Released on September 9th, 2021
Elasticsearch/Kibana versions 7.9.2
OpenJDK 11
New architecture under the concept of Manager and Worker nodes.
No need of Zookeeper.
Nodes properties configuration.
New Configuration and Control API:
Connections API.
Connectors API.
Credentials API.
Policies API.
Schedules API.
Seeds API.
Workflow API.
Security API.
Manager and Worker communication API.
Containerized deployments support:
Aspire 5 offers official container images for container technologies.
Resources API.
Enhanced User Interface (UI):
Separated pages for Seed, Connector, Connection, Credentials, Policies, Schedules, and Workflow configuration.
New tools:
Extension Manager for custom components.
Groovy Playground.
DXF Playground.
Updated all 3rd party dependencies to the latest versions.
New sandbox QuickStart installation with Docker:
Easiest way to get started with Aspire.
Containers including Aspire, LDAP, Elasticsearch and Kibana, all secured with HTTPS.
Not recommended for production environments.
Kubernetes deployment guide:
Easiest way to get started with Aspire 5 in a Kubernetes environment with production recommended notes.
File System.
SharePoint Online.
Group Expansion Connector.
Azure Identity Connector.
Publish to File.
Publish to Elasticsearch.
Aspire Framework
Improve Job cleanup for idle connectors.
Manager source info initialization errors.
Nodes are not shutting down in the time expected, having ES down.
Aspire UI
Seeds field should be required for any type of Schedules.
UI actions are limited for users with both Admin and Operator roles.
No redirect page for 401 message (unauthorized) accessing Aspire Debug Console.
UncheckedExecutionException generating hierarchy info with the Index Containers option checked.
HTTPS option not supported for the 'Host and port' option.