Hot fixes are released jar files to address a bug in a specific version, without needing to advance versions. 

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Available Hot Fixes

The available hot fixes are shown in the tables below.

BundleVersionBase versionDescription of update
aspire-app-group-expansion-manager2. compatible with aspire-ldap version Updated to allow passing of number of retries and retry delay parameters

NOTE: this fix requires version of aspire-ldap, aspire-ldap-cache and aspire-apacheds

aspire-app-group-expansion-manager2. an option to disable the connection to LDAP
aspire-apacheds2. compatible with aspire-ldap version

NOTE: this fix requires version of aspire-ldap

aspire-application2. issues with scheduled jobs getting fired in the middle of a crawl, and content sources getting deleted when an invalid xml file was found
aspire-application2. issue related to null pointer exceptions when loading corrupted content sources.
aspire-confluence-connector1. version with several fixes for the Aspire-Attivio connector wrapper.
aspire-eroom-connector2. SpecialAcls, fix @domain issue for GE and fix some timeouts
app-eroom-connector2. EroomETMaxSize field in dxf to set the max extract text size.
aspire-eroom-connector2. issue with static mapDB for ACLs
aspire-eroom-connector2. option to skip the links items from the crawl results
aspire-groovy2. an issue where returning JSON transformers to a pool caused random exceptions

NOTE: this fix is required when using aspire-post-http version

aspire-heritrix-connector2. feature to the Heritrix Engine to prefer non DNS resolves, (prefer the hosts file)
aspire-jive-connector2. issue with UserOrGroup throwing ClassNotFoundException
aspire-jive-connector2. support for custom types
aspire-jive-connector2. the ability to select which endpoints the user wants to crawl
aspire-ldap2. to fix and issue with re-connections to ldap. The retry parameters are now configurable
aspire-ldap-cache2. compatible with aspire-ldap version

NOTE: this fix requires version of aspire-ldap

aspire-post-http2. changes allowing uses with ElasticSearch from 2.1

NOTE: this fix has a bug that causes random exceptions. Use version instead

aspire-post-http2. changes allowing uses with ElasticSearch from 2.1

NOTE: this fix requires version of aspire-groovy

aspire-rdb-connector2. an issue where the rdb scanner was never finishing
aspire-scanner2. issue with UserOrGroup throwing ClassNotFoundException
aspire-scanner2. change byte[] to String
aspire-scanner2. fix to add name property to SourceItem for hierarchy calculations and sets the snapshot separator as public.
aspire-sharepoint-connector2. the SharePoint Scanner from Hierarchical Scanner to Push Scanner to be able to use SharePoint change tokens for snapshot files. Adds the possibility to crawl from 1 or more site collections using the same content source. It also has the option to "discover" all site collections inside a Web Application.
aspire-sharepoint-connector2. an issue where the SharePoint connector crashes while crawling after a SOAP exception
aspire-sharepoint-connector1. version with several fixes for the Aspire-Attivio connector wrapper.
aspire-simple-group-expander2. change byte[] to String
aspire-simple-group-expander2. issue with UserOrGroup throwing ClassNotFoundException


Note: Typically, these fixes are not cumulative. A hot fix at version will not include the fixes made in, etc. You should check the base version to be certain.

Using Hot Fixes

Hot fixes can be installed using the <bundleVersions> tag in the settings.xml file in the config directory. See here for full details.

You will need to add a section to the <repository> identifying the bundle, and version you wish to use.

Example: To use a hot fix for the eRoom connector, add the following to the settings.xml file:

  <bundle artifactId="aspire-eroom-connector" version=""/>

Note: replace with the version of the fix you require.

Settings file with hot fix installed

<repository type="maven">
    <bundle artifactId="aspire-eroom-connector" version=""/>


If you are using Aspire in offline mode, you only need to add the hot fixes jars to the bundles/Aspire folder of the distribution.

You should have the following for both online and offline mode:

    <bundle artifactId="aspire-eroom-connector" version=""/>
  <repository type="distribution">
  <repository type="maven">

Using Hot Fixes for Aspire-application