f the SharePoint 2013 server where the Aspire Notification Service solution was deployed is using https, then the Notification Service will also be using said protocol. In this case Aspire needs to know the certificate needed to connect to the Notification Service. Follow these steps to register your certificate.

How To: Register Certificate

  1. Download the site certificate using your web browser.
  2. Open a new Command Prompt as an Administrator
  3. Run the following command:

    keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias <AliasName> -file <certificate> -keystore <KeystoreFile> -storepass <Password>

    • <AliasName>: an alias for your site certificate
    • <certificate>: path to the certificate you want to register
    • <KeystoreFile>: path to the keystore used by your Java installation. The default location is: %JAVA_HOME%\lib\security\cacerts.
    • <Password>: password for the keystore. The default value is changeit.
  4. Check that your certificate is now registered:

    keytool -list -keystore "%JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security/cacerts"
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