Release date: August 31st, 2022

Tech Stack

NoSQL DB provider supported

                - Elasticsearch/Kibana versions 7.17.5

                - Opensearch v. 1.1

Java supported

                - OpenJDK 11

Python supported

                - Python version 3.9.5.


                - Node.js LTS v. 16.15.0.

New Features


      - UI Rewrite:  new Accenture purple look and feel and multi-language support


                - Universal Importer - Ability to import dictionaries from the UI


                - Optimization - Advance patterns - collapse similar stages into 1


                - Add federated authentication to Saga UI and backend. Support for LDAP and API keys

Cloud & CI

                -  Saga Docker containers available / Saga Demo Site on containers / Addition of configuration options to Saga container

                -  Continuous integration process in Jenkins deploying binaries and docker images in artifactory

                -  Automated test to the Saga API V2 in the CI process

                -  Added security scanning of code (sonarqube and dependency checker) to CI process


API Endpoints

                - Saga endpoints must not disclose encryption key

                - New API v2 used everywhere in Saga Server and old API removed.


                - Upgrade of several third-party libraries containing vulnerabilities (including log4j)

                - Removing * from Content-Security-Policy header / addition of custom domain


                - New config for Datetime recognizer to recognize only date or time

                - New functionality to extract group text from Regex and SimpleRegex recognizers

                - Improve logging of connection to Python Bridge in Python Model Recognizer

                - Add config to Federal_ID so user decides what format to use

                - Add the Arabic analyzer to the Lucene Pipeline Stage

                - Addition of Chinese and Korean languages to Lucene Pipeline Stage


                - User should be able to select the pipeline as a whole in recognizer settings

                - Navigate to Tag & Patterns from Evaluate preview pop-up

                - improvements in Python Model Recognizer when entering python bridge settings

                - Warning message when tag is not selected for evaluation / Arrangement of some elements in the UI

                - improved 'Tag already exist' message in Tags tree

                - improvements in Search Screen, back button returns to real previous screen (tags or background processes)

                - set focus on the recognizer just added, instead of the add button

Aspire Saga-Parser

                - Saga-Parser now truncates big text instead of ignoring it when using the max characters setting

                - saga-parser config file is now the same format/contents of the one used in saga server. Also it is simpler now.

                - Aspire Saga Parser component migrated to Aspire 5.0.3


                - Improve error handling and logging in the import process


Bug fixes

A total of 124 fixes done including code issues reported by sonarqube and dependency checker security scanners.

For detailed information on what's included please check out Jira Release Notes here.

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