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Start Up Aspire Shell

To start Aspire, execute the "" or "aspiresh.bat" script in the "bin" directory. 


Set your working directory to your Aspire distribution and then execute "bin/" (make sure it has execute permission for your user):

$ cd my-aspire/target/my-aspire-1.0-SNAPSHOT-distribution.dir
$ bin/

* Bundle id : 10
* Location  : file:bundles/boot/aspire-bootloader-2.2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar

Maven update policy: always

Settings (org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiManager):  {password=admin, manager.root=/osgi, username=admin}
Maven update policy: always
Aspire Console Mode

Microsoft Windows from the Command Prompt

Set your working directory to your Aspire distribution and then execute "bin\aspiresh.bat":

$ cd my-aspire\target\my-aspire-1.0-SNAPSHOT-distribution.dir
$ bin\aspiresh.bat
Removing Felix-Cache and AppBundle-Cache directories

* Bundle id : 10
* Location  : file:bundles/boot/aspire-bootloader-2.2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar

Maven update policy: always

Settings (org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiManager):  {password=admin, manager.root=/osgi, username=admin}
Maven update policy: always
Aspire Console Mode

Use Aspire Shell

Groovy in Aspire Shell

One of the most powerful features in Aspire Shell is the ability to parse and evaluate Groovy Expressions on the fly, just as GroovyShell does. But not only normal Groovy Expressions but also Groovy Pipelines expressions.

Aspire> 5 + 6
Aspire> println "hello world, this is Aspire Shell"
hello world, this is Aspire Shell

Load components

You can load any component by just typing its configuration:


Aspire> <component name="FetchUrl" subType="default" factoryName="aspire-fetch-url" />
Aspire> <component name="ExtractText" subType="default" factoryName="aspire-extract-text" />


You can also load components with multiple line configurations:

Aspire> <component name="PostHTTP" subType="default" factoryName="aspire-post-http">
Aspire:   <postUrl>http://localhost:8983/solr/update</postUrl>
Aspire:   <postXsl>config/xsl/aspireToSolr.xsl</postXsl>
Aspire:   <okayResponse><![CDATA[<int name="status">0</int>]]></okayResponse>
Aspire: </component>


Each component loaded can be accessed by its name:

Aspire> FetchUrl
<component name="FetchUrl" subType="default" factoryName="aspire-fetch-url"/>

Aspire> ExtractText
<component name="ExtractText" subType="default" factoryName="aspire-extract-text"/>

Aspire> PostHTTP
<component name="PostHTTP" subType="default" factoryName="aspire-post-http">
  <okayResponse><int name="status">0</int></okayResponse>


Create jobs in Aspire Shell

From Aspire Shell you can create your own jobs in order to process them through your own Groovy Pipelines.


Aspire>  myJob = <doc>
Aspire:    <fetchUrl></fetchUrl>
Aspire:  </doc>
** localhost:50505/2013-06-04T15:42:28Z/0 **


Use Groovy Pipelines

If you have already loaded some components and created a job to process, you can use groovy pipelines to process it. (For more details on groovy pipelines go to Groovy Pipelines


Aspire> myJob | FetchUrl | ExtractText
** localhost:50505/2013-06-04T19:03:29Z/0 **
  <extension source="FetchURLStage">
    <field name="status">HTTP/1.1 200 OK</field>
    <field name="Cache-Control">private</field>
    <field name="Content-Length">24233</field>
    <field name="Content-Type">text/html; charset=utf-8</field>
    <field name="Server">Microsoft-IIS/7.5</field>
    <field name="X-AspNet-Version">2.0.50727</field>
    <field name="Set-Cookie">ASP.NET_SessionId=rs31fw3r23u3j42unooa5tj1; path=/; HttpOnly</field>
    <field name="X-Powered-By">ASP.NET</field>
    <field name="Date">Tue, 04 Jun 2013 19:21:19 GMT</field>
  <extension source="ExtractTextStage">
    <field name="Content-Location"></field>
    <field name="Content-Encoding">ISO-8859-1</field>
    <field name="resourceName"></field>
    <field name="google-site-verification">jP1bIfjuuyZUYfTkYc_O6ZlTHxCm07voTDcMk72Z8oQ</field>
  <title source="ExtractTextStage/title">The Enterprise Search Implementation Experts</title>
  <protocol source="FetchURLStage/protocol">http</protocol>
  <keywords source="ExtractTextStage/keywords">Enterprise Search, Search Engine Experts, Consulting</keywords>
  <host source="FetchURLStage/host"></host>
  <description source="ExtractTextStage/description">Search Technologies is the largest IT services company dedicated to enterprise search implementation, consulting, and managed services. Our expertise covers all leading search products, and all aspects of search applications.</description>
  <encoding source="FetchURLStage/encoding">utf-8</encoding>
  <contentType source="ExtractTextStage/Content-Type">application/xhtml+xml</contentType>
  <httpResponse code="200" source="FetchURLStage">OK</httpResponse>
  <mimeType source="FetchURLStage/mimeType">text/html</mimeType>


Aspire Shell commands

Besides groovy expressions you can also use some special commands in Aspire Shell. Those commands are listed in the following table:

componentsnoneShows the components loaded inside the current Aspire shell application
createJobXML string of an AspireObjectCreates a job based on the XML string of an AspireObject.
createJobFromFile<file path>Creates a job based on the content of file. The file passed as a parameter can be either XML or Json
createJobFromJsonFile<file path>Creates a job based on the content of file. The file passed as a parameter should be Json
createJobFromXMLFile<file path>Creates a job based on the content of file. The file passed as a parameter should be either XML
reloadnoneReloads all the components already loaded in the current Aspire shell application, and cleans every non saved groovy expression.
resetnoneRemoves the current Aspire shell application and load it again. Also and cleans every non saved groovy expression.
load<application-xml-file>Loads the specified application into Aspire. Any previous Aspire shell application will be unloaded. Cleans up every non saved groovy expression.
save<application-xml-file>Saves the current Aspire shell application as XML into the specified file. Every groovy expression will be saved as a groovy pipeline, ready to be executed.
run<application-xml-file>Run the groovy expressions saved in the specified application file. Every loaded components and groovy expressions will be replaced by those in the specified application file.
cd<directory>Change the working directory for the 'dir' groovy pipeline function. (For more details click here)
pwdnoneShows the working directory for the 'dir' groovy function. (For more details click here)
helpnone or <command-name>Shows the help for Aspire shell. If no arguments then it shows all the available commands, if specified a command-name as argument, it shows the description for that command.
clearnoneClears the command buffer and discard it. Any multiple line command input will be escaped. It can be invoked by the shortcut CTRL-D
clsnoneClears the console output
felixnoneEnter felix mode to execute felix commands. (No AspireShell commands will be available here)
exitnoneIf performed in felix mode, it returns to Aspire Shell mode, else exit AspireShell and then shutdown felix.
shutdownnoneExit AspireShell and shutdown felix.

Command usage


Aspire> components
FetchUrl        com.searchtechnologies:aspire-fetch-url:2.2.2 / default
ExtractText     com.searchtechnologies:aspire-extract-text:2.2.2 / default
PostHTTP        com.searchtechnologies:aspire-post-http:2.2.2 / default


Aspire> myJob = createJob('<doc><url></url></doc>')
** **
You can also skip the createJob command and create a job directly (which will call the createJob method in the background):
Aspire> myJob = <doc><url></url></doc>
** **


Aspire> reload


Aspire> reset


Aspire> println "hello world, this is AspireShell"
hello world, this is AspireShell
Aspire> save config/savedApp.xml


Aspire> load config/savedApp.xml


Aspire> run config/savedApp.xml
hello world, this is AspireShell

cd & pwd

Aspire> cd config
Aspire> pwd
Aspire> cd ..
Aspire> pwd 


Aspire> <component name="PostHTTP" subType="default" factoryName="aspire-post-http">
Aspire: clear

You can also use the clear shortcut CTRL-D

Aspire> <component name="PostHTTP" subType="default" factoryName="aspire-post-http">
Aspire: <CTRL-D>


Aspire> cls


Aspire> felix
Felix> find aspire
   ID   State         Level  Name
[  11] [Active     ] [    1] Aspire Application (2.2.2)
Felix> exit


Aspire> shutdown
Aspire> Stopping bundle: 11 - file:/C:/Users/aaguilar/.m2/repository/com/searchtechnologies/aspire-application/2.2.2/aspire-application-2.2.2.jar
Stopped component factory: aspire-application (bundle 11)
AspireShell: Shutting down...

Run Applications

You can use Aspire Shell to run at startup applications you have previously saved in your filesystem:

$ bin\aspiresh.bat config/savedApp.xml
Removing Felix-Cache and AppBundle-Cache directories

* Bundle id : 10
* Location  : file:bundles/boot/aspire-bootloader-2.2.2.jar

Maven update policy: always

Settings (org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiManager):  {password=admin, manager.root=/osgi, username=admin}
Maven update policy: always
Aspire Console Mode
hello world, this is AspireShell
Aspire> Stopping bundle: 11 - file:/C:/Users/aaguilar/.m2/repository/com/searchtechnologies/aspire-application/2.2.2/aspire-application-2.2.2.jar
Stopped component factory: aspire-application (bundle 11)
AspireShell: Shutting down...


You can add the --no-exit option to avoid AspireShell from shutting down after running the application.

 $ bin\aspiresh.bat config/savedApp.xml --no-exit
Removing Felix-Cache and AppBundle-Cache directories

* Bundle id : 10
* Location  : file:bundles/boot/aspire-bootloader-2.2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar

Maven update policy: always

Settings (org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiManager):  {password=admin, manager.root=/osgi, username=admin}
Maven update policy: always
Aspire Console Mode
hello world, this is AspireShell

Start Content Sources

Aspire Shell does not load the autostart section of the settings.xml file, neither load any content sources configured inside config/content-sources. To enable the autostart and content sources loading you will need to add the --load-content-sources option when starting aspiresh.bat or


$ bin\aspiresh.bat --load-content-sources 

Enable Aspire HTTP web server

Aspire Shell doesn't start the HTTP web server by default. To enable it you need to edit the config/ file, find org.osgi.service.http.port=-1 and add the port that you want (for example org.osgi.service.http.port=50505)


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