The Manual Data Injection stage is useful when you want to manually add custom data to your pipeline results. By specifying the data parameter, you can include any desired key-value pairs in the dictionary. The injected dictionary will be included in the final response by default. However, if you set the save_to_intermediate property to true, the dictionary will be stored in the intermediate response instead.

Additionally, if the expand_result property is set to true, the injected data will be stored directly in the root of the final or intermediate response, without being nested inside a key with the stage name. This can be helpful when you want the injected data to be easily accessible and integrated into the overall response structure.


typeStage class name-stringYes
enableEnable stage for executiontruebooleanNo
nameName for this specific stagestringNo
save_to_intermediateIf true, the result of the stage will be stored in the intermediate instead of the final sectionfalsebooleanNo
expand_resultIndicates if the result of this stage should be expanded into the final data dictionary instead of being appended as usualfalsebooleanNo
ui_onlySection specific for UI configuration that affects the process of the stageobjectNo
halt_on_exceptionIndicates if the pipeline should be interrupted in case of an exceptionfalsebooleanNo
dataDictionary to inject directly into the final responseobjectYes

Example Configuration

_manual = ManualDataInjStage(
        'message': 'This is a manually injected data',
        'count': 10,
        'flag': True
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