
InvalidAuthenticationToken error

"error": {
	"code": "InvalidAuthenticationToken",
    "message": "Access token has expired."

This error happens when the Authentication Token has expired. This toke lasts approximately 10 minutes, so the token have to be requested again.

InvalidAuthenticationToken error

"error": {
	"code": "InvalidAuthenticationToken",
    "message": "CompactToken parsing failed with error code: 80049217"

This error happens when the token used is invalid, (“Bearer”+space+token )this is the correct way to pass like a parameter the token.

Can not get delta token error

"error": {
	"code": "notSupported",
    "message": "view.delta can only be called on the root."

This error happens when try to call delta from a children folder. This only can be supported on the root folder.

General This section is the Connector FAQ & Troubleshooting page, if you want to add something here you must add it there 


No available troubleshooting at this moment


Describe the problem as the user would experience it. For example "Level 7 printer is flashing red and wont print".


Provide steps that the user can take to solve the problem. For example "The level 7 printer will flash red when it is out of paper. Add paper to tray 1".

You may want to use a panel to highlight important steps.
  1. Use numbered lists to provide step-by-step help.
  2. Copy and paste or drag and drop images to add them to this page.