The SMTP connector will process e-mails send to it.


Some of the features of the SMTP connector include:

  • E-mail processing
  • Attachment processing

Content Retrieved

The SMTP connector retrieves several types of documents. Listed below are the inclusions and exclusions of these documents.


  • E-mails

Limitations If none then remove this section

Due to design implementation, the SMTP connector has the following limitations:

  • Distributed crawling
    • Due the nature of the SMTP library, distributed crawling is not supported.
  • Traditional Full/Incremental crawling
    • The connector works by setting up an SMTP that will listen to incoming e-mails and send them to Aspire for processing.
  • Access Control Lists (ACLs)
    • All of the incoming e-mails are assumed to be public.

Future Development Plan If none then remove this section 

The are currently no features to be implemented in the near future.

Anything we should add? Please let us know.