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The Elasticsearch Cache Lookup is a workflow component for Aspire.

Elastic Cache Lookup
InputsThe field from which you want to get the value and a field to be created in the
aspire doucument
Aspire document.
OutputsAspire object that contains a subjob with metadata and checked out content extracted from a specific index in Elasticsearch.

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This section lists all configuration parameters available to configure the Elastic Cache Lookup component.

Elasticsearch SettingsServer
URL where the feeds
are going to
will be
sent. e.g.
, http://localhost:9200/bulk_
AuthenticationalternativesNoneUser with the permissions to read from the Elastic index specified

Connection SettingsIdle connection timeoutnumber3600000Maximum time (in milliseconds) to keep an idle connection open.
Max connectionsnumber100Maximum number of connections to be opened.
Connections per targetnumber10Maximum number of connections opened for the same target.
Connection timeoutnumber15000Maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for the connection.
Socket timeoutnumber15000Maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for a socket response.
Connection throttlingbooleanfalseCheckbox to choose to enable connection throttling.
periodnumber5000Time (in milliseconds) to throttle the connection.
Max connections per periodnumber500Maximum number of connections used during the throttling period.
Maximum retriesnumber3Maximum number of retries for a failed document.
Retry delaynumber5000

Example Configuration


Code Block
Time (in milliseconds) to wait before a retry.
CacheUse cachealternativestrueResults should be cached in memory.
Cache Eviction PolicyalternativessizeHow items should be selected for being deleted from the in-memory cache.
Max number of entriesnumber1000Max total number of entries to keep in the cache.
Max Total Weight (MB)number500Specifies the maximum weight of entries the cache must contain.
Time (min)number5Remove records that have been idle for an amount of time in minutes.
Lookup FieldsIndex lookup fieldtext-Specify Elastic index field name for the lookup.
Source lookup fieldtext-Specify field name from the incoming AspireObject for the lookup. Field availability will be searched first in 'doc' and then in 'doc.connectorSpecific' section.
Uppercase the source lookup field valuebooleantrueConvert the value of the source field into UPPERCASE value.
Lookup output fieldtext-Output fields from the lookup will be placed under this configured object.
DebugbooleanfalseOption if you want debug messages enabled.
Hit sizenumber1000Max mount of hits returned by the cache lookup. If -1 all hits will be returned.

Example Configuration

Code Block
"Elasticsearch Settings":[
  		"url": "http://localhost:9200",
  		"authType": "none",
  		"index": "index_name"
"Connection Settings":[
  		"idleConnectionTimeout": 3600000,
  		"maxConnections": 100,
  		"maxConnectionsPerRoute": 10,
  		"connectionTimeout": 15000,
  		"socketTimeout": 15000,
 		"useThrottling": false,
  		"maxRetries": 3,
  		"retryWaitTime": 5000
"Cache": [
  		"cache": true,
  		"eviction": "size",
  		"evictionMaxSize": 1000
"Lookup Fields": [
		"esIndexLookupField": "indexNaame",
  		"sourceLookupField": "myid",
  		"sourceLookupFieldToUpperCase": true,
  		"lookupOutputField": "myidOutput",
  		"debug": false,
  		"size": 1000


Code Block