Version of Box Required

The Aspire Box connector was created and tested using an Enterprise account.

Before installing the Box connector, make sure that:

  • Box is up and running
  • Have a Box account available
  • You will also need to create a Box application.
  • You need the Box Client ID (from Box application)
  • You have the Box Client Secret (from Box application)
  • After getting the id and secret, you need to generate the access token and refresh token. These values are necessary because Box uses the standard OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization of users.
  • If you are interested in crawling shared and private content for all users of Box, you will need to allow Manage Users permission when you configure the Box Application.  

You will need all those credentials, client Id, client secret later, as part of installing the Box Connector.

User Account Requirements 

In order to access Box you need the admin or owner user of the Box account. and get registered for an API key (

Windows or Linux

The Box connector runs on either Windows or Linux.