• _id ( type=string | required ) - Identifies the entity by unique ID. This identifier must be unique across all entries (across all dictionaries).

  • confAdjust ( type=boolean | required ) - Adjustment factor to apply to the confidence value of 0.0 to 2.0

    • This is the confidence of the entry, in comparison to all of the other entries. (Essentially, the likelihood that this entity will be randomly encountered.)
    • 0.0 to < 1.0  decreases confidence value
    • 1.0 confidence value remains the same
    • > 1.0 to  2.0 increases confidence value
  • updatedAt ( type=date epoch | required ) - Date in milliseconds of the last time the entry was updated
  • createdAt ( type=date epoch | required ) - Date in milliseconds of the creation time of the entry
  • No labels