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Dictionaries are resources used to define entities usually based on pattern recognition.  The Dictionary Tagger Stage and Simple Regex Stage are examples of the use of dictionaries as resources.  These resources are loaded into Elasticsearch as part of the Saga session.


A comprehensive definition of the structure of dictionary resources can a file can be seen here. Dictionary resources for different recognizers may differ from one another, please check the documentation of the recognizer for the correct specification.

Import a new Dictionary into Elasticsearch

This section will show an example on how to import a dictionary directly into Elasticsearch for the Entity Recognizer (Dictionary Tagger Stage), using Python and an Elasticsearch client.

Tag with Dictionary Tagger Stage
	"name": "tagname",
	"assigned": {
		"DictionaryTaggerStage": {
			"stage": "DictionaryTaggerStage",
			"display": "Entity",
			"config": {
				"dictionary": test_entities,
				"skipFlags": [],
				"boundaryFlags": [
				"requiredFlags": [
				"atLeastOneFlag": [
				"debug": False
			"enable": True,
			"baseline-pipeline": "baseline-pipeline"

	"updatedAt": <time>,
	"createdAt": <time>
  • On line 2, notice the "name" key, this one is used to define the "tag" name and is the main identifier for the entity.
  • The "assigned" key (line 3) is used to specify the stages linked to the tag.
  • In this example a Dictionary Tagger Stage is used (line 5).
  • The stage configuration defines the dictionary resource used, in this case "test_entities" (line 8).  This is the dictionary we will be creating.
    • The name "test_entities" is based on the pattern "<workspace|session>_entities", where <workspace|session> refers to the postfix used on Elasticsearch to identify the working set of tags.  This can be changed on the configuration file, by editing the "indexName" field.
  • The other fields on the JSON structure are stage specific configuration.

This is the basic structure for the dictionary entries:

JSON document
	"id": <document_id>,
	"display": <display_label>,
	"fields": {},
	"confAdjust": <confidence_adjustment_value>,
	"updatedAt": <time>,
	"createdAt": <time>,
	"tag": <tag_name>,
	"patterns" : ["<pattern1>", "<pattern2>", "<patternN>"]
  • "id" is unique identifier for the dictionary entry.
  • "display" is the default name of the entry and can be use to normalize the the value of the entry if there are multiple patterns assigned to it.
  • "confAdjust" field is the confidence adjustment value assign to this entry.
  • "createdAt" and "updatedAt" are auditing/control values for the entry.
  • "tag" links the entry to a "tag".
  • "patterns" are the possible values that identify this entry.

This is the basic example, reading from a CSV file and indexing the values on Elasticsearch. The file is semicolon (";") separated and the first line contains column names (not needed and skipped in the code).

Sample CSV
C0003;landing gear;1;landing gear,tires

This is the example Python script, requires an Elasticsearch module to run found here.

Python - Dictionary Export
# pip install elasticsearch
# pip install datetime

import json
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from datetime import datetime

HOSTS = ['localhost']
BATCH_SIZE = 10000
CSV_PATH = 'inputFile.csv'
TAG = 'testy'
WORKSPACE = "test"

EPOCH = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)

# Defaults for new database
DEFAULT_PIPELINE = 'baseline-pipeline'
DEFAULT_PROVIDER_NAME = 'saga-provider'

# util method for timestamp
def unix_time_millis(dt):
    return (dt - EPOCH).total_seconds() * 1000.0

# util class for document indexing
class ElasticSearchClient(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.es_client = Elasticsearch(HOSTS, timeout=DEFAULT_ES_READ_TIMEOUT)
        self.batch_size = BATCH_SIZE

    def publish(self, index, doc, doc_type, id=None):
        self.es_client.index(index=index, doc_type=doc_type, body=doc, id=id)

def main():

    es_client = ElasticSearchClient()
    # json document
    tag_doc = {
        'name': TAG,
        'assigned': {
            'DictionaryTaggerStage': {
                'stage': 'DictionaryTaggerStage',
                'display': 'Entity',
                'config': {
                    'dictionary': DEFAULT_PROVIDER_NAME + ':' + WORKSPACE + '_entities',
                    'skipFlags': [],
                    'boundaryFlags': [
                    'requiredFlags': [
                    'atLeastOneFlag': [
                    'debug': False
                'enable': True,
                'baseline-pipeline': DEFAULT_PIPELINE

        'updatedAt': unix_time_millis(,
        'createdAt': unix_time_millis(,

    es_client.publish(WORKSPACE + '_tags', tag_doc, 'tag', TAG)

    with open(CSV_PATH, encoding='utf8') as fp:
        line = fp.readline()
        while line:
            line = fp.readline()
            row = line.split(';')

                if len(row) >= 3:
                    entry_doc = {
                        'id': row[0].strip(),
                        'display': row[1].strip(),
                        'fields': {},
                        'confAdjust': row[2].strip(),
                        'updatedAt': unix_time_millis(,
                        'createdAt': unix_time_millis(,
                        'tag': TAG,
                        'patterns': row[3].strip().split(',')

                    es_client.publish(WORKSPACE + '_entities', entry_doc, 'entity')
                    print("Missing tabs " + line)
            except MemoryError:
                print("Error on: " + line)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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