The RDBMS Scanner component performs full and incremental scans over a database. This version of RDBMS scanner performs full scanning using a SQL statement to extract the data from one or more data tables. This scanner use snapshot files to determine which content has been updated.

Updated content is submitted to the configured pipeline in AspireObjects attached to Jobs, with every column extracted from the data tables added to the AspireObject. Updated content is split into three types - add, update, and delete. Each type of content is published on a different event so that it may be handled by different Aspire pipelines.

This RDBMS Scanner version is also capable of fetching ACLs data by two different ways: defining a SQL statement or defining a the column name that contains the ACLs.

The scanner reacts to an incoming job. This job may instruct the scanner to start, stop, pause or resume. The start job will contain the database connection parameters and SQL for data extraction, although this may be defaulted in the component configuration in the application.xml file. When pausing or stopping, the scanner will wait until all the jobs it published have completed before itself completing.

RDB via Snapshots Scanner
InputsAspireObject from a content source submitter holding all the information required for a crawl
OutputsJobs from the crawl


This section lists all configuration parameters available to configure the RDB via Snapshots Scanner component.

General Scanner Component Configuration

Basic Scanner Configuration

snapshotDirStringsnapshotsThe directory for snapshot files.
numOfSnapshotBackupsint2The number of snapshots to keep after processing.
(=10 mins)
Scanner timeout while waiting for published jobs to complete.
maxOutstandingTimeStatisticslong1mThe max about of time to wait before updating the statistics file. Whichever happens first between this property and maxOutstandingUpdatesStatistics will trigger an update to the statistics file.
maxOutstandingUpdatesStatisticslong1000The max number of files to process before updating the statistics file. Whichever happens first between this property and maxOutstandingTimeStatistics will trigger an update to the statistics file.
usesDomainbooleantrueIndicates if the group expansion request will use a domain\user format (useful for connectors that does not support domain in the group expander).

Branch Handler Configuration

This component publishes to the onAdd, onDelete and onUpdate, so a branch must be configured for each of these three events.

branches/branch/@eventstringThe event to configure - onAdd, onDelete or onUpdate.
branches/branch/@pipelineManagerstringThe name of the pipeline manager to publish to. Can be relative.
branches/branch/@pipelinestringThe name of the pipeline to publish to. If missing, publishes to the default pipeline for the pipeline manager.
branches/branch/@allowRemotebooleanIndicates if this pipeline can be found on remote servers (see Distributed Processing for details).
branches/branch/@batchingbooleanIndicates if the jobs processed by this pipeline should be marked for batch processing (useful for publishers or other components that support batch processing).
branches/branch/@batchSizeintThe max size of the batches that the branch handler will created.
branches/branch/@batchTimeoutlongTime to wait before the batch is closed if the batchSize hasn't been reached.
branches/branch/@simultaneousBatchesintThe max number of simultanous batches that will be handled by the branch handler.

File System Specific Configuration

The Multi RDBMS Connection Pool component to use for RDB connections.

Configuration Example

<component name="RDBMSRDB" subType="default" factoryName="aspire-multiple-rdb">

<component name="Scanner" subType="default" factoryName="aspire-rdb-connector">
    <branch event="onAdd" pipelineManager="../ProcessPipelineManager"
      pipeline="addUpdatePipeline" allowRemote="true" batching="true"
      batchSize="50" batchTimeout="60000" simultaneousBatches="2" />
    <branch event="onUpdate" pipelineManager="../ProcessPipelineManager"
      pipeline="addUpdatePipeline" allowRemote="true" batching="true"
      batchSize="50" batchTimeout="60000" simultaneousBatches="2" />
    <branch event="onDelete" pipelineManager="../ProcessPipelineManager"
      pipeline="deletePipeline" allowRemote="true" batching="true"
      batchSize="50" batchTimeout="60000" simultaneousBatches="2" />

Source Configuration

Scanner Control Configuration

The following table describes the list of attributes that the AspireObject of the incoming scanner job requires to correctly execute and control the flow of a scan process.

@actionstringstart, stop, pause, resume, abortControl command to tell the scanner which operation to perform. Use start option to launch a new crawl.
@actionPropertiesstringfull, incrementalWhen a start @action is received, it will tell the scanner to either run a full or an incremental crawl.
Unique identifier name for the content source that will be crawled.
Display or friendly name for the content source that will be crawled.

Header Example

  <doc action="start" actionProperties="full" actionType="manual" crawlId="0" dbId="0" jobNumber="0" normalizedCSName="FeedOne_Connector"
   scheduleId="0" scheduler="##AspireSystemScheduler##" sourceName="ContentSourceName">

All configuration properties described in this section are relative to /doc/connectorSource of the Aspire Object of the incoming Job.

The JDBC URL for your RDBMS server and database. For example, "jdbc:mysql://" (MySQL). This will vary depending on the type of RDBMS.
The name of a database user with read-only access to all of the tables which need to be indexed, and write access to the necessary update tables (if update management is handled through the RDB).
The database password
Path to the JDBC driver JAR file for your RDBMS. Typically this is placed in the "lib" directory inside your Aspire Home, for example "lib/myjdbcdriver.jar".
(Optional)The name of the JDBC driver class if the class name from the META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver file in the driver JAR file should not be used, or that file does not exist in the driver JAR file.
Determine if the discoverySQL + extractionSQL have to be used (batching mode). If false then the Scanner will perform a single SQL execution using the fullSQL query.
The SELECT query to be run for retrieve all documents. This query is used for full or incremental scan. The WHERE clause can be used to specify any required condition for crawling the desired documents. For slicing the discoverySQL, add {SLICES} tag to the WHERE clause. For more details, check the wiki.
The SELECT query to be run for discovering documents. This query is used for full or incremental scan. The WHERE clause can be used to specify any required condition for crawling the desired documents. For slicing the discoverySQL, add {SLICES} tag to the WHERE clause. For more details, check the wiki.
The SELECT query for extracting data for each document found. It is required to include a WHERE clause that contains, at least, the 'IN' expression. For example: "(...) WHERE idColumnName IN {IDS}", where idColumnName corresponds to unique key field name. {IDS} will be automatically replaced by the connector with the corresponding unique key values.
The name of the column which contains unique identifiers for each row. This is used for both full and incremental crawls and must match the name returned by the SQL. If the column is aliased using the SQL "AS" construct, you should provide the alias name here.
idColumnStringbooleanfalseTrue if the ID column is a string.
useSlicesbooleanfalseTrue if you want to divide the Full crawl SQL into multiple slices. Only works when the id column is an integer.
slicesNuminteger10The number of SQL slices to split Full crawl SQL. Only works when idColumn is an integer.
indexContainersbooleanfalseTrue if the Tables will be indexed in the crawl.
waitForSubJobsinteger600000Timeout value for the crawler's sub-jobs, in milliseconds.
aclMethodstringSQLPossible values: column or SQL. Sets whether the ACLs will be retrieved from a column in the extractionSQL or the fullSQL, or if it will be retrieved by the aclSQL.
Retrieves the ACLs for the documents, the result should be in the following format: "domain\user@NT". There must be one row for every ACL on the document

Scanner Configuration Example

<doc action="start" actionProperties="full" normalizedCSName="My_RDB_Source">
    <discoverySQL>Select ID from main_data</discoverySQL>
    <extractionSQL>Select ID from main_data WHERE ID IN {IDS}</extractionSQL>
    <aclSQL>Select 'mydomain\\user@NT' as ACL from main_data</aclSQL>
    <displayName>RBMS snapshots</displayName>
  <displayName>My RDB Source</displayName>


  <snapshotUrl>001 5</snapshotUrl>
    <discoverySQL>Select ID from main_data</discoverySQL>
    <extractionSQL>Select ID from main_data WHERE ID IN {IDS}</extractionSQL>
    <aclSQL>Select 'mydomain\\user@NT' as ACL from main_data</aclSQL>
    <displayName>RBMS snapshots</displayName>
    <field name="id">5</field>
    <acl access="allow" domain="mydomain" entity="group" fullname="mydomain\user@NT" name="user@NT" scope="global"/>

Scanner Operation

Retrieve data per batch

This mode uses SQL taken from the job (<connectorSource/discoverySQL>, <connectorSource/extractSQL> or configuration) and execute them against the database configured via a Multi RDBMS Connection Pool stage. Each resulting row is formed into an AspireObject using the column names as document elements, and this document is submitted to a pipeline manager using the event configured for inserts. As the document is created, the value of the column identified in the job (<connectorSource/idColumn>) is noted as the primary key of the document. The value insert will be placed in the action attribute of the document.

Column names from the extractSQL query are added to the AspireObject inside the "connectorSpecific" field. If the column names are standard AspireObject fields, they are added to the root level. See Connector Metadata for further details on which are standard fields.

Example AspireObject from a retrieve data per batch

  <snapshotUrl>001 5</snapshotUrl>
    <discoverySQL>Select ID from main_data</discoverySQL>
    <extractionSQL>Select ID from main_data WHERE ID IN {IDS}</extractionSQL>
    <aclSQL>Select 'mydomain\\user@NT' as ACL from main_data</aclSQL>
    <displayName>RBMS snapshots</displayName>
    <field name="id">5</field>
    <acl access="allow" domain="mydomain" entity="group" fullname="mydomain\user@NT" name="user@NT" scope="global"/>

Retrieve everything

This mode uses SQL taken from the job (<connectorSource/fullSQL> or configuration) and execute them against the database configured via a Multi RDBMS Connection Pool stage. Each resulting row is formed into an AspireObject using the column names as document elements, and this document is submitted to a pipeline manager using the event configured for inserts. As the document is created, the value of the column identified in the job (<connectorSource/idColumn>) is noted as the primary key of the document. The value insert will be placed in the action attribute of the document.

Column names from SQL queries are added to the AspireObject inside the "connectorSpecific" field. If the column names are standard AspireObject fields, they are added to the root level. See Connector AspireObject Metadata for further details on which are standard fields.

  <snapshotUrl>001 5</snapshotUrl>
    <fullSQL>Select * from main_data</fullSQL>
    <aclSQL>Select 'mydomain\\user@NT' as ACL from main_data</aclSQL>
    <displayName>RBMS snapshots</displayName>
    <field name="id">5</field>
    <acl access="allow" domain="mydomain" entity="group" fullname="mydomain\user@NT" name="user@NT" scope="global"/>

Slicing Full SQL

This feature consists in splitting the Full crawl SQL into multiple queries, for the scanning process to be faster. Slicing the fullSQL should significantly improve the performance when scanning large databases. Only works when idColumn is an integer.

Full crawl SQL Example (with slicing)

Having the following fullSQL:

  SELECT C.page_id, C.modified_date, 
    FROM mw_content C, mw_published P, mw_old T
    WHERE P.rev_id = C.page_latest AND T.old_id = P.rev_text_id;

For the connector to support slices you should add the {SLICES} tag into your WHERE clause in your fullSQL as shown in the next example:

  SELECT C.page_id, C.modified_date,
    FROM mw_content C, mw_published P, mw_old T
    WHERE P.rev_id = C.page_latest AND T.old_id = P.rev_text_id AND {SLICES};

In this case, there already was a WHERE clause, so we added "AND {SLICES}". In the case you don't need any condition, your query must contain WHERE {SLICES} for slices to work.

Slicing Retrieve data per batch SQL

This feature consists in splitting the discoverySQL into multiple queries, for the scanning process to be faster. Slicing the extractionSQL should significantly improve the performance when scanning large databases. Only works when idColumn is an integer.

Explore SQL Example (with slicing)

Having the following discoverySQL:

  SELECT C.page_id, C.modified_date, 
    FROM mw_content C, mw_published P, mw_old T
    WHERE P.rev_id = C.page_latest AND T.old_id = P.rev_text_id AND P.rev_id IN {IDS};

For the connector to support slices you should add the {SLICES} tag into your WHERE clause in your extractionSQL as shown in the next example:

  SELECT C.page_id, C.modified_date,
    FROM mw_content C, mw_published P, mw_old T
    WHERE P.rev_id = C.page_latest AND T.old_id = P.rev_text_id AND P.rev_id IN {IDS} AND {SLICES};

In this case, there already was a WHERE clause, so we added "AND {SLICES}". In the case you don't need any condition, your query must contain WHERE {SLICES} for slices to work.