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The Solr Publisher can be configured using the Rest API. 

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Solr Publisher Properties


The value must be "application".



The value must be "application".


appNameYes-NoThe name of the application"Solr_Publisher"
appTypeYes-NoThe value must be "solr-publisher"."solr-publisher"
configYes-NoThe value must be "".""
descriptionYes-NoThe description


propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object
useHostYesfalseNoSpecify a Solr update URL by entering parts of it or the complete pathtrue / false
solrCoreNo-NoSolr URL core. Example: myCore."test_core"
solrHostNo-NoSolr server hostname or IP address. Example:"loclahost"
solrPortNo8983NoSolr port number. Example: 8983."8983"
solrUrlNo-NoThe complete Solr update URL. Multiple hosts can be added separating them with a semi-colon (;)"http://localhost:8983/solr/core/update?commitWithin=30000"
authTypeNo-NoSpecify the authentication information. Allowed values are: "none" , or "basic" and "aws"."none"
userNo-NoProvide the user for basic authentication. Required if authType is "basic"."john.doe"
passwordNo-NoProvide the password for basic authentication. Required if authType is "basic"."myP@ssword11"awsRegionNo-NoSpecify the AWS region to use. Required if authType is "aws"."us-east-2"
useCredentialsProviderChainNofalseNoEnable to specify a credentials provider chain.true / false
awsAccessKeyNo-NoProvide the access key for authentication with AWS. Required if authType is "aws" and useCredentialsProviderChain is false."AKIAQYO33L5HIS3N55NN"
awsSecretKeyNo-NoProvide the secret key for authentication with AWS. Required if authType is "aws" and useCredentialsProviderChain is false."PPA3Qt+FqUA4Kk07DRS7w4T6Bya1IWebbcqFmqmI"
transformTypeYes-NoType of the transformation file used."JSON"
transformFileYes-NoPath to the transform file. The default value is set to "${component.home}/config/groovy/transform.groovy" for the default JSON transformation file provided with Aspire."C:\transformfiles\groovy\mytransform.groovy"
processClearNofalseNoSet to true to clear the index on full crawls.true / false
clearTypeYes if processClear = Yes-No

Type of the clear. 2 options here :

  • "deleteAllDocuments" - deletes documents with the index
  • "deleteIndex" - recreates the whole index (with or without requested mapping)"deleteAllDocuments"
    uploadMappingsNofalseNoUpload Mappings. Relevant for clearType "deleteIndex"true / false
    uploadMappingsFromNofalseNoSource for the mappings. Required if uploadMappings is true. If uploadsMappingFrom is true the mappings will be used from the parameter below otherwise from the filetrue / false
    mappingsTextNo-NoMappings specified directly. Required if uploadMappings is true and uploadMappingsFrom is true."{\"mappings\":{\"properties\":{\"doc._id\":{\"type\":\"text\",\"fields\":{\"keyword\":{\"type\":\"keyword\"}}}}}}"
    uploadMappingsFileNo-NoMappings file path.  Required if uploadMappings is true and uploadMappingsFrom is false."C:\mappings\myMappings\myMappingsFile.txt"
    idleConnectionTimeoutNo-NoMaximum time (in milliseconds) to keep an idle connection open.3600000
    maxConnectionsNo-NoMaximum number of connections to be opened.100
    maxConnectionsPerRouteNo-NoMaximum number of connections opened for the same target.10
    connectionTimeoutNo-NoMaximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for the connection.15000
    socketTimeoutNo-NoMaximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for a socket response.15000
    useThrottlingNo-NoSet to true to specify Throttling Settings.true / false
    throttlingRateNo5000NoTime period (in milliseconds) to throttle the connection.6000
    throttlingConnectionRateNo500NoMaximum number of connections used during the Throttling Period.600
    maxRetriesNo3NoMaximum number of retries for a failed document.5
    retryWaitTimeNo5NoTime period (in milliseconds) to wait before a retry.6000
    batchSizeNo-NoMaximum size of the batches that will be created.50
    simultaneousBatchesNo-NoNumber of batches that will be processed simultaneously.5
    batchTimeoutNo-NoPeriod (in ms) after which a batch of documents will be closed and executed.5000
    debugNo-NoSet to true to enable debug mode to show debug messages from the publisher.true / false

    Create example

    Code Block
    titlePOST /aspire/_api/connections
    	  "type": "application",
    	  "_type": "publisher",
    	"description  "appName": "Solr Publisher",
      "appType": "ElasticsearchPublisherTestsolr-publisher",
    	  "config": "",
    	  "appTypedescription": "elasticsearch-publisherSolrPublisher",
    	"appName": "Elasticsearch Publisher",
    	"properties": {
    		"elasticNoUrl    "useHost": truefalse,
    		"elasticHost    "solrUrl": "myEShost",
    		"elasticPort": 9200,
    		"elasticIndex": "test-index",
    		"authType": "none",
        "transformType": "JSON",
    		    "transformFile": "${component.home}/config/groovy/transform.groovy",
    		"processClear": false,
    		: "basic",
        "user": "admin",
        "password": "encrypted:100CCB558E536015B5765BA68A52E8C3F7EF16359153EFDE8282760EDA8B07D9",
        "idleConnectionTimeout": 3600000,
    		    "maxConnections": 100,
    		    "maxConnectionsPerRoute": 10,
    		    "sharedConnection": false,
        "connectionTimeout": 15000,
    		    "socketTimeout": 15000,
    		    "useThrottling": false,
    		    "maxRetries": 3,
    		    "retryWaitTime": 5000,
    		    "batchSize": 50,
    		    "simultaneousBatches": 5,
    		    "batchTimeout": 5000,
    		    "debug": false