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Use the following procedure to configure the SharePoint 2013 Publisher.

On this page:

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Image ModifiedStep 1. Launch Aspire and open the Content Source Management Page

Launch Aspire (if it's not already running).

See:  Launch Control

Browse to: http://localhost:50505.

For details on using the Aspire Content Source Management page, please refer to Admin UI.

Step 2. Add a new Content Source

For this step please follow

Follow the step from the Configuration Tutorial of the connector of you choice

, please

. Please refer to Connector list.

Step 3. Add a new Publish to SharePoint 2013 to the Workflow

To add Add a Publish to SharePoint 2013 drag from the Publish to SharePoint 2013 rule from the Workflow Library and drop to the Workflow Tree where you want to add it.

This will automatically open the Publish to SharePoint 2013 window for the configuration of the publisher.





Step 3a. Specify Publisher Information

 In the Publish to SharePoint 2013 window, specify the connection information to publish to the SharePoint 2013 farm.

  1. Enter the name of the publisher. (This name must be unique).

  2. Enter the description of the publisher that will be shown in the Workflow Tree.
  3. Specify the Repository Path: The . This is the url for the file share repository where the batches are going to be created.
  4. Enter the Domain for the file share repository.
  5. Enter the Username with permissions to write for the file share repository.
  6. Enter the Password of the username for the file share repository.
  7. Specify the XSL File Path : set to the default parameter to (tol use the default XSL transformation file). To use a custom file, follow the instructions in Edit Xsl
  8. Select a Security Type:
    1. Active Directory
    1. Aspire Group Expansion: To use custom security trimming.
    2. Public Content: To mark all documents as public.
  9. Set the Index Acl Full Name : To to use the fullname (domain\username) as the ACL instead of just the username.
  10. Connect to the SharePoint Notification Service: check this option if you have the Notification Service installed on SharePoint and you want to control the crawl of the batches from Aspire.
    1. Notification Service URL: The url of the service to which Aspire is going to send the notifications. Verify that the URL provided by the Notification Service installation is the correct one. In some cases you'll have to use the full quallified DNS name instead of hostname only or change the URL protocol (http/https). It should be the root site of an existing web application or the Central Administration web application site.
    2. Aspire BDC Service URL: The url of the AspireBDCService web service
    3. Enter the Search Service Application where you want to create the SP content sources.
    4. Enter the BDC Service Application where you want to create the bdc models.
    5. Enter the Domain to access the Notification Service.
    6. Enter the Username with access permission for the Notification Service.
    7. Enter the Password of the username for the Notification Service.
    8. Background thread frequency: time (in minutes) to wait before sending a new crawl notification until the repository is empty.
  11. Enable CleanUp: check this option to enable a background thread that will remove old batches from the intermediate repository.
    1. Execution Frequency: time (in minutes) in between each run of the clean up.
  12. Debug: Check if you want to run the publisher in debug mode.
  13. Click on the Click Add button.




Once you've clicked on the Add button

After clicking Add, it will take a moment for Aspire to download all of the necessary components (


Jar files) from the Maven repository and load them into Aspire.


When that's done, the publisher will appear in the Workflow Tree.


For details on using the Workflow section,


refer to Workflow introduction.

Step 4. Run a test


The SharePoint 2013 Endpoint must be up and running before performing this test.

Change the indexing mode to Test by clicking on the indexing mode (this will cycle through the values IncrementalFull and Test). After the test has run, these things will have happened on the SharePoint server:

  1. A directory [Content Source name] will have been created in the Shared Repository folder.
  2. An External Content Type [Content Source name]-Model-ECT will have been created in the SharePoint Business Data Service Application.
  3. A Content Source [Content Source name] will have been created in the SharePoint Search Service Application.
  4. Crawled Properties will have been created in the Business Data category for every <field> entry found in the XML batch.

Step 5. Map Crawled Properties to Managed Properties

Per configuration default, every Crawled Property in the Business Data category is mapped to the indexed document's full text. Thus, every indexed document is searchable per se. If you need to use different titles, store the size, or assign file types, then you need to adjust the property mappings.

  1. Open SharePoint Central Administration and click Manage Service ApplicationsSearch Service ApplicationSearch SchemaCategories and Business Data.
  2. Check the list of Crawled Properties and add a mapping to Managed Properties where needed. Make sure that your Crawled Property is in a good position in the mapping list in case the value of the first non-empty Crawled Property is used to populate the Managed Property.

SharePoint 2013 Security Pre-Trimmer

  1. Install the Security Pre-Trimmer on all servers hosting a Query Processing component. Check this from SharePoint Central Administration > Manage Service Applications > Search Service Application.

2. Make sure all firewalls to the Aspire server are open for the Aspire service port (default: 50505).

3. From the Deploy\scripts folder run DeployAspireSecurityTrimmer.ps1 in a SharePoint 2013 Management Shell (run as Administrator):

Code Block

4. To make sure the security trimmer DLL is registered correctly, restart the SharePoint Search Host Controller service.