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Connector Framework


Please provide valid refresh token

Happens when the refresh_token is empty for OAuth request

Could not retrieve refresh token for client

Happens when the OAuth request return an Unauthorized (401) or Forbidden (403) code 

Could not retrieve access token for user

Happens when the OAuth request return an Unauthorized (401) or Forbidden (403) code 

Cannot handle <specific content type> content type. Supported content types include JSON, XML and URLEncoded

Happens when the OAuth request return a different content type that JSON, XML or URLEncoded


Unable to get Crawl Controller. Component path null or empty

Happens when the crawl controller (component) path is null or empty

Unable to get Crawl Controller. Component path <path>

Happens when can not get the crawl controller from the specified path

Crawl Controller unavailable. Component path <path>

Happens when the crawl controller is null

Queue entry id empty or null

Happens when the entry id (of the crawling document) is empty or null

The crawl controller branchhandler must be configured for the <event_name> event

Happens when the branch handler can not configure the onStartJob, onCrawlStart, onCrawlEnd events

The crawl controller must have a group expansion manager (gem) configured when group expansion is enabled

Happens when the group expansion process is not configured correctly

Request for group expansion database - group expansion is not enabled

Happens when is trying to get the groupsSAO but the group expansion is disable

Error releasing connection

Happens when is trying to close the all the storage provider connections

Cannot start crawl as one is in progress

Happens when a crawl is running and another crawl is trying to start for the same content source

Timed out waiting for crawl to start within 60 seconds

Happens when a source info could not be initialized and the crawl wait 60 seconds to start

A request to start group download and caching was received, but group expansion is not supported by this connector
A request to start groups download and caching was received, but group expansion is not enabled
A request to start group download and caching was received, but the group expansion manager service is not available
FATAL: Unable to start crawl

Happens when an error occurs initializing a Source Info at the Crawl Start action

Error sending crawl start job

Happens when an error occurs sending the crawl start job

Error sending crawl end job

Happens when an error occurs sending the crawl end job

Workflow application not found when starting crawl: <app_name>

Happens when a workflow application can not be loaded properly

Exception flushing statistics

Happens when is trying to flush the statistics from the statistics SAO

Invalid job - null connector source properties

Happens when can not get the connector source properties initializing the source info

Could not get statistics

Happens when can not fetch the content source statistics

Error starting crawl

Happens when trying to run the crawl start job

Error listening for new crawls

Happens when trying to run the crawl and the crawl status is null

Error updating NoSQL DB with errored job

Happens when trying to update the statusSAO

Error updating statistics

Happens when trying to save the statistics in the StatisticsUpdater

Error getting intersection acl for item <id>

Happens when trying to save the intersection acls for the item

Acls Cache was not initialized. Unable to cache acls for item <id>

Happens when the aclsCache is null trying to save an acl

<rap> cannot be missing or empty

Happens when trying to initialize the FetchUrl component and the path to the rap is empty

Could not connect to RAP <rap_path>

Happens when trying to initialize the FetchUrl component and can not get the RepositoryAccessProvider

Cannot find user <user>

Happens when can not get a specified user from the groupsSAO in the group expansion

Cannot find user <user>

Happens when can not get a specified user from the groupsSAO in the group expansion

ACL parameter was null

Happens when trying to a null specialAcl 

Error while running push requests listener thread

Happens when running the PushRequestListener

Updates listener received a null request

Happens when trying to process a null doc in the UpdatesListener

Updates listener received an invalid request. Content Source wasn't provided

Happens when trying to process a doc in the UpdatesListener but contains an empty content source name

Updates listener received an invalid request. No update documents were provided

Happens when trying to process a doc in the UpdatesListener but contains an empty or null documents list

Error getting CrawlController for content source <cs_name>
CrawlController for content source <cs_name> was not found

Happens when trying to process a doc in the UpdatesListener but can not get the CrawlControllerImpl

RAP for content source <cs_name> was not found

Happens when trying to process a doc in the UpdatesListener but can not get the RapComponent

Content Source <cs_name> does not allow push updates

Happens when trying to process a doc in the UpdatesListener but the connector does not allow push update requests

Error getting content source configuration for <cs_name>

Happens when trying to process a doc in the UpdatesListener but the connector content source configuration es null or empty

Content Source <cs_name> is disabled. Cannot process requests

Happens when trying to process a doc in the UpdatesListener but the connector is disable

The QueueLoader must be configured with a branch handler
The branch handler must be configured with the <event> event

Happens when trying to initialize the QueueLoader and can not get the branch handler

Exception processing job: <exception_message> (type: <type>)

Happens when trying to process a job in the QueueLoader 

Could not enqueue items to pipeline

Happens when trying to claim an item in the QueueLoader 

Could not enqueue items to pipeline
Error enqueuing item <id> to the local queue. Releasing item to main queue to reprocess

Happens when trying to claim an item in the QueueLoader 

Error getting the available items request

Happens when trying to run the Crawl status checker

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