Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • key: The unique identifier of the content record. Keys will be saved with a zone prefix. If the prefix is not specified, the local zone prefix will be added automatically. Because of the prefix, a key cannot contain colon (:) characters as it is used as the prefix separator.
  • version: A version to chronologically identify the transaction. If a record with key already exists with a higher version, the request will be discarded.
  • content: When the action is add/update, it is JSON content to store. Content will be saved encrypted and compressed if specified on the storage unit configuration.
  • action: The transaction type to execute on the record's scope: add, update, delete. Custom transaction types can be specified in this field to trigger custom document and general events as described in here.
  • policy: The policy to use when executing the action on the content record:
    • add/update actions
      • new: only adds the content if the key doesn't exist in the storage unit.
      • overwrite: if a record with key already exists, it overwrites all of it's previous content (discards other existing scopes for that key), otherwise, it adds the record.
      • merge: if a record with key already exists, it adds the scope information without affecting any other scopes for this record.
    • delete actions:
      • silent: If the record/scope for key doesn't exist, the request completes without an error.
      • mustexist: If the record/scope for key doesn't exist, an error is reported back in the response.
    • custom actions: policy is not required in these cases.
Code Block
PUT POST transaction/execute/<storage-unit-name>/<scope>




    "content": {"doc": {"test":"value"}},
    "action": "add",
    "policy": "merge",
    "key": "LOCAL_ZONE:B166F75594BF1B23A26A6F0074BEB88F",
    "version": 1445618448043



If the execute operation is successful, a 200 response code and an OK message are returned.


An optional report parameter can be specified to get processing statistics and error reports.

Code Block
 POST transaction/batch/<storage-unit-name>/<scope>?report



{"content": {"doc": {"test":"value"}},"action": "add",  "policy": "merge", "key": "LOCAL_ZONE:B166F75594BF1B23A26A6F0074BEB88F", "version": 1445618448043}
{"content": {"doc": {"test":"value2"}}, "action": "delete", "policy": "silent", "key": "EXTERNAL_ZONE:B6F5H6J8HGBF1B23A26A6F0074BEB8E5", "version": 1445618448133}



If the batch operation is successful, a 200 response code and an OK message are returned if no transactions failed. A COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS message if one or more transactions failed.


Code Block
DELETE transaction/delete/<storage-unit-name>/<optional:scope>
    "policy": "silent", //delete: silent, mustexist
    "key": "B6F5H6J8HGBF1B23A26A6F0074BEB8E5",
    "version": 1445618448133




If the delete operation is successful, a 200 response code and an OK message are returned.
