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spire Object is XPath compliant, also called as AXPath. See the Javadoc for examples and more information.

If your XPath starts with "/", it will go to the root of the entire DOM, not just to the top of the subElement.

for more information about XPath you could see XPath Syntax

On this page:

XPath Syntax

XPath uses path expressions to select nodes or node-sets in an XML document. The node is selected by following a path or steps.

Selecting Node

XPath uses path expressions to select nodes in an XML document. The node is selected by following a path or steps. The must useful path expressions are listed below

nodenameSelects all nodes with the name "nodename"
/Selects from the root node
//Selects nodes in the document from the current node that match the selection no matter where they are
.Selects the current node
..Selects the parent of the current node
@Selects attributes

Path Expression

In the table below we have listed some path expressions and the result of the expressions:

Path ExpressionResult


Selects all nodes with the name "doc"


Selects the root element doc

If the path starts with a slash ( / ) it always represents an absolute path to an element!


Selects all field elements that are children of connectorSpecific


Selects all field elements no matter where they are in the document


Selects all field elements that are descendant of the connectorSpecific element, no matter where they are under the connectorSpecific element


Selects all attributes that are named name


Predicates are used to find a specific node or a node that contains a specific value.

Predicates are always embedded in square brackets.

In the table below we have listed some path expressions with predicates and the result of the expressions:

Path Expression Result
doc/connectorSpecific/field[1]Selects the first field element that is the child of the connectorSpecific element.
doc/connectorSpecific/field[@name]Selects all the field elements that have an attribute named name
doc/connectorSpecific/field[@name='id']Selects all the field elements that have a "name" attribute with a value of "id"

How to use AXPath

 Simple Java example

AXPath myXPath = AXPathFactory.newInstance("components/component/config/agency"); 
String agency = myXPath.getString(someDOMElementOrAspireObject);

Using AXPath in a Groovy Script

This is a simple groovy script that you can use in a workflow to retrieve data from your doc.

import com.searchtechnologies.aspire.framework.AXPathFactory;

AXPath xPathId = AXPathFactory.newInstance("doc/connectorSpecific/field[@name='id']");
String id = xPathId.getString(doc);

AXPath xPathDisplayName = AXPathFactory.newInstance("doc/connectorSpecific/field[@name='displayName']");
String displayName = xPathDisplayName.getString(doc);
println(id + " - " + displauyName);

Remember to import the AXPathFactory and the AXPath clases in your groovy script

Example doc


This is a regular doc file, that you can access from your workflow

  <connectorSpecific type="filesystem">
    <field name="id">2568545</field>
    <field name="displayName">Custom-theme.css</field>
    <field name="isContainer">false</field>
  <sourceName>File System Source2</sourceName>
    <item id="ED49128EDF0AFC48229B2DE7696F573B" level="3" name="Custom-theme.css" url="file://c:/dev/Custom-theme.css">
        <ancestor id="BEEC3D649254F4E80658B633C58680C7" level="2" name="dev" parent="true" url="c:\dev"/>
        <ancestor id="B039D5CCDC96EE3CA35D2105DE66E182" level="1" url="c:\"/>
  <protocol source="FetchURL/protocol">file</protocol>
  <mimeType source="FetchURL/mimeType">content/unknown</mimeType>
  <extension source="FetchURL">
    <field name="modificationDate">2016-04-22T19:57:35Z</field>
    <field name="content-length">20132</field>
    <field name="last-modified">Fri, 22 Apr 2016 19:57:35 GMT</field>
    <field name="content-type">content/unknown</field>
  <contentType source="ExtractTextStage/Content-Type">text/plain; charset=windows-1252</contentType>
  <extension source="ExtractTextStage">
    <field name="X-Parsed-By">org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser</field>
    <field name="Content-Encoding">windows-1252</field>
    <field name="resourceName">file://c:/dev/Custom-theme.css</field>
  <content source="ExtractTextStage"><![CDATA[

::-webkit-input-placeholder {
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:-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 18- */
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::-moz-placeholder {  /* Firefox 19+ */
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:-ms-input-placeholder {
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  • No labels