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Applications defined in Azure AD are allowed to make app-only calls by sharing a certificate with Azure AD. Azure AD will get the public key certificate and the app will get the private key certificate. Although a trusted certificate should be used for production deployments, makecert/self-signed cmdlet New-SelfSignedCertificate certificates are fine for testing/debugging (similar to local web debugging with https). Here are the steps to generate a self-signed certificate with makecert.exe cmdlet New-SelfSignedCertificate and exporting it for use with Azure AD.

Part 1: Generate a Self-signed Certificate

  1. Open Visual Studio Tools Command Prompt.

    Note: for Windows 10 you may have to download the Windows 10 SDK to get the makecert application.

    Windows PowerShell ISE.

  2. Create a PowerShell script with the following contentRun makecert.exe with the following syntax:

    Code Block
    makecert $cert = New-rSelfSignedCertificate -peDnsName -n "CN=SearchTechnologies SPOnline CertCertStoreLocation "cert:\LocalMachine\My" -KeyLength 2048 -KeySpec "KeyExchange" -bNotBefore 10/15/20162019 -eNotAfter 10/15/2018 -ss my -len 2048
  3. Run mmc.exe
  4. Go to File → Add/Remove Snap In
  5. Add Certificates → My User Account
  6. Locate the certificate from step 2 in the Personal certificate store
  7. Right-click and select All tasks >> Export
  8. Complete the Certificate Export Wizard twice: once with the private key (specify a password and save as .pfx) and once without the private key (save as .cer)

Part 2: Prepare the certificate public key for Azure AD

Open Windows PowerShell and run the following commands:

Code Block
$certPath = <Path to Cert>
$cert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
$rawCert = $cert.GetRawCertData()
$base64Cert = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($rawCert)
$rawCertHash = $cert.GetCertHash()
$base64CertHash = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($rawCertHash)
$KeyId = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
Write-Host $base64Cert
Write-Host $base64CertHash
Write-Host $KeyId


  1. 2021 
     = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "mySecurePassword" -Force -AsPlainText
     -Cert $cert -FilePath ".\" -Password $password
     -Type CERT -Cert $cert -FilePath .\
  2. Update the value for -DnsName.
  3. Update the values for -NotBefore and -NotAfter .
  4. Update the password value.
  5. Update the -FilePath value for the cer and pfx files.
  6. Additional information about these parameters can be found in the New-SelfSignedCertificate page.
  7. Execute the PowerShell script. You need administrator permissions to successfully execute the script.
  8. Both files should be created in the specified location.

Part 2


: Create the Azure AD Application

  1. Log into the Azure Management Portal for your Office 365 tenant.
  2. Go to the Azure Active Directory tab and select App Registrations.
  3. Select "New Application Registration".Registration".
  4. On "Supported account types" select "Accounts in this organizational directory only ".
  5. On "Redirect URI" select WebGive the application a name and keep the default selection of "Web App / API".
  6. Enter a Sign-on URL (the value of this doesn’t really matter other than being unique) and click "CreateRegister".
  7. Look for your new application on the Regitered Registered Applications list and click it.
  8. Go to Required API Permissions and click on "Add a permission".
  9. On the "Select an API" section, add the "Office 365 SharePoint Online" application
  10. On Select "Select Application Permissions" , select and check the following "Application Permissions"permissions:
    1. TermStore.Read.All: Read Managed Metadata.
    2. Sites.FullControl.All: Have Full Control of all Site Collections.
    3. Sites.Read.All: Read Items in all Site Collections. 
  11. Click on "Add permissions".
  12. After saving you have to click "Grant admin consent" to apply the changes.
On the Configure section you'll also see the Application ID. Copy and save this ID, you are going to need it when configuring the connector.



3: Configure certificate public key for App


Update the keyCredentials attribute with the following settings:

Code Block
"keyCredentials": [
		"customKeyIdentifier": "<$base64CertHash FROM ABOVE>",
		"keyId": "<$KeyId FROM ABOVE>",
		"type": "AsymmetricX509Cert",
		"usage": "Verify",
		"value": "<$base64Cert FROM ABOVE>"

Save the updated manifest.

Note: If you try to download the manifest again, you'll notice that the expiration dates are now there and the cert value is now null. This is normal and it shouldn't prevent the app to work as expected.


  1. Go to "Certificates and secrets".
  2. Click on "Upload certificate".
  3. Select the certificate created on Part 1.
  4. Add the certificate.

Part 4


: Generate Private Key

You may need to download OpenSSL for Windows to follow these steps.
