This stage maintains a list of tokens used to identify possible subjects of interest and suggest a URL reference along with "title" and "description".


  • Percent must match (for partial matching) ( type=string | default=50 | required ) - Used to match only a percentage of the words present in the pattern (only if active in the individual pattern).
  • Ignore Tags ( type=string array | optional ) - List of tags to be ignored by the recognizer
  • Remove Accents & Diacritics ( type=boolean | default=unchecked | optional ) - Replace characters such as "á, ö, ç" with their normalize forms "a, o, c"
  • Remove Characters ( type=boolean | default=unchecked | optional ) - Replace the characters specified with white space
  • Characters to remove ( type=string | default=_-‿⁀⁔︳︴﹍﹎﹏_ | optional ) - Will only be used if Remove Characters is checked

Adding a Best Bet

Click on the button which will popup the "Add new bestbet" dialog

  • Pattern ( type=string | required ) - Patterns to look for
  • Title ( type=string | optional ) - Used to set a concise title for display purpose.
  • Use Partial Matching ( type=string | default=false | optional ) - When a pattern is composed of several words, the matching will only use a percentage of the words present in the pattern. This percentage can be configured in the recognizer settings, by default is set to 50%.
  • URL ( type=string | required ) - URL reference
  • Description ( type=string | optional ) - Short description that can be used as part of the display information.
  • Confidence Adjustment ( type=double | default=1 | required ) - Adjustment factor to apply to the confidence value of 0.0 to 2.0 from (Applies for every pattern match).
    • 0.0 to < 1.0  decreases confidence value
    • 1.0 confidence value remains the same
    • > 1.0 to  2.0 increases confidence value

General Settings

The general settings can be accessed by clicking on 

More settings could be displayed in the same dialog, it varies per recognizer.

  • Enable - Enable the processor to be use in pipelines.
  • Base Pipeline - Indicates the last stage, from a pipeline, needed by the recognizer.
  • Skip Flags ( optional ) - Lexical items flags to be ignored by this processor.
  • Boundary Flags  ( optional ) - List of vertex flags that indicate the beginning and end of a text block.
  • Required Flags ( optional ) - Lexical items flags required by every token to be processed.
  • At Least One Flag ( optional ) - Lexical items flags needed by every token to be processed.
  • Don't Process Flags ( optional ) - List of lexical items flags that are not processed. The difference with "Skip Flags" is that this will drop the path in the Saga graph, skip just skips the token and continues in the same path.
  • Confidence Adjustment - Adjustment factor to apply to the confidence value of 0.0 to 2.0 from (Applies for every match).
    • 0.0 to < 1.0  decreases confidence value
    • 1.0 confidence value remains the same
    • > 1.0 to  2.0 increases confidence value
  • Debug - Enable debug logging.

  • No labels