elasticsearch bootloader
      • aspire-elastic-bootloader
    • DCM
      • aspire-amazonec2-dm
      • aspire-zk-dm
    • Big Data
      • app-semantic-co-occurrence-hadoop
      • app-semantic-co-occurrence-hadoop-soln
      • aspire-hadoop-job-launcher
      • aspire-hadoop-hdfs
      • aspire-hadoop-wiki-dict-generator
      • aspire-load-hdfs
    • Connectors
      • Staging Repo Connector (File System)
      • SVN
    • Services:
      • Fast Components
      • Fast Content API
      • Fast Query Completion Listener
      • Fast Query Listener
    •  Solutions
      • OCR
      • Semantic Co-ocurrence
    • Publishers
      • Cloudsearch
      • SharePoint 2013
      • Staging Repo Publisher (File System)