• type ( type=string | default=json | optional ) - Type of execution to perform
    • json - Return the lexItems found in the highest confidence route, any vertex with metadata, and the actual highestRoute including all the tokens
    • matchExtraction - Return the lexItems matched by a semantic tag found in the highest confidence route, any vertex with metadata.
    • analytics - Return the lexItems found in the highest confidence route, any vertex with metadata, the tokens_detail with every token in the route, the inputText and the outputText (Text parsed ready for modeling data)
    • route - Return only the SEMANTIC_TAG tokens in the highestRoute 

      More types can when requested

  • tags ( type=string array | required ) - List of tags to identify in the text
  • processor ( type=string | required ) - Process Id of the pipeline you want to work from. Can only be used if no tags where defined. Format is: PipelineName:StageId
  • enginePoolSize ( type=integer | default=10 | optional ) - Number of engines per process unit
  • createEngines ( type=boolean | default=false | optional ) - Should the engine be create at once, otherwise each engine will be generated as required
  • engineTimeout ( type=integer | default=30000 | optional ) - Time in milliseconds, for the engine to timeout
  • splitRegex ( type=string | default=[\n\s ]+ | optional ) - Regex which will split the text into more manageable blocks to be process by Saga
  • multiline ( type=string | default=true | optional ) - Should the splitRegex apply on multiple lines
  • maxCharsSizeToProcess ( type=integer | default=0 | optional ) - Maximum number of character to process, more than that and the data will be truncated. If the value is 0, no maximum is applied
  • exactTags ( type=boolean | default=false | optional ) - Return only the exact same tags specified in the field "tags"
  • ignoredTags ( type=string array | optional ) - List of tags to ignore from the regular process
  • includeFlags ( type=string array | optional ) - List of Flags to include in the result, regardless of other configuration
  • excludeFlags ( type=string array | default=TEXT_BLOCK | optional ) - List of flags to exclude from the results
  • includeMetadata ( type=boolean | default=false | optional ) - Include the metadata in the tags and vertices
  • combineRoutes ( type=boolean | default=false | optional ) - Should routes of the same confidence be combined into one route
  • includeTheseComponents ( type=string array | optional ) - List of specific components to add, any other component will be ignore
  • includeComponents ( type=boolean | default=true | optional ) - Include the components (tokens which compose the tag) of each tag matched
  • includeComponentMetadata ( type=boolean | default=false | optional ) - If components are included, does the metadata of each one needs to be added
  • expires ( type=json | default=false | optional ) - Boolean or JOSN
    • If JSON - Can specify the amount of the time, in which it will expire. If refreshExpiration is activated, this is the amount to reset each time
      • amount ( type=integer | default=0 | optional ) - Amount of time to extent the expiration time
      • timeUnit ( type=string | default=Seconds | optional ) - Time unit in which the amount is expressed. All the ChronoUnit are valid (Nanos, Micros, Millis, Seconds, Minutes, Hours, ...)
    • If true -  If true, the process unit will expire immediately after the process has ended
  • refreshExpiration ( type=boolean | default=false | optional ) - Rerefresh expiration time every time the unit does a process
  • persistent ( type=boolean | default=false | optional ) - If True the process unit will be saved in the database and every time the server restarts the process unit will be loaded
    • If persistent is true, expiration will be disabled

  • includeStats ( type=boolean | default=false | optional ) - If True the statistics of the engine and the pipeline are included in the response
  • No labels