
The FTP connector will crawl content from FTP servers. If you don't know what FTP is, see the Wikipedia entry here.

The FTP Connector component was written during an Extreme Programming exercise at the company kick-off. We made it available as proof of concept connector. If you find bugs, or if doesn't do what you want, let us know and we'll try to fix it.

Some of the features of the FTP connector include:

  • Performs recursive crawls of an FTP server, getting content from directories and sub directories.
  • Performs incremental crawling so that only new/updated documents are indexed, using a snapshot based approach.
  • Is search engine independent
  • Runs from any machine with access to the given FTP server
  • Connects the the FTP server using authentication
  • Supports crawling of Zip files, for more info visit Archive files processing

NOTE: The FTP connector does not support document level security. All documents and files crawled by the FTP connector will be submitted without ACLs

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