The Office Renderer component can be configured using the Aspire Admin UI. It requires the following entities to be created in order to use the component:

  • Seed

This component is an application for workflow configuration, and it is used in the "onAddUpdate" Workflow Event.

Create Workflow

  1. On the Aspire Admin UI, go to the Workflows main page
  2. All existing workflows will be listed. Select one or click on the new button image2021-12-7_7-37-8.png
    1. Enter the new workflow description. 
  3. Select the "Create" button.
  4. Go to the Workflow Event "onAddUpdate".
  5. Search in “Type criteria” (in the Application's options) and drag, using the symbol () next to the Office Renderer component in the onAddUpdate section.
  6. Enter a new description for this application component.
  7. General Settings:
    1. Renderer Type: Select the type of documents to be rendered (PDF, DOC, PPT).
    2. ImageMagick executable path: The path to the ImageMagick Executable.

    3. Configure store ID from document: When selected, the store ID part of the sequence file path will be extracted from the document's source.
      1. Content source id field: The path of the document field that holds the id, eg: "/doc/seed/id".
    4. Add binary store folder suffix: When selected, the binary store folder name will have the given suffix added.
      1. Suffix: The suffix to add to the binary store folder, eg: "_thumbnails".
    5. Thumbnail size config: Configure the size of the thumbnail.
      1. ID: An identifier for the thumbnail that can be used to identify it later - eg small, large, 40x20, etc.
      2. Size: Thumbnail size - fixed sizes by pixel (40x30), fixed width by pixel (40w), fixed height by pixel (30h) or percentage (10%).
    6. Ignore Errors: If any exception occurs during extraction, the exception will be logged, but not thrown so the job can continue with other stages.
    7. Debug: Option if you want to debug messages enabled.

In order to use the Office Renderer properly, you need to add a Binary Store previously so the thumbnails process can access the reference in the job to store the generated thumbnails.

Check the example workflow below.

Workflow Design Example

This is an example workflow for the Apache Poi Thumbnails generation process:

  • You need a Binary Store (Filesystem or S3).
  • You need a Binary Store Writer.
  • You need to identify which items will have thumbnails generated (pdf, doc, ppt):
    • You could use the connector's inclusion/exclusion patterns (if are available in the connector).
    • Or make a groovy script to identify the documents.
    • Additionally, check or add a contentType corresponding to each type.
  • Then make a switch for the contentType mentioned above and with this select the corresponding type in the Thumbnails Renderer.

The component will generate the thumbnails according to the configuration in the specified path in the Binary Store, in this case with the FileSystem Binary Store.

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