REST API Connectors' configuration guidelines can be found here.

REST API Connectors' endpoints can be found here.

Adobe Experience Manager Connectors' "type" must always be specified as "adobe-experience".

You must also specify the "artifact" parameter that describes the coordinates for the connector, which by default are "".

Usage example

POST /aspire/_api/connectors
	"type": "adobe-experience",
	"description": "AEM Connector Test",
	"artifact": "",
	"properties": {
		"debug": false,
		"wDebug": false,
		"enableStatistics": false,
		"infoCacheSize": 100,
		"mapCacheSize": 100,
		"setCacheSize": 100,
		"identityCacheSize": 100,
		"enableFetcher": true,
		"enableTextExtract": true,
		"extractTextConfiguration": false,
		"extractTextMaxSize": "20971520",
		"extractTimeout": "180000",
		"xmlMaxDepth": 100,
		"structuredText": false,
		"enable-non-text-filter": false,
		"non-text-document": true,
		"nonTextDocumentsExtensions": "jpg,jpeg,gif,png,tif,mp3,mp4,mpg,mpeg,avi,mkv,wav,bmp,swf,war,rar,tgz,dll,exe,class",
		"enableFetchForNonText": true,
		"tikaConfig": "",
		"addHierarchy": false,
		"hierarchyCacheSize": 5000,
		"scanThreads": 10,
		"scanQueue": 50,
		"processThreads": 20,
		"processQueue": 200,
		"deleteCompleteQueueEntries": false,
		"flushSyncTime": "15s",
		"maxIdentitiesTimestamp": 3,
		"workflowCleanUpThreshold": "1h",
		"workflowCleanUpWaitTime": "1m",
		"workflowErrorTolerant": false,
		"retriesEnabled": true,
		"removeFailedFromSnapshot": false,
		"useRetryPatterns": false,
		"maxInCrawlRetries": 3,
		"maxCrawls": 3

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