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The Selenium Crawler can be configured using the Rest API. It requires the following entities to be created:

  • Credential
  • Connection
  • Connector
  • Seed

Below are the examples of how to create the Credential, Connection and the Seed. For the Connector, please check this page.

Create Credential

typeYes-NoThe value must be "rdb-snapshot"."rdb-snapshot"
descriptionYes-NoName of the credential object."My RDB Credential"
propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object
authenticationHandlerYes-YesAuthentication handlers[]
hostNo-NoHostname of the urls that will apply this handler, if no hostname is set, it will be used for all.""
portNo-1NoPort of the url, if set to -1, any port will be accepted8080
loginUrlYes-NoUrl to the login page"http://yoursite/login.php"
userYes-NoUser name"admin"
passwordYes-NoUser password"password"
authenticationTypeYes-NoAuthentication implementation: The crawler will use this configuration to log in the page (SIMPLE/SCRIPT)"SIMPLE"

Simple Authentication
userSelectorTypeYesIdNoUsername field selector type (Class, Css, Id, Name, XPath)"Id"

Username field: Field on the login form where the username should be set

passwordSelectorTypeYesIdNoPassword field selector type (Class, Css, Id, Name, XPath)"Id"

Password field: Field on the login form where the password should be set


customFieldno-YesCustom field[]
selectorTypeyesIdNoType of selector used to locate the field within the page. (Class, Css, Id, Name, XPath)"Id"
selectoryes-noValue of the selector used to locate the field within the page."myField"
fieldTypenoTextnoType of field to locate within the page. (Button, Checkbox, Select, RadioButton, Text)"Text"
fieldValueyes-noValue of the field"myFieldValue"

submitSelectorTypeyesIdNoType of selector used to locate the field within the page. (Class, Css, Id, Name, XPath)"Id"
submitSelectoryes--Value of the selector used to locate the field within the page."btnSubmit"

Scripted authentication
authenticationScriptyes-NoGroovy Code with instructions to fill the login form (see code block below)
Authentication Script
// Write the instructions to fill the login form
n// Available variables:
// - seedId, String. Id of the current seed.
// - logger, ALogger. Logger instance.
// - driver, WebDriver. Selenium WebDriver instance for controlling a browser.
// - loginUrl, String. Login URL.
// - username, String. Username
// - password, String. Password (decrypted). IMPORTANT: DO NOT LOG THIS VALUE

verificationTypeYes-noVerification style (SIMPLE, SCRIPT)"SIMPLE"

Simple verification
verificationFieldYes-yesFields to verify[]
fieldSelectorTypeyesIdnoType of selector used to locate the field within the page.  (Class, Css, Id, Name, XPath)"Id"
fieldSelectoryes-noValue of the selector used to locate the field within the page."myField"

Scripted verification
verificationScriptyes-noGroovy Code with instructions to validate whether or not the login was successful or not. Must return a boolean (see code block below)
Verification Script
// Check if the session is still valid.
// Must return a boolean.
// If the session is invalid, a login shall be attempted
// Available variables:
// - seedId, String. Id of the current seed.
// - logger, ALogger. Logger instance.
// - driver, WebDriver. Selenium WebDriver instance for controlling a browser.
// - loginUrl, String. Login URL.

return false;


POST aspire/_api/credentials
    "type": "selenium",
    "description": "Selenium Desc",             
     "properties": {
       "authenticationHandler": [
            "host": "",
            "port": 80,
            "loginUrl": "http://yoursite/login.php",
            "user": "user",
            "password": "password",
            "authenticationType": "SIMPLE",
            "userSelectorType": "Id",
            "userSelector": "txtUsername",
            "passwordSelectorType": "Id",
            "passwordSelector": "txtPassword",
            "customField": [],
            "submitSelectorType": "Id",
            "submitSelector": "btnSubmit",
            "verificationType": "SIMPLE",
            "verificationField": [
                "fieldSelectorType": "Id",
                "fieldSelector": "myField"

Create Connection

typeYes-NoThe value must be "rdb-snapshot"."rdb-snapshot"
descriptionYes-NoName of the connection object."My RDB Connection"
throttlePolicyNo-NoId of the throttle policy that applies to this connection object."6b235b333a1b"
routingPoliciesNo[ ]YesThe ids of the routing policies that this connection will use.["17f75ce7d0c7", "d42780003b36"]
credentialYes-NoId of the credential"6b235b333a1b"
propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object
jdbcUrlYes-NoThe JDBC url for your RDBMS server and database. Use database marker {DATABASE} to denote the database"jdbc:mysql://db:3306/{DATABASE}"
jdbcDriverJarYes-NoPath to the JDBC driver jar file for your RDBMS."/lib/myjdbcdriver.jar"
jdbcDriverClassNosee notesNoThe name of the default JDBC driver class (if the class name from the META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver file in the driver Jar file should not be used), or if that file does not exist in the driver jar file (Oracle)"java.sql.Driver"
jdbcDriverClasspathNothe driver jar fileNoThe class path for external jars required by the jdbc driver
stopOnErrorNotrueNoWhen selected, the scan stops if the JDBC driver throws an error while getting a row, and the crawl halts. When unselected, the connector attempts to get subsequent rowsfalse

Select this option to divide the full SQL into multiple slices. For example,if you have a 10 Million row table to scan, executing the 10 M query will take a while. After it completes, the connector starts sending items. By activating 10 slices, the scan is split into 10 1 Million scans, which takes less time and you can view results faster. This only works when the idColumn contains an integer.

numSlicesNo-NoThe number of SQL slices to split fullSQL. Slicing the full SQL should improve the performance significantly if a big database is to be crawled. Only works when the id column is an integer10

Use % Operator for Modulo. Check this option if you want to specify the MODULO operator to use for a particular Database system that doesn't recognize the MOD() function. "MOD()" is available for MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle. But systems like Microsoft SQL Server you must check this option



POST aspire/_api/connections
   "type": rdb-snapshot,
   "description": "RDB_TEST",
   "properties": {
        "jdbcDriverJar" : "/lib/myjdbcdriver.jar",
        "jdbcDriverClass": null,
        "jdbcDriverClasspath": null,
        "stopOnError": true,
        "useSlices": false,
        "numSlices": 2,
        "percentAsMod": false

Update Connection

idYes-NoId of the connection to update"d442adcab4b0",
descriptionNo-NoName of the connection object."My RDB Connection"
throttlePolicyNo-NoId of the throttle policy that applies to this connection object."b3a9-6b235b333a1b"
routingPoliciesNo[ ]YesThe ids of the routing policies that this connection will use.["17f75ce7d0c7", "d42780003b36"]
credentialNo-NoId of the credential"6b235b333a1b"
propertiesNo-NoConfiguration object
(see create connection)


PUT aspire/_api/connections/89d6632a-a296-426c-adb0-d442adcab4b0
   "id": "89d6632a-a296-426c-adb0-d442adcab4b0",
   "description": "RDB_TEST",
   "properties": {
        "jdbcDriverJar" : "/lib/myjdbcdriver.jar",
        "jdbcDriverClass": null,
        "jdbcDriverClasspath": null,
        "stopOnError": true,
        "useSlices": false,
        "numSlices": 2,
        "percentAsMod": false

Create Connector

For the creation of the Connector object using the Rest API check this page

Update Connector

For the update of the Connector object using the Rest API check this page

Create Seed

seedYes-NoThe name of the database. It will replace the marker {DATABASE} used in the field jdbcUrl of connection object"test_db"
typeYes-NoThe value must be "rdb-snapshot"."rdb-snapshot"
descriptionYes-NoName of the seed object."My RDB Seed"
connectorYes-NoThe id of the connector to be used with this seed. The connector type must match the seed type."e3ca414b0d31"
connectionYes-NoThe id of the connection to be used with this seed. The connection type must match the seed type."e4a663fe9ee6"
workflowsNo[ ]YesThe ids of the workflows that will be executed for the documents crawled.["5696c3f0bda4"]
throttlePolicyNo-NoId of the throttle policy that applies to this seed object."6b235b333a1b"
routingPoliciesNo[ ]YesThe ids of the routing policies that this seed will use.["17f75ce7d0c7", "d42780003b36"]
tagsNo[ ]YesThe tags of the seed. These can be used to filter the seed["tag1", "tag2"]
propertiesYes-NoConfiguration object
fullSQLYes (this or discoverySQL + extractionSQL)-NoThe "SELECT" query to be run to retrieve all documents. This query is used for full or incremental scans. The "WHERE" clause can be used to specify any required condition for crawling the desired documents. Any change to any column selected in this SQL will cause the document to be re-indexed. For example "SELECT idCol, col1, col2, col3 FROM data_table" When slicing is enabled, add a "WHERE" clause containing "{SLICES}". For example "SELECT idCol, col1, col2, col3 FROM data_table WHERE {SLICES}" ."SELECT * FROM table"
discoverySQLYes (this or fullSQL)-NoThe "SELECT" query to run for discovering documents. This query is used for full or incremental scans. A "WHERE" clause can be used to specify any required condition for crawling the desired documents. A change to any column selected in this SQL will cause the document to be re-indexed. For example: "SELECT idCol, lastModifiedDate FROM data_table". When slicing is enabled, add a "WHERE" clause containing "{SLICES}". For example: "SELECT idCol, col1 FROM data_table WHERE {SLICES}"SELECT id, lastModified FROM table"
extractionSQLYes (this or fullSQL)-No

"SELECT" query for extracting all data for each document found in the Discovery SQL. At the least, you MUST include a "WHERE" clause containing the expression "idColumnName IN {IDS}", where idColumnName corresponds to a unique key field name. {IDS} is replaced automatically by the connector with the corresponding unique key values. For example: "SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM data_table WHERE idCol in {IDS}" You must not include the {SLICES} condition here.

idColumnYes-NoThe column name that holds the unique key. The default name of the column which holds the value to use as the document id. This column must be present in both discoverySQL and extractionSQL. SQL aliases are NOT supported."id"
stringIdColumnNofalseNoCheck if the unique key is a string valuetrue
quoteIdNodoNotQuoteNoQuote id column - use if you have a name clashing with RDBMS keywords. You can use one of the values: doNotQuote, `, "doNotQuote

aclColumnYes (aclColumn or aclSQL)-NoThe column name that holds the ACLs. Each ACL must be separated by semi-colons and must follow this format: my-domain\userOrGroup@NT"acl"
aclSQLYes (aclColumn or aclSQL)-NoThe query to use for extracting and building ACLs. This query depends of the Database engine, so the syntax could vary. For example on Oracle: SELECT 'my-domain\\' || user || '@NT;' FROM myTable"SELECT * FROM table_acl"


POST aspire/_api/seeds
  "description" : "RDB_TEST",
  "properties" : {
      "idColumn" : "film_id",
      "stringIdColumn" : false,
      "aclSQL" : null,
      "aclColumn" : "acl",
      "quoteId" : "doNotQuote",
      "discoverySQL" : "SELECT film_id, title FROM film",
      "extractionSQL" : "SELECT * FROM film WHERE film_id IN {IDS}",
      "fullSQL" : null"

Update Seed

idYes-NoId of the seed to update"2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778"
(see the "Create seed" for other fields)


PUT aspire/_api/seeds/2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778
  "id": "2f287669-d163-4e35-ad17-6bbfe9df3778",
  "description" : "RDB_TEST",
  "properties" : {
      "idColumn" : "film_id",
      "stringIdColumn" : false,
      "aclSQL" : null,
      "aclColumn" : "acl",
      "quoteId" : "doNotQuote",
      "discoverySQL" : "SELECT film_id, title FROM film",
      "extractionSQL" : "SELECT * FROM film WHERE film_id IN {IDS}",
      "fullSQL" : null"
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