FeedOne feeds a single URL down the pipeline in response to a command from the administrator. It can be used for simple feeding requirements or debugging of pipelines.

FeedOne also provides the ability to feed a document upon startup and optionally shut down Aspire afterwards, allowing Aspire to by used by an external program to perform batch processing.


NoneThe configuration of the pipeline to publish to. See below.
feederLabelStringnullThe <feederLabel> value to be included with the document as it is sent to the pipeline. For example, CrawlDomain.
buttonStringnullSpecifying this option will change the admin page to show just a simple Start button to kick off Aspire processes that do not require an input file. The string entered here will be added to the AspireDocument as the "url".
feedOnStartupStringnullIf <feedOnStartup> is specified with location to feed e.g. file:///C:/aspire-home/data then auto feed would start.
autoShutdownbooleanfalseIf true, then system will shutdown after feed.

Branch Configuration

The feed one feeder publishes files using the branch manager. It publishes using the onPublish event. You must therefore include a <branches> element in the configuration to publish to a pipeline within a pipeline manager. See Branch Handler for more details.

branches/branch/@eventStringThe event to configure. This must be onPublish.
branches/branch/@pipelineManagerstringThe name of the pipeline manager to publish to. Can be relative.
branches/branch/@pipelinestringThe name of the pipeline to publish to. If missing, publishes to the default pipeline for the pipeline manager.

Example Configuration 1

    <component name="feedOne" subType="feedOne" factoryName="aspire-tools">
        <branch event="onPublish" pipelineManager="standard-pipe-manager" />

Example Configuration 2 - autoFeed and Shutdown

    <component name="feedOne" subType="feedOne" factoryName="aspire-tools">
        <branch event="onPublish" pipelineManager="standard-pipe-manager" />
Feed One (Aspire 2)
Factory Name com.searchtechnologies.aspire:aspire-tools
subType feedOne
Inputs An administrator command (available from the Aspire Admin GUI)
Outputs An AspireObject containing the URL entered by the administrator in the <fetchUrl> element.
  • No labels