Modifying the Groovyscript that maps the Aspire object to the ElasticSearch index

It is common for search engineers to need to customize the mapping of items within the Aspire object to the fields within a search index. Here is how to do this.

  1. Go to
  2. Select the aspire version you are using and download the jar file "app-publish-to-elasticsearch-[aspire version].jar".
  3. Open the jar with a compressor utility (rar or zip)
  4. Go to: \config\groovy
  5. Unpack "aspireToElasticsearchBulk.groovy" file.
  6. Open the file with an editor app.
  7. Make the required edits to the groovyscrip to do the specific mapping
  8. Copy the file in a path accessible by the distribution. Is recommendable use a folder under the same distribution.
  9. Then when you configure ElasticSearch publisher in aspire, set "Groovy File Path" property with the path of the file. ie. \aspireToElasticsearchBulkHetrix.groovy

Changes for Publishing content with ACLs for document level security

Most of the connectors have the ability to retrieve the security metadata (ACLs) assigned to documents within the repository. In order to support document filtering based on these ACLs two things need to happen.

1) The ACLs need to be written to the search index

2) The ACLs in the index need to used as a filter criteria associated with an identified user doing the search

This article deals with the first process. The second process is accomplished using the ElasticSearch security plug-in. This product is still under development

By following the instructions below, the ACLs retrieved by the connector in your content source, will be written to the ElasticSearch index.

Enabling ACLs to be written to the ElasticSearch index?

  1. Go to
  2. Select the aspire version you are using and download the jar file "app-publish-to-elasticsearch-[aspire version].jar".
  3. Open the jar with a compressor utility (rar or zip)
  4. Go to: \config\groovy
  5. Unpack "aspireToElasticsearchBulk.groovy" file.
  6. Open the file with an editor app.
  7. Remove comment from the code from line #136 to #170 and save the file.
  8. Copy the file in a path accessible by the distribution. Is recommendable use a folder under the same distribution.
  9. Then when you configure ElasticSearch publisher in aspire, set "Groovy File Path" property with the path of the file. ie. \aspireToElasticsearchBulkHetrix.groovy

Now you will see "dlspermissions" tag in your index after aspire publish items.

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