How get WSDL file from URL

  1. The WSDL can be obtained from the following URL http://<host_name>/cgi-bin/<interface>.cfg/services/soap?wsdl=typed
    1. This URL will always return the latest version of the WSDL
    2. If a previous WSDL version is needed, it can be seen with the following URL https://<host_name>/cgi-bin/<interface>.cfg/services/soap?wsdl=typed_v (version_number)

How generate source code from WSDL URL

  1. Download Axis2 from
  2. Decompress the file
  3. Open a console
  4. Go to the \bin folder of the uncompressed file
  5. Execute the command
wsdl2java -uri http://<domain><interface>.cfg/services/soap?wsdl -ns2p,,, -u -uw -or
  1. wsdl2java Options:
    1. -uri: WSDL location
    2. -ns2p: Set the namespace for each package in the notation of [namespace]=[package], could change between versions of Right Now, see [1]Right Now Getting Started (Axis2) - Creating the Ant Build File
    3. -u: Unpack databinding classes
    4. -uw: Switch on un-wrapping
    5. -or: Overwrite files
  2. In the same folder the package structure of the classes will appear.
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