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titleIn Progress

The RDB via Snapshots The REST Connector can be configured using the Rest API. It requires the following entities to be created:

  • Credential
  • Connection
  • Connector
  • Seed

Below are the examples of how to create the Credential, Connection and the Seed. For the Connectorgeneral connectors' configuration, please check refer to this page.

Easy Heading Free
navigationTitleOn this Page

Create Credential

We support these crawled repositories authentication types:

  • Basic - see here
  • Bearer - see here
  • API Token - can be used as an alternative for Bearer. It is about sending configured header field as a part of each request
  • Azure Credentials
  • None

typeYesyes-NonoThe value must be "rdbrest-snapshotapi"."rdbrest-snapshotapi"
descriptionYesyes-NonoName of the credential object."My RDB REST Credential"
propertiesYesyes-NonoConfiguration object
typeyes-noAuthentication type: basic, apiToken, bearer, azure, none.basic

type: basic
loginAccountyesusernameYes-NonoUser nameUsername."admin"
passwordYesyes-NonoPassword (can be encrypted in Aspire fashion)."adminPassword"

type: apiToken

titlePOST aspire/_api/credentials
    "type": "rdb-snapshot",
    "description": "My RDB Credential",
    "properties": {
        "username": "admin",
        "password": "adminPassword"

Create Connection

FieldRequiredDefaultMultipleNotesExampletypeYes-NoThe value must be "rdb-snapshot"."rdb-snapshot"descriptionYes-NoName of the connection object."My RDB Connection"throttlePolicyNo-NoId of the throttle policy that applies to this connection object."6b235b333a1b"routingPoliciesNo[ ]YesThe ids of the routing policies that this connection will use.["17f75ce7d0c7", "d42780003b36"]credentialYes-NoId of the credential"6b235b333a1b"propertiesYes-NoConfiguration objectjdbcUrlYes-NoThe JDBC url for your RDBMS server and database. Use database marker {DATABASE} to denote the database"jdbc:mysql://db:3306/{DATABASE}"jdbcDriverJarYes-NoPath to the JDBC driver jar file for your RDBMS."/lib/myjdbcdriver.jar"jdbcDriverClassNosee notesNoThe name of the default JDBC driver class (if the class name from the META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver file in the driver Jar file should not be used), or if that file does not exist in the driver jar file (Oracle)"java.sql.Driver"jdbcDriverClasspathNothe driver jar fileNoThe class path for external jars required by the jdbc driverstopOnErrorNotrueNoWhen selected, the scan stops if the JDBC driver throws an error while getting a row, and the crawl halts. When unselected, the connector attempts to get subsequent rowsfalseuseSlicesNofalseNo

Select this option to divide the full SQL into multiple slices. For example,if you have a 10 Million row table to scan, executing the 10 M query will take a while. After it completes, the connector starts sending items. By activating 10 slices, the scan is split into 10 1 Million scans, which takes less time and you can view results faster. This only works when the idColumn contains an integer.

truenumSlicesNo-NoThe number of SQL slices to split fullSQL. Slicing the full SQL should improve the performance significantly if a big database is to be crawled. Only works when the id column is an integer10
noThe name of the HTTP header field to be sent with a request."tokenName1"
headerValueyes-noThe value of the "headerName" field."tokenValue1"

type: bearer
queryyes-nobearer query: JSON object representing the query to be sent for getting the accessToken
urlTemplateyes-noThe context path of the URL."/login"
loginAccountyes-noUsername. Used as a value for ${loginAccount} query body field."admin"
passwordyes-noPassword. Used as a value for ${password} query body field."adminPassword"
methodyes-noHTTP method. Must be POST in this version."POST"
bodyyes-noThe query body. Fields: ${loginAccount}, ${password} are expected to be used as a part of the body."{\"username\" : \"${username}\",\"password\" : \"${password}\"}"
resultFieldyes-noThe field in the response with the access token."accessToken"
isFormBodyyesfalsenoSelect if the request uses a Form body instead of a JSON body.false
setExpiresFieldyesfalsenoSelect if you want to specify the expires field.false
expiresTypeyesatnoSelect the type of token expiration: "at", "in"."at"
expiresAtFieldno-noThe name of the field of the generated token (Only if expiresType is "at")."token"
expiresAtFormatnoyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXXnoThe date format of the generated token (Only if expiresType is "at")."yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"
expiresInTimenofalsenoSelect if you want to specify the expiration of the token in a specific time (Only if expiresType is "in").false
expiresInFieldno-noThe name of the field of the generated token (Only if expiresType is "in")."token"
timeTypeno-noThe unit of the timestamp: "millis", "seconds", "minutes", "hours" (Only if expiresType is "in" and expiresInTime is "false")."millis"
expiresInTimeTypeno-noThe unit of the timestamp: "millis", "seconds", "minutes", "hours" (Only if expiresType is "in" and expiresInTime is "true")."minutes"
expiresInFieldno-noThe amount of time you want to wait for the token expiration (Only if expiresType is "in" and expiresInTime is "true")."10"
setHeaderyesfalsenoSelect if you intend to specify the Authorization header namefalse
headerNameyesAuthorizationno Authorization header name"Authorization"
customHeadersyesemptynoAdditional Headers [{"field": "Accept", "value": "application/json"}]

type: azure
client_idyes-noThe Application (client) ID that the Azure portal - App registrations page assigned to your app
client_secretyes-noThe credentials that authenticate the application
scopeyes-noA space-separated list of scopes, or permissions, that the app requires""
urlTemplateyes-noThe directory tenant that you want to log the user into. This can be in GUID or friendly name format"myTenant"

Use % Operator for Modulo. Check this option if you want to specify the MODULO operator to use for a particular Database system that doesn't recognize the MOD() function. "MOD()" is available for MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle. But systems like Microsoft SQL Server you must check this option



Code Block
titlePOST aspire/_api/connections
   "type": rdb-snapshot,
   "description": "RDB_TEST",
   "properties": {
        "jdbcDriverJar" : "/lib/myjdbcdriver.jar",
        "jdbcDriverClass": null,
        "jdbcDriverClasspath": null,
        "stopOnError": true,
        "useSlices": false,
        "numSlices": 2,
        "percentAsMod": false

Update Connection

FieldRequiredDefaultMultipleNotesExampleidYes-NoId of the connection to update"d442adcab4b0",descriptionNo-NoName of the connection object."My RDB Connection"throttlePolicyNo-NoId of the throttle policy that applies to this connection object."b3a9-6b235b333a1b"routingPoliciesNo[ ]YesThe ids of the routing policies that this connection will use.["17f75ce7d0c7", "d42780003b36"]credentialNo-NoId of the credential"6b235b333a1b"propertiesNo-NoConfiguration object(see create connection)


Code Block
titlePUT POST aspire/_api/connections/89d6632a-a296-426c-adb0-d442adcab4b0credentials
    "idtype": "89d6632a-a296-426c-adb0-d442adcab4b0rest-api",
    "description": "RDB_TESTMy credential",
    "properties": {
        "jdbcUrltype":"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/{DATABASE} "bearer",
        "jdbcDriverJarquery" : "/lib/myjdbcdriver.jar",{
            "jdbcDriverClassurlTemplate": null,
            "jdbcDriverClasspathusername": null"admin",
            "stopOnErrorpassword": true"encrypted:xxxxx",
             "useSlicesmethod": false"POST",
        "numSlices": 2,
        "percentAsMod"body": "{\"username\": false
}\"${username}\", \"password\": \"${password}\"}",
            "resultField": "accessToken",
			"isFormBody": false,
      		"setExpiresField": true,
		    "expiresType": "in",
		    "expiresInTime": true,
      		"expiresInTimeType": "minutes",
      		"expiresInField": "10",
      		"setHeader": true,
      		"headerName": "X-Tableau-Auth",
      		"customHeaders": [
          			"field": "Accept",
          			"value": "application/json"

Create Connection

typeYes-NoThe value must be "rest-api"."rest-api"
descriptionYes-NoName of the connection object."My REST Connection"
throttlePolicyNo-NoID of the throttle policy that applies to this connection object."6b235b333a1b"
routingPoliciesNo[ ]YesThe IDs of the routing policies that this connection will use.["17f75ce7d0c7", "d42780003b36"]
deleteIncrementalPolicyNo-NoID of the delete policy that applies to this connection object."6b235b333a1b"
credentialYes-NoID of the credential"6b235b333a1b"
propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object
baseUrlYes-NoYour rest service API URL"https://your-service/api/v2/"
connectionTimeoutYes10000NoThe period of time (ms) in which the connection will be closed.10000
socketTimeoutYes10000NoThe period of time (ms) in which the socket will be closed.10000
maxRetriesYes3NoThe number of connections retries3
useThrottlingYesfalseNoIf you want to use connection Throttlingfalse
throttlingYesthrottling_falseNoConstant required if useThrottling is false"throttling_false"
throttlingConnectionRateNo500NoThe number of calls that your API can receive within a fixed period of time (Required if useThrottling is true)500
throttlingRateNo5000NoThe period of fixed time in which the number of API calls can be received (in milliseconds) ( Required if useThrottling is true)5000
useProxyYesfalseNoIf you want to configure a proxyfalse
proxyYesproxy_falseNoConstant required if useProxy is false"proxy_false"
proxyProtocolYeshttpNoThe protocol of the proxy connection"http"
proxyHostYes-NoYour proxy host"myHostName"
proxyPortYes3128NoYour proxy port3128
useProxyAuthYesfalseNoIf you want to configure a proxy authenticationfalse
proxyAuthYesproxyAuth_falseNoConstant required if useProxyAuth is false"proxyAuth_false"
proxyUserYes-NoProxy Username"Administrator"
proxyPassYes-NoProxy Password"adminPassword"
trustAllCertificatesYesfalseNoIf selected, no HTTPS certificate validation will be done.true


Code Block
titlePOST aspire/_api/connections
    "type": "rest-api",
    "description": "Rest conn 3",
    "credential": "0b6fd9c8-d722-4874-aca1-e57c6eff2089",
    "properties": {
        "baseUrl": "http://aspire_manager:50443/aspire/_api",
		"connectionTimeout": 10000,
	    "socketTimeout": 10000,
    	"maxRetries": 3,
	    "useThrottling": false,
    	"throttling": "throttling_false",
	    "useProxy": false,
	    "proxy": "proxy_false",
    	"trustAllCertificates": false

Update Connection

idYes-NoID of the connection to update"d442adcab4b0",
descriptionNo-NoName of the connection object."My REST Connection"
throttlePolicyNo-NoID of the throttle policy that applies to this connection object."b3a9-6b235b333a1b"
routingPoliciesNo[ ]YesThe IDs of the routing policies that this connection will use.["17f75ce7d0c7", "d42780003b36"]
credentialNo-NoID of the credential"6b235b333a1b"
propertiesNo-NoConfiguration object
(see create connection)


Code Block
titlePUT aspire/_api/connections/89d6632a-a296-426c-adb0-d442adcab4b0
   "id": "89d6632a-a296-426c-adb0-d442adcab4b0",
   "description": "REST connection",
     "properties": {
        "baseUrl": "http://aspire_manager:50443/aspire/_api"

Create Connector

For the creation of the Connector object using the Rest API, refer to this page

Update Connector

For the update of the Connector object using the Rest API, refer to this page

Create Seed

typeYes-NoThe value must be "rest-api"."rest-api"
descriptionYes-NoName of the seed object."My REST Seed"
connectorYes-NoThe ID of the connector to be used with this seed. The connector type must match the seed type."e3ca414b0d31"
connectionYes-NoThe ID of the connection to be used with this seed. The connection type must match the seed type."e4a663fe9ee6"
workflowsNo[ ]YesThe IDs of the workflows that will be executed for the documents crawled.["5696c3f0bda4"]
throttlePolicyNo-NoID of the throttle policy that applies to this seed object."6b235b333a1b"
routingPoliciesNo[ ]YesThe IDs of the routing policies that this seed will use.["17f75ce7d0c7", "d42780003b36"]
deleteIncrementalPolicyNo-NoID of the delete policy that applies to this connection object."6b235sd23423b"
tagsNo[ ]YesThe tags of the seed. These can be used to filter the seed["tag1", "tag2"]
propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object
crawlRulesYes-YesCrawl rules

Groovy condition to determine which items should execute this set of queries. Groovy script to determine if a given item should execute this set of queries.

The following matches the root item: item.getType().toString().equals('root')

The following matches any extracted entity from a scan: item.getType().toString().equals('entity')

entityTypeYes-NoEntity type to match (required if conditionalScript is false)"root"
shouldStopNofalseNoIf selected, then no other queries will be executed for the given item.true

If selected, the item matching this crawl rule will be indexed.

queriesNo-YesCrawl rules: Queries to execute inside the rule
scriptedQueryYesfalseNoIf you use custom scripted queryfalse
If the current script should be able to extract new items (Required if scriptedQuery is true)false
queryTypeYesmetadataExtractionNoQuery type: metadataExtraction or scan (Required if scriptedQuery is true)metadataExtraction
groovyScriptYes-NoCustom query executed with groovy (Required if scriptedQuery is true)"rest.execute(\"/relative-to-base/action\")"
urlTemplateYes-NoThe query to execute. If ${metadataParameter} is found inside the field, it will be replaced with a specific value (for example from the scan result entity)"/serviceEndpoint/${name}"
methodYesGETNoHTTP method. Options: GET, POST, PUT"GET"
body Yes -NoThe body of the POST or PUT body. Can include parameters to be replaced as: ${param1.paramA} (Required if method POST or PUT)"{\"username\" : \"${username}\",\"password\" : \"${password}\"}"
jsonRequestYestrueNoIf the request body is JSONtrue
contentTypeYesjsonNoThe body mime type: JSON/xml/text (Required if jsonRequest is false)"xml"
customHeadersYes[]YesCustom headers' configuration for the request[{"field": "Accept","value": "application/json"}]
queryTypeYesscanNoThe query type: scan/metadataExtraction/binaryFetch"scan"

childrenPathNo-NoExtraction path. The path to the response array that contains the children to extract. For example, if the response comes as {"response":{"entitities":[{1},{2},{..},{n}]}} response.entities should be used. If the array is the response, then leave this field empty"response.entities"
idFieldYes-NoChild ID field. Field within each child holding its ID. For example, if each child has the following structure: {"entity":{"entityId":"abc-ef-1234"}, "att1":"val1"} then entity.entityId should be used"entity.entityId"
childTypeYesentityNoType given to the items discovered by the scan query, this can be used to match a rule condition by type, if left empty, 'entity' will be used"user"
setMetadataFieldYesfalseNoIf you want to specify the metadata parent field, otherwise all the metadata will be at document root leveltrue
metadataFieldYesmetadataNoSpecify the metadata parent field name (Required if setMetadataField is true)"metadata"
signatureFieldsYes[]YesScan: Incremental configuration signature fields[{"path": "$.attribute"},{"path": "$.attribute2"}]
pathYes-noSignature JSON Path (e.g. $.attribute).  JSON path to extract fields to use as signature. Check out for JsonPath documentation"$.attribute"

Scan: Extended signatures
extendedSignatureYesfalseNoUse this option if extra requests must be executed to obtain the metadata needed to calculate modifications properly. Use this option carefully, as this decreases the incremental crawls' performance linearly.true
queriesNo-YesScan: Extended signature Queries
queryTypeYes-NoQuery type - must be "metadataExtraction""metadataExtraction"
urlTemplateYes-NoThe query to execute."/serviceEndpoint/${metadataParameter}"
methodYes-NoHTTP method. Options: GET, POST, PUT"GET"
body Yes -NoThe body of the POST or PUT body. Can include parameters to be replaced as: ${param1.paramA} (Required if method POST or PUT)"{\"username\" : \"${username}\",\"password\" : \"${password}\"}"
signatureFieldsYes-YesSignature fields.[{"path": "$.attribute"}]
pathYes-NoSignature JSON Path (e.g. $.attribute).  JSON path to extract fields to use as signature. Check out for JsonPath documentation."$.attribute"
resultFieldYes-NoInternal name of metadata where the results will be extracted into."field"

Scan: Pagination
hasPaginationYesfalseNoEnable paginationtrue
elasticLikeScrollPaginationYesfalseNoIf you use Elasticsearch scroll ID for paginationtrue
nextPageLinkYesfalseNoIf the next page link should be taken from a field in the responsetrue
nextPageLinkFieldYes-NoPath to the next page link field in the response, use dots to use fields in hierarchical paths"response.nextPageLink"
isFromHeaderYesfalseNoIf the next page link is on the header, otherwise the response will be checkedtrue
isRelativeYesfalseNoIf the next page link is relative, i.e: /api/data/9/children/?skip=1&limit=1true
pageSizeNo300NoThe maximum number of entries the query retrieves per page100
containsTotalYesfalseNoIf the response has as a response the total number of entities in all pagestrue
totalFieldYes-NoPath to the total field in the response. If the response has {"response":{"totalEntities":50000, "entities":[...]}} then response.totalEntities should be used (Required if containsTotal is true)"response.totalEntities"
requestParamsYesfalseNoIf pagination is controlled by request parameterstrue
queryParametersYes-NoParameters template for pagination. Properties that you can use: ${pagination.offset} ${pagination.pageNumber} ${pagination.pageSize} (Required if requestParams is true)start=${pagination.offset}&pageSize=${pagination.pageSize}
startPageYes0NoThe start index of the pagination (Required if requestParams is true)1

Metadata extraction
resultFieldYes-NoInternal name of metadata where the results will be extracted into"someField"
persistResponseYesfalseNoIf selected, the response of the current query will be stored in the state database, and can eventually be retrieved by a groovy querytrue
cacheYesfalseNoif cache should be enabledtrue
cacheSizeYes100NoMaximum cache size for request (Required if cache is true)200
cacheExpirationYes3600NoCache expiration in seconds (Required if cache is true)60


Code Block
titlePOST aspire/_api/seeds
  "seed": "N/A",
  "description": "REST seed",
  "connector": "93c16011-562d-4aba-a57d-31a945b3f8e5",
  "connection": "0ed33b76-e0ea-4ff0-ba1e-dcd25a3024c6",
  "throttlePolicy": null,
  "deleteIncrementalPolicy": null,
  "routingPolicies": null,
  "tags": [],
  "type": "rest-api",
  "properties": {
    "trustAllCertificates": true,
    "crawlRules": [
        "conditionalScript": "item.getType().toString().equals('root')",
        "shouldStop": false,
        "shouldIndex": false,
        "queries": [
            "scriptedQuery": false,
            "urlTemplate": "/connectors",
            "method": "GET",
            "jsonRequest": true,
            "customHeaders": [],
            "queryType": "scan",
            "scan": {
              "childrenPath": "connector",
              "idField": "id",
              "childType": "user",
              "setMetadataField": true,
              "metadataField": "searchFields",
              "signatureFields": [],
              "extendedSignature": false,
              "hasPagination": true,
              "elasticLikeScrollPagination": false,
              "nextPageLink": false,
              "pageSize": 100,
              "containsTotal": false,
              "requestParams": true,
              "queryParameters": "page=${pagination.pageNumber}&per_page=${pagination.pageSize}",
              "startPage": 0
        "conditionalScript": "false",
        "entityType": "user",
        "shouldStop": "false",
        "shouldIndex": "true"


Create Connector

For the creation of the Connector object using the Rest API check this page

Update Connector

For the update of the Connector object using the Rest API check this pageCreate


The name of the database. It will replace the marker {DATABASE} used in the field jdbcUrl of connection object"test_db"typeYes-NoThe value must be "rdb-snapshot"."rdb-snapshot"descriptionYes-NoName of the seed object."My RDB Seed"connectorYes-NoThe id of the connector to be used with this seed. The connector type must match the seed type."e3ca414b0d31"connectionYes-NoThe id of the connection to be used with this seed. The connection type must match the seed type."e4a663fe9ee6"workflowsNo[ ]YesThe ids of the workflows that will be executed for the documents crawled.["5696c3f0bda4"]throttlePolicyNo-NoId of the throttle policy that applies to this seed object."6b235b333a1b"routingPoliciesNo[ ]YesThe ids of the routing policies that this seed will use.["17f75ce7d0c7", "d42780003b36"]tagsNo[ ]YesThe tags of the seed. These can be used to filter the seed["tag1", "tag2"]propertiesYes-NoConfiguration objectfullSQLYes (this or discoverySQL + extractionSQL)-NoThe "SELECT" query to be run to retrieve all documents. This query is used for full or incremental scans. The "WHERE" clause can be used to specify any required condition for crawling the desired documents. Any change to any column selected in this SQL will cause the document to be re-indexed. For example "SELECT idCol, col1, col2, col3 FROM data_table" When slicing is enabled, add a "WHERE" clause containing "{SLICES}". For example "SELECT idCol, col1, col2, col3 FROM data_table WHERE {SLICES}" ."SELECT * FROM table"discoverySQLYes (this or fullSQL)-NoThe "SELECT" query to run for discovering documents. This query is used for full or incremental scans. A "WHERE" clause can be used to specify any required condition for crawling the desired documents. A change to any column selected in this SQL will cause the document to be re-indexed. For example: "SELECT idCol, lastModifiedDate FROM data_table". When slicing is enabled, add a "WHERE" clause containing "{SLICES}". For example: "SELECT idCol, col1 FROM data_table WHERE {SLICES}"SELECT id, lastModified FROM table"extractionSQLYes (this or fullSQL)-No

"SELECT" query for extracting all data for each document found in the Discovery SQL. At the least, you MUST include a "WHERE" clause containing the expression "idColumnName IN {IDS}", where idColumnName corresponds to a unique key field name. {IDS} is replaced automatically by the connector with the corresponding unique key values. For example: "SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM data_table WHERE idCol in {IDS}" You must not include the {SLICES} condition here.

"SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN {IDS}"idColumnYes-NoThe column name that holds the unique key. The default name of the column which holds the value to use as the document id. This column must be present in both discoverySQL and extractionSQL. SQL aliases are NOT supported."id"stringIdColumnNofalseNoCheck if the unique key is a string valuetruequoteIdNodoNotQuoteNoQuote id column - use if you have a name clashing with RDBMS keywords. You can use one of the values: doNotQuote, `, "doNotQuoteACLaclColumnYes (aclColumn or aclSQL)-NoThe column name that holds the ACLs. Each ACL must be separated by semi-colons and must follow this format: my-domain\userOrGroup@NT"acl"aclSQLYes (aclColumn or aclSQL)-NoThe query to use for extracting and building ACLs. This query depends of the Database engine, so the syntax could vary. For example on Oracle: SELECT 'my-domain\\' || user || '@NT;' FROM myTable"SELECT * FROM table_acl"


ID of the seed to update"2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778"
(see the "Create seed" for other fields)


Code Block
titlePUT aspire/_api/seeds/2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778
  "id": "2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778",
  "seed": "N/A",
  "description": "REST seed",
  "connector": "93c16011-562d-4aba-a57d-31a945b3f8e5",
  "connection": "0ed33b76-e0ea-4ff0-ba1e-dcd25a3024c6",
  "throttlePolicy": null,
  "deleteIncrementalPolicy": null,
  "routingPolicies": null,
  "tags": [],
  "type": "rest-api",
  "properties": {
    "trustAllCertificates": true,
    "crawlRules": [
        "conditionalScript": "item.getType().toString().equals('root')",
        "shouldStop": false,
        "shouldIndex": false,
        "queries": [
            "scriptedQuery": false,
            "urlTemplate": "/connectors",
            "method": "GET",
            "jsonRequest": true,
            "customHeaders": [],
            "queryType": "scan",
            "scan": {
              "childrenPath": "connector",
              "idField": "id",
              "childType": "user",
              "setMetadataField": true,
              "metadataField": "searchFields",
              "signatureFields": [],
              "extendedSignature": false,
              "hasPagination": true,
              "elasticLikeScrollPagination": false,
              "nextPageLink": false,
              "pageSize": 100,
              "containsTotal": false,
              "requestParams": true,
              "queryParameters": "page=${pagination.pageNumber}&per_page=${pagination.pageSize
Code Block
titlePOST aspire/_api/seeds
  "description" : "RDB_TEST",
  "properties" : {
      "idColumn" : "film_id",
      "stringIdColumn" : false,
      "aclSQL" : null,
      "aclColumn" : "acl",
      "quoteId" : "doNotQuote",
      "discoverySQL" : "SELECT film_id, title FROM film",
      "extractionSQL" : "SELECT * FROM film WHERE film_id IN {IDS}",
      "fullSQL" : null"

Update Seed

FieldRequiredDefaultMultipleNotesExampleidYes-NoId of the seed to update"2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778"(see the "Create seed" for other fields)


Code Block
titlePUT aspire/_api/seeds/2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778
  "id": "2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778",
  "description" : "RDB_TEST",
  "properties" : {
       "startPage": 0
        "conditionalScript": "false",
        "entityType": "user",
        "shouldStop": "false",
        "idColumnshouldIndex" : "film_idtrue",
 "stringIdColumn"  : false,]
      "aclSQL" : null,
      "aclColumn" : "acl",
      "quoteId" : "doNotQuote",
      "discoverySQL" : "SELECT film_id, title FROM film",
      "extractionSQL" : "SELECT * FROM film WHERE film_id IN {IDS}",
      "fullSQL" : null"

Using Client Certificates to authenticate with REST APIs

If a client certificate is needed to authenticate to a given REST API follow these steps:

  1. Create java keystore using the certificate you have:

  1. Import that keystore into Aspire settings via environment variables or java properties:

Then just configure the any extra authentication mechanism required on the REST connector (e.g. Basic Auth, Bearer Token, etc).