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Azure Data


Lake Source

The Azure Data Lake connector will crawl files and folders (configuration-dependent). Execution will result


in populating the following fields





StringFull path of the directory or file (from root path "/")
NameStringFile name (minus the path) of the directory or file


Length of a file (does not apply for directories)
GroupStringID of the group that owns this file/directory


StringID of the user that owns this file/directory


StringUnix-style permission string for this file or directory

Last Access Time



and time of when the


file was last accessed


Boolean Flag indicating


if the file has ACLs set on it

Block Size

LongBlock size reported by server

Expiry Time



and time when the file expires, as UTC time




factor reported by server


BooleanIndicates "true" if is a directory, otherwise File

Fetch Url

StringAzure Data Lake full Absolute Path including FQDN. adl://[yourdomain]

Last Modified Date



and time of when the file was last modified


ACL ArrayList of access for file or folder

Example Output

The following code block


shows the console output


of crawling of a folder called /test located at root of testing Data Lake Storage adl://

Code Block
2018-06-04T17:30:26Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/Main/CrawlController]: Received job - action: start
2018-06-04T17:30:26Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/Main/CrawlController]: Initializing crawl: 1528133426127
2018-06-04T17:30:26Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/Main/CrawlController]: Initializing statistics for crawl: 1528133426127
2018-06-04T17:30:26Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/Main/CrawlController]: Clearing queues, snapshot, hierarchy and intersection acls - please wait...
2018-06-04T17:30:26Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/Main/CrawlController]: Clearing queues, snapshot, hierarchy and intersection acls took 200 ms
2018-06-04T17:30:26Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/Main/CrawlController]: Offering crawl root
2018-06-04T17:30:26Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/Main/CrawlController]: Sending start job for crawl: 1528133426127 (status: I)
2018-06-04T17:30:26Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/QueuePipelineManager/ScanQueueLoader]: QueueLoader (scan) crawl status checker thread started
2018-06-04T17:30:26Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/QueuePipelineManager/ProcessQueueLoader]: QueueLoader (process) item claim thread started
2018-06-04T17:30:26Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/QueuePipelineManager/ScanQueueLoader]: QueueLoader (scan) item claim thread started
2018-06-04T17:30:26Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/QueuePipelineManager/ProcessQueueLoader]: QueueLoader (process) crawl status checker thread started
2018-06-04T17:30:26Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/Main/CrawlController]: Published crawl start job
2018-06-04T17:30:26Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/RAP]: >>> Processing crawl - Azure DataLake Store: [/test]
2018-06-04T17:30:28Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/RAP]: >>> Processing crawl - Azure DataLake Store: adl://
2018-06-04T17:30:28Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/ProcessPipelineManager/ProcessCrawlRoot]: Added root item: /test
2018-06-04T17:30:28Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/ProcessPipelineManager]: Processing: adl://
2018-06-04T17:30:29Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/ScanPipelineManager/Scan]: Scanning: /test
2018-06-04T17:30:30Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/RAP]: >>> Scan Item - Azure DataLake Store: /test
2018-06-04T17:30:31Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/RAP]: >>> Processing crawl - Azure DataLake Store: adl://
2018-06-04T17:30:31Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/RAP]: >>> Processing crawl - Azure DataLake Store: adl://
2018-06-04T17:30:31Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/ProcessPipelineManager]: Processing: adl://
2018-06-04T17:30:31Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/ProcessPipelineManager]: Processing: adl://
2018-06-04T17:30:31Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/RAP]: >>> Processing crawl - Azure DataLake Store: adl://
2018-06-04T17:30:32Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/RAP]: >>> Processing crawl - Azure DataLake Store: adl://
2018-06-04T17:30:32Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/RAP]: >>> Processing crawl - Azure DataLake Store: adl://
2018-06-04T17:30:32Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/ScanPipelineManager/Scan]: Item /test scanned 5 subitems
2018-06-04T17:30:32Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/ProcessPipelineManager]: Processing: adl://
2018-06-04T17:30:32Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/ProcessPipelineManager]: Processing: adl://
2018-06-04T17:30:32Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/ProcessPipelineManager]: Processing: adl://
2018-06-04T17:30:34Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/QueuePipelineManager/ScanQueueLoader]: QueueLoader (scan) crawl status thread stopped
2018-06-04T17:30:34Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/QueuePipelineManager/ProcessQueueLoader]: QueueLoader (process) crawl status thread stopped
2018-06-04T17:30:34Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/Main/CrawlController]: Published crawl end job
2018-06-04T17:30:34Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/Main/CrawlController]: Crawl ended with status: S
2018-06-04T17:30:34Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/QueuePipelineManager/ProcessQueueLoader]: QueueLoader (process) item claim thread stopped
2018-06-04T17:30:35Z INFO [/aspire_azuredatalakestore/QueuePipelineManager/ScanQueueLoader]: QueueLoader (scan) item claim thread stopped
