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The SMB Connector can be configured using the Rest API. It requires the following entities to be created:

  • Connection
  • Connector
  • Seed
  • Credential
  • Seed

Bellow are the examples of how to create the Connection and , the Seed, the Credential. For the Connector please check this page.

Easy Heading Free
navigationTitleOn this Page

Create Connection

typeNo-NoThe value must be "smb"."smb"
descriptionNo-NoName of the connection object."smbConnection"
credentialNo-NoThe id of the credential to be used with this seed. The credential type must match the seed type."602d3700-28dd-4a6a-8b51-e4a663fe9ee6"
hostnameNo-NoHostname where the shared directory is located.""
portNo445NoPort where the SMB protocol is used."445"
propertiesNo-NoConfiguration object
YesfalseNoCheck to disable the connector fetcher, only metadata will be collected.true / false
YesfalseNoCheck to enable SMBJ logging. (WARNING) Enabling this would decrease performance.true / false
stopOnScanErrorYestrueNoIf enabled, the crawl will stop if there is an error on the scan phase.true / false
indexContainersYesfalseNoEnable to index the directories.true / false
scanRecursivelyYestrueNoEnable to scan discovered directories recursively.true / false

[ ]

YesPatterns to match against document URL, if any of them match, the document will be included in the crawl.[ ".*pdf$", ".*docx$" ]
excludeYes[ ]YesPatterns to match against document URL, if any of them match, the document will be excluded from the crawl.[ ".*png$", ".*jpeg$" ]
scanExcludedItemsYesfalseNoEnable to force the scan of excluded directories, so child items within the scope can be found.true / false
fetchACLsYestrueNoCheck to retrieve owner, group and ACL information.true / false
Check to resolve retrieved SIDs from owner, group and ACL.
true / false
YesfalseNoCheck to include SID value on ACL output.true / false
YesfalseNoCheck to include Encoded SID (Base 32) value on ACL output.true / false
YesfalseNoCheck to include ACL flags on ACL output.true / false
YesfalseNoCheck to include ACL type on ACL output.true / false
YesfalseNoCheck to include ACL access mask on ACL output.true / false
YestrueNoDistributed File System (DFS) resolutiontrue /false
No6000NoTimeout in milliseconds for each smb request."6000"
No5NoMaximum retries permitted per document."5"
No500NoBase time for the backoff sleeps (in ms)."500"
No2.0NoMultiplier factor to be used for the backoff time."2.0"
YesfalseNoCheck to restore the last accessed date on the documents processed by the connector. WARNING: Requires a user with permissions for writing. This is not supported by windows.true /false

[ ]

YesStatic ACL configuration object
nameNo-NoName of the static ACL."group1"
domainYes""NoDomain of the static ACL."testDomain"
entityYes"user"NoEntity (user / group) represented by the static ACL."user" / "group"
accessYes"allow"NoAccess (allow / deny) granted by the ACL."allow" / "deny"


Code Block
titlePOST aspire/_api/connections
    "type": "smb",
    "description": "SMB Test Connector",
	"credential": "2a5ca234-e328-4d40-bb2a-2df3e550b065",
    "properties": {
        "host": "",
        "disableFetch": false,
        "verboseSMBJ": false,
        "stopOnScanError": true,
        "indexContainers": true,
        "scanExcludedItems": true,
        "includes": ".*\\.txt",
        "excludes": ".*\\.png",
        "resolveSIDs": true,
		"addACLSID": false,
		"addACLEncodedSID": false,
		"addACLFlags": false,
		"addACLType" : false,
		"addACLAccessMask": false,
		"enableDFS": true,
		"connectionTimeout": 60000,
		"maxRetries": 5,
		"baseBackoff": 500,
		"backoffMultiplier": 2.0,
		"lastAccessedUpdates": false,
        "staticAcl": [{
                "name": "test-user",
                "domain": "test-domain",
                "entity": "user",
                "access": "allow"
            }, {
                "name": "test-group",
                "domain": "",
                "entity": "group",
                "access": "deny"

Update Connection

typeNo-NoThe value must be "smb"."smb"
descriptionNo-NoName of the connection object."smbConnection"
credentialNo-NoThe id of the credential to be used with this seed. The credential type must match the seed type."602d3700-28dd-4a6a-8b51-e4a663fe9ee6"
hostnameNo-NoHostname where the shared directory is located.""
portNo445NoPort where the SMB protocol is used."445"
propertiesNo-NoConfiguration object
YesfalseNoCheck to disable the connector fetcher, only metadata will be collected.true / false
YesfalseNoCheck to enable SMBJ logging. (WARNING) Enabling this would decrease performance.true / false
stopOnScanErrorYestrueNoIf enabled, the crawl will stop if there is an error on the scan phase.true / false
indexContainersYesfalseNoEnable to index the directories.true / false
scanRecursivelyYestrueNoEnable to scan discovered directories recursively.true / false

[ ]

YesPatterns to match against document URL, if any of them match, the document will be included in the crawl.[ ".*pdf$", ".*docx$" ]
excludeYes[ ]YesPatterns to match against document URL, if any of them match, the document will be excluded from the crawl.[ ".*png$", ".*jpeg$" ]
scanExcludedItemsYesfalseNoEnable to force the scan of excluded directories, so child items within the scope can be found.true / false
fetchACLsYestrueNoCheck to retrieve owner, group and ACL information.true / false
Check to resolve retrieved SIDs from owner, group and ACL.
true / false
YesfalseNoCheck to include SID value on ACL output.true / false
YesfalseNoCheck to include Encoded SID (Base 32) value on ACL output.true / false
YesfalseNoCheck to include ACL flags on ACL output.true / false
YesfalseNoCheck to include ACL type on ACL output.true / false
YesfalseNoCheck to include ACL access mask on ACL output.true / false
YestrueNoDistributed File System (DFS) resolutiontrue /false
No6000NoTimeout in milliseconds for each smb request."6000"
No5NoMaximum retries permitted per document."5"
No500NoBase time for the backoff sleeps (in ms)."500"
No2.0NoMultiplier factor to be used for the backoff time."2.0"
YesfalseNoCheck to restore the last accessed date on the documents processed by the connector. WARNING: Requires a user with permissions for writing. This is not supported by windows.true /false

[ ]

YesStatic ACL configuration object
nameNo-NoName of the static ACL."group1"
domainYes""NoDomain of the static ACL."testDomain"
entityYes"user"NoEntity (user / group) represented by the static ACL."user" / "group"
accessYes"allow"NoAccess (allow / deny) granted by the ACL."allow" / "deny"


Code Block
titlePUT aspire/_api/connections/89d6632a-a296-426c-adb0-d442adcab4b0
    "type": "smb",
    "description": "SMB Test Connector",
	"credential": "2a5ca234-e328-4d40-bb2a-2df3e550b065",
    "properties": {
        "host": "",
        "disableFetch": false,
        "verboseSMBJ": false,
        "stopOnScanError": true,
        "indexContainers": true,
        "scanExcludedItems": true,
        "includes": ".*\\.txt",
        "excludes": ".*\\.png",
        "resolveSIDs": true,
		"addACLSID": false,
		"addACLEncodedSID": false,
		"addACLFlags": false,
		"addACLType" : false,
		"addACLAccessMask": false,
		"enableDFS": true,
		"connectionTimeout": 60000,
		"maxRetries": 5,
		"baseBackoff": 500,
		"backoffMultiplier": 2.0,
		"lastAccessedUpdates": false,
        "staticAcl": [{
                "name": "test-user",
                "domain": "test-domain",
                "entity": "user",
                "access": "allow"
            }, {
                "name": "test-group",
                "domain": "",
                "entity": "group",
                "access": "deny"

Create Connector

For the creation of the Connector object using the Rest API check this page

Update Connector

For the update of the Connector object using the Rest API check this page

Create Seed

seedNo-NoPath to the element to be crawled, can be a directory or a file."myDirectory/levelTwo"
typeNo-NoThe value must be "filesystem"."smb"
descriptionNo-NoName of the seed object."MySMB"
seedFileYesfalseNoIf checked the path will be processed as a file instead of a directory. WARNING: The crawler will only process the seed and then will stop.true /false
connectorNo-NoThe id of the connector to be used with this seed. The connector type must match the seed type."82f7f0a4-8d28-47ce-8c9d-e3ca414b0d31"
connectionNo-NoThe id of the connection to be used with this seed. The connection type must match the seed type."602d3700-28dd-4a6a-8b51-e4a663fe9ee6"
workflowsYes[ ]YesThe ids of the workflows that will be executed for the documents crawled.["f8c414cb-1f5d-42ef-9cc9-5696c3f0bda4"]
throttlePolicyYes-NoId of the throttle policy that applies to this connection object."f5587cee-9116-4011-b3a9-6b235b333a1b"
routingPoliciesYes[ ]YesThe ids of the routing policies that this seed will use.["313de87c-3cb9-4fe0-a2cb-17f75ce7d0c7", "b4d2579f-1a0a-4a8b-9fd4-d42780003b36"]
tagsYes[ ]YesThe tags of the seed. These can be used to filter the seed["tag1", "tag2"]


Code Block
titlePOST aspire/_api/seeds
    "type": "smb",
    "seed": "myDirectory/levelTwo",
    "connector": "82f7f0a4-8d28-47ce-8c9d-e3ca414b0d31",
    "description": "FileSystem_Test_Seed",
    "throttlePolicy": "6b8b5f23-fc77-47a1-9b58-106577162e7b",
    "routingPolicies": ["313de87c-3cb9-4fe0-a2cb-17f75ce7d0c7", "b4d2579f-1a0a-4a8b-9fd4-d42780003b36"],
    "connection": "602d3700-28dd-4a6a-8b51-e4a663fe9ee6",
    "workflows": ["f8c414cb-1f5d-42ef-9cc9-5696c3f0bda4"],
    "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
    "properties": {
        "seedFile": false

Update Seed

idNo-NoId of the seed to update."2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778"
seedYes-NoThe subdirectory to crawl. This value will be appended to the url of the connection."myDirectory/levelTwo"
descriptionYes-NoName of the seed object."MySMB"
seedFileYesfalseNoIf checked the path will be processed as a file instead of a directory. WARNING: The crawler will only process the seed and then will stop.true /false
connectorYes-NoThe id of the connector to be used with this seed. The connector type must match the seed type."82f7f0a4-8d28-47ce-8c9d-e3ca414b0d31"
connectionYes-NoThe id of the connection to be used with this seed. The connection type must match the seed type."602d3700-28dd-4a6a-8b51-e4a663fe9ee6"
workflowsYes[ ]YesThe ids of the workflows that will be executed for the documents crawled.["f8c414cb-1f5d-42ef-9cc9-5696c3f0bda4"]
workflows.addYes[ ]YesThe ids of the workflows to add.["f8c414cb-1f5d-42ef-9cc9-5696c3f0bda4"]
workflows.removeYes[ ]YesThe ids of the workflows to remove.["f8c414cb-1f5d-42ef-9cc9-5696c3f0bda4"]
throttlePolicyYes-NoId of the throttle policy that applies to this connection object."f5587cee-9116-4011-b3a9-6b235b333a1b"
routingPoliciesYes[ ]YesThe ids of the routing policies that this seed will use.["313de87c-3cb9-4fe0-a2cb-17f75ce7d0c7", "b4d2579f-1a0a-4a8b-9fd4-d42780003b36"]
routingPolicies.addYes[ ]YesThe ids of the routingPolicies to add.["b4d2579f-1a0a-4a8b-9fd4-d42780003b36"]
routingPolicies.removeYes[ ]YesThe ids of the routingPolicies to remove.["313de87c-3cb9-4fe0-a2cb-17f75ce7d0c7"]
tagsYes[ ]YesThe tags of the seed. These can be used to filter the seed["tag1", "tag3"]
tags.addYes[ ]YesThe tags to add["tag4"]
tags.removeYes[ ]YesThe tags to remove["tag2"]


Code Block
titlePUT aspire/_api/seeds/2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778
    "id": "2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778",
    "type": "smb",
    "seed": "myDirectory/levelTwo",
    "connector": "82f7f0a4-8d28-47ce-8c9d-e3ca414b0d31",
    "description": "FileSystem_Test_Seed",
    "throttlePolicy": "6b8b5f23-fc77-47a1-9b58-106577162e7b",
    "routingPolicies": ["313de87c-3cb9-4fe0-a2cb-17f75ce7d0c7", "b4d2579f-1a0a-4a8b-9fd4-d42780003b36"],
    "connection": "602d3700-28dd-4a6a-8b51-e4a663fe9ee6",
    "workflows": ["b255e950-1dac-46dc-8f86-1238b2fbdf27", "f8c414cb-1f5d-42ef-9cc9-5696c3f0bda4"],
    "tags": ["tag", "tag2"],
    "properties": {
        "seedFile": false

Create Credential

typeNo-NoThe value must be "smb"."smb"
descriptionNo-NoName of the credential object."smbCredential"
domainYes-NoDomain of the account that will crawl the shared directory. If the user is a local account leave blank"WORKGROUP"
usernameNo-NoAccount user"admin"
passwordNo-NoAccount password"234dfc22re!?"


Code Block
titlePOST aspire/_api/credentials
    "type": "smb",
    "description": "SMB snapshot",
    "properties": {
        "username": "test",
        "password": "test1",

Update Credential

typeNo-NoThe value must be "smb"."smb"
descriptionNo-NoName of the credential object."smbCredential"
domainYes-NoDomain of the account that will crawl the shared directory. If the user is a local account leave blank"WORKGROUP"
usernameNo-NoAccount user"admin"
passwordNo-NoAccount password"234dfc22re!?"


Code Block
titlePUT aspire/_api/credentials/2a5ca234-e328-4d40-bb2a-2df3e550b065
    "type": "smb",
    "description": "SMB snapshot",
    "properties": {
        "username": "test",
        "password": "test1",