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Adding the Angular Library Step-by-step guide

  1. Install angular-cli
    1. npm i -g @angular/cli
  2. Cd to <project>/resources
  3. Create and empty angular project
    1. ng new webapp --createApplication=false
       Would you like to add Angular routing? No
       Which stylesheet format would you like to use? Sass
  4. Cd to webapp
  5. Create an angular library (this is where your interface will live)
    1. ng generate library <name-of-library> --prefix=plug
  6. Install Saga plugin
    1. npm install @saga/plugin --save
  7. Install Angular Materiala
    1. npm install @angular/material --save
  8. Open the file pacakge.json
    1. On the scripts section add or update
      1. "build": "ng build"
        "build-prod": "ng build --prod"
  9. Cd to projects/<name-of-library>
  10. Open the file package.json
    1. On peerDependencies add
      1. "@saga/plugin": "^x.y.z"

        the same version as the package.json located in webapp

  11. Cd to src/lib
  12. Open the file <name-of-library>.module.ts
    1. import the following modules 

      import {PluginModule} from '@saga/plugin';
      import {CommonModule} from '@angular/common';
      import {FormsModule} from '@angular/forms';
    2. Then update the @NgModule by adding a new provider and the modules to the section imports

      providers: [{
      	provide: '<NameOfRecognizer>Component',
      	useValue: [{
      		name: '<NameOfRecognizer>Component',
      		component: <NameOfRecognizer>Component
      	multi: true
      imports: [

Updating the Pom.xml Step-by-step guide

  1. Add to  the <properties>
    1. <saga.webapp.code>src/main/resources/webapp</saga.webapp.code>
  2. In every "ManifestEntries" in the pom, add
    1. <Artifact>${project.artifactId}</Artifact>
  3. Add the following profiles to the pom.xml
    1. <profiles>
      							<id>npm install (generate-resources)</id>
      						<!-- Optional: The following will output the npm configuration.
                                       I do this so my CI logs will show the npm information used
                                           for the build -->
      							<id>npm config list (validate)</id>
      						<!-- Required: This following calls `npm run build` where 'build' is
                                       the script name I used in my project, change this if yours is
                                           different -->
      							<id>npm run build (generate-resources)</id>
      						<!-- Required: The following will ensure `npm install` is called
                                       before anything else during the 'Clean Lifecycle' -->
      							<id>npm prune (clean)</id>
      							<id>npm install --production (generate-resources)</id>
      						<!-- Optional: The following will output the npm configuration.
                                       I do this so my CI logs will show the npm information used
                                           for the build -->
      							<id>npm config list (validate)</id>
      						<!-- Required: This following calls `npm run build` where 'build' is
                                       the script name I used in my project, change this if yours is
                                           different -->
      							<id>npm run build-prod (generate-resources)</id>

Updating the RestHandler in Java Step-by-step guide

  1. On the <NameRecognizer>RestHandler, after the RecognizerInfo is set up, add
    1. info.bundle(<path-to-bundle>);

      where the path would be <artifact-id>/<name-of-library>/bundles/<name-of-library>.umd.min.js

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